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I'm so sorry for all you've been through.


 If it's any comfort, both of my parents had pacemakers--with my dad getting his at 82.  It was the best thing for both of them and they each felt much better with them.  My dad passed at 98 & his heart was never an issue in those remaining 16 years.  


Best wishes. 

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I know it was hell to go through.I had my chest  chainsawed  for open  heart surgery. But I like to thiink  it was a gift to save my  life because God is telling me there is more for me to do !  Look to the future.

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@DSD2 wrote:

I'm so sorry, what a traumatic time you've had.


You are brave and strong and hopefully you will be feeling better and that this is the end of your struggles.


I understand your fear! I don't know if you have someone with you but even if you do, there are times you'll be alone. I might suggest getting a life alert which might help your piece of mind a bit. 


Will say a prayer for you, take care.

I am married but he works three or four days a week. So yes I'm alone a lot Thsnks for your  suggestion

Harmonize the World
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@fairydogmother  Wow, that is a lot to go through and I'm so sorry it happened to you. Let's pray the worst is over and you're good to go from now on.

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Thanks guys for so many uplifting responses and comforting words. So very appreciated. I felt comfortable sharing my medical saga with you. Needed to let it out. Had a few good crying jags at home and in the hospital. Ready to look forward. 🤓

Harmonize the World
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Oh my goodness you hang on in there.  I've had an abalation which worked but I can't imagine the stress you have gone through, even that is quite the procedure.  We all never know what's round the corner for us but hopefully the pacemaker will make you feel better and stabilize you.  Now you can reset and get back to a normal day to day life.  Thinking of you and sending love.  Keep all of us posted on your speedy recovery and know you are many people's thoughts.x

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@Zhills wrote:

@fairydogmother  wrote, "Going from thinking I'm in good health for my age, to wondering if I might suddenly die, to being grateful to be alive...I'm still trying to process all that's happened and how it affects my future."


Boy, can I relate to that! 





I too can relate! Spent the best part of 14 years in and out of the hospital. Too many ER trips to even remember. I do remember 4 were by Rescue Squad. 


Won't go into all the details, have put them in the Wellness Forum many times. Know the Crash Cart was beside my Gurny or Hospital Bed 5 times. 


Had a 4.75 year reprieve, but now am once again in CHF. I have lived day by day over all of those many years. Never felt any of them were the "worst day/week/month/year.This to me was just life. You live it and do what it takes to get through it.


Best to you and yours @Zhills  


hckynut 🇺🇸
























So happy you have a  solution and are doing better. 


A Pacemaker is your friend.  You should be fine now!


Keep us posted.  Continued prayers!


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@fairydogmother , a tough time for sure.  Now that you have the issue addressed, hoping things go smoothly for you.  My friend had a pacemaker and it made all the difference to his quality of life!  LM

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So sorry you have gone thru this ............hope they have finally figured everything out and you will have a speedy recovery