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Re: This is a sort of delicate subject ... but here goes.

@JeanLouiseFinch - I could not take any pain meds when I had my rotator cuff surgery. Everything made me toss my cookies, lol. I took 2 tylenol & 1motrin every 4-6 hrs as prescribed by my surgeon. And, he felt bad and tried many different things.


It was a painful recovery but I got through it. I wish you the best and a speedy recovery.

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Re: This is a sort of delicate subject ... but here goes.

I take Phillips fiber gummies every day they are tasty, and usually have a fiber one bar for breakfast. 

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Re: This is a sort of delicate subject ... but here goes.

Fiber, fiber, fiber and tons of water.  Eat fruit and vegetables, take Miralax.  If that doesn't work there are prescription medications for your constipation.  By "doctor", I assume you mean the one who prescribed your pain meds.  If the problem persists, you should se gi specialist.

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Re: This is a sort of delicate subject ... but here goes.

I take the same med in the same dosage every 6 hours to treat my severe back pain prior to my pending surgery in a couple of weeks. It does not constipated me. I will add that I drink a gallon of water on most days and eat an apple every day and add raw oatmeal to my protein shake every morning. Consider looking into soluble  fiber requirements in your diet. Best wishes to you for healing...

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Re: This is a sort of delicate subject ... but here goes.




Decades ago I quit taking any pain med that had Codeine in it, which was in the Tylenol 3 I was prescribed when I had back issues. This was prior to having my 1st back surgery a long time ago.


The Opioid I was given prior to my 2nd back surgery back in 2007. Not sure, but like Codeine, the Hydrocodone messed up my head and I don't like anything that puts my brain in an "altered state". Since I take Psychiatric Meds, that could possibly be a reaction to them.


I am not concerned about an addiction because I trust myself enough to know how my body and brain function if compromised, and quit taking whatever I believe is causing this to happen. I know for sure this happens with anything containing Codeine or an Opioid, such as Hydrocodone. Thus because of my Colon Bleeding problems, I take only Acetaminophen(Tylenol).





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Re: This is a sort of delicate subject ... but here goes.

@patofl wrote:

Those on pain meds for cronic painful health issues, how do you deal with the constpation that comes from the use of these drugs? I'm only on 50mg of Tramadol, which isn't too strong of a pain med. However, even though I can take up to 1 every 8 hours , I can actually only take one a day because if I take more I just get all bound up! For this reason I never take more than one pain med a day, and, of course, it doesn't last all day. My doctor recommended I take a pericolace with it, and I do. It seems to help some. He warned me it isn't a good idea to take daily laxatives as you can get dependant on them , and be unable to go without them. So I'm wondering what others do about this.

Being a former nurse, you should know how to deal with this problem, don't you think? 

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Re: This is a sort of delicate subject ... but here goes.

I was on a low dose of tramadol and it effected me badly. I was in pain for days till a box of dulcolax and two bottles of citrus of magnesium before things moved along. I should have paid more attention because although that was a couple months ago my stomach area can become painful. I bought fiber gummies and fiber powder, that was trashed quickly. I keep citrus of magnesium in my medicine cabinet now. 

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Re: This is a sort of delicate subject ... but here goes.

@patofl wrote:

Those on pain meds for cronic painful health issues, how do you deal with the constpation that comes from the use of these drugs? I'm only on 50mg of Tramadol, which isn't too strong of a pain med. However, even though I can take up to 1 every 8 hours , I can actually only take one a day because if I take more I just get all bound up! For this reason I never take more than one pain med a day, and, of course, it doesn't last all day. My doctor recommended I take a pericolace with it, and I do. It seems to help some. He warned me it isn't a good idea to take daily laxatives as you can get dependant on them , and be unable to go without them. So I'm wondering what others do about this.



This is a problem which so many people have, self included.  I experience this even if I so much as take an aspirin!  It's maddening.  You take a pill to help you with pain issues, to feel better, and then you have to deal with this issue.  So, I can totally commiserate with you.  I have had IBS pretty much my whole life and constipation is a big part of this and then can go the other way.  Doctors have told me --- drink a lot of water, eat fruits and vegetables, try to stay active, etc., etc.  I try to do everything they tell me and still have problems.  I would suggest the stool softener as this does help somewhat.  Of course, laxatives are not good to take every day.  Those fiber products always give me such horrible gas and cramps -- I just hate taking them.  I am going again to my stomach doctor in a few weeks and I am going to ask him if there is anything new to try for these issues.  If I gain any useful information, I will post it.  I would also say to try something old which might help you --- eating prunes or drinking prune juice.  Sometimes this helps when nothing else does.

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: This is a sort of delicate subject ... but here goes.

Ask your pharmacist. They should be able to give you some suggestions. I have heard that soon there will be charges for asking the pharmacists these kinds of questions so do it now.

'cuz every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man
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Registered: ‎11-03-2018

Re: This is a sort of delicate subject ... but here goes.

@IMW wrote:

Eat fiber. Fruits and vegetables and bran—- daily.


And go for a walk. It doesn't have to be a long one and can be surprisingly effective--I know more about this than I ever wanted to.  Also, drink lots of water.

Good luck to you!