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Hello Everyone. I have an awful uti and can't see the doc for at least a few days. Anyone have any tried and true things I might do to help? Thanks.

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@Renata22 wrote:

Hello Everyone. I have an awful uti and can't see the doc for at least a few days. Anyone have any tried and true things I might do to help? Thanks.

Your best bet is to go to an Urgent Care.  A simple test, a prescription, and you will be over this in no time.

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Get D-Mannose from your health food store and drink a lot of water.  

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@Renata22 wrote:

Hello Everyone. I have an awful uti and can't see the doc for at least a few days. Anyone have any tried and true things I might do to help? Thanks.

Yes!  Go to your local pharmacy and buy Azo Bladder relief.  It used to be called Cystix.  Your pain will be gone.  It used to only be available with a doctor’s prescription.  But, get the doctor ASAP because you will most likely need an antibiotic.  

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Go to an urgent care ASAP.  The doc I worked for years ago considered a UTI an emergency and we worked them in that day.

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Call back and ask them if you can't come in and at least do a 'urine drop' so they can at least start you on an antibiotic!!  It is torture to make you wait!!!  I used to get them every 6 weeks for 7 years.....  And, if that doesn't work...go to Urgent Care!!!


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Azo pain relief really works. It will help ease your pain until you can see your doctor for antibiotics. 

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This is a "do not wait" situation.  You need to go to Urgent Care.  Bacteria can go up the ureters to the kidneys and make it worse.  In the meantime, drink water but do not guzzle gallons.  Think of the bladder as a holding tank.  It needs to be flushed.  If you are having the frequency and only voiding small amounts, this will increase the amount and you might feel better.  

No doctor's office should make a patient wait for an acute UTI.  There is a problem there.  Hope you feel better soon.

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Let us know how you do please!!

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I  got i think 5 uti's last year.  The azo helps, but is only masking the symptoms, and giving you some relief. 

Go to the walk in clinic at your hospital. they can test you there, and give you antibiotics. 

I can't believe you waited for a few days!!!!!!!!!   


when i feel one coming on,  i take the azo and i'm in there pronto. 

good luck.