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Anyone out there with Fructose Malabsorption?

<h1 style="font-family: Arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-weight: 400; color: #434343; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; word-wrap: break-word; outline: none; zoom: 1;"> I've just been tested and the test ended early, an indication of positive, but I have two more tests to go before I meet with the doc to discuss the results (lactose and lactulose small intestinal bacteria). I've been reading up on it, since I love fruits and veggies. I am going grocery shopping tomorrow and want to start fresh. I am planning on a green smoothie diet cleanse for as long as I can stand not having solid foods, at least 5-7 days. My other tests are on the 9th and 12th, so I have time to do some repair to my gut before them. Does anyone else have this and tips on how to survive?</h1>
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Re: Anyone out there with Fructose Malabsorption?


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Re: Anyone out there with Fructose Malabsorption?

How did you even know to be tested for this?

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Anyone out there with Fructose Malabsorption?

The doctor read my symptoms and set up the series of three tests even though I told him I eat lots of fruit, veggies and milk (2 gal organic skim a week). Apparently the symptoms are really symptoms that I have just dealt with for so long that they are just normal to me, not so normal after all. I have bloating, gas, reflux, a full filling in my throat like backed up food, gastroparesis (I'm not diabetic but have sever 80% retention of food after 90 minutes), quick elimination after eating greasy foods (like 10 to 30 minutes after) and just generally uck feeling. I eat primarily a vegetarian diet and find animal protein difficult to digest. It makes me feel full for so long. The test is a series of breath tests where you blow into a tube. You prep for it by eating white bread, white rice, white potatoes, baked/boiled fish or chicken, water, and plain coffee or tea the day before and nothing after 9pm. You take a base level breath and then drink some solution that is super, super sweet (especially since I don't eat lots of sugar and don't really do sweets). They monitor for symptoms and do the breath every 30 minutes for 3 hours. They tell you to take an extra set of clothes for accidents. I got two breaths in, and was told, "You're done. You spiked." I had other blood work done, 6 vials, the previous Friday, so the nurse came to talk to me about those. No food allergies, low thyroid (changed from synthroid to armour), and have very low B12/D despite taking oral daily and injections. The rest of the blood work isn't back yet. She said since I spiked, that was a positive for fructose. I told her of my plans to do a green protein smoothie cleans before my next tests and she said that was a great start at cleaning my gut just not to use fruit or high fructose fruits. I looked up the diet and know what fruits are much lower on the index since they have equal or more glucose in them. Glucose binds to the fructose and makes it digestible. Berries and less sweet citrus, banana, and the like, but you are advised to eat them in small doses if at all since you can be sensitive even to those. Advice is to lay off all them after 3 weeks or so add those low one in one at a time to determine your reaction. I bought the Ninja Ultra to make larger batches instead of my small Nutribullet that is fine for those single, quick servings that I do now for mornings.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Anyone out there with Fructose Malabsorption?

Tigris, there is one thing about juicing that you really need to know...and a basic fact is that some foods-lets say for example, avocado-oxidize fairly rapidly. You could absolutely blend it into a smoothie in the morning, but eight hours later, it's not going to be so great. To get the most nutrients you can, buy the freshest that you can, but also juice on demand. If you are spending money on organics, you might as well reap the benefits at their peak of freshness. Remember, once you process that food, it's making a lot of nutrients for your body, but you are also breaking down cell walls of that plant, and oxidation and loss of nutrients begin. Poodlepet
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Re: Anyone out there with Fructose Malabsorption?

No, thank heaven's. Because strawberries, melons, grapes, blueberries are a huge part of my diet.
Posts: 45
Registered: ‎08-12-2013

Re: Anyone out there with Fructose Malabsorption?

save your money and buy a vitamix- best thing I ever bought.. it will liquidfy everything.. and you can use it to make everything.. an amazing product.....

with you having problems with certain foods.. get the best.. are you lactose intolerant? it sure sounds like it ... casin, gluten?

once you find the culprit you will feel so much better