Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,536
Registered: ‎05-27-2014

Re: The marketing of Oxycontin to doctors

[ Edited ]



Well, I'm of the opinion that physicians are largely responsible for this problem. That and a society that is unwilling to bear any pain at all for the slighest little thing, physical or emotional.


Years ago the AMA decided to make pain level a vital statistic in the patient record, and touted the nonsense that "everybody had the right to be free of pain". Nice concept, impossible idea.


Sorry, our bodies start to degenerate from birth forward. You do whatever it takes to care for "your vessel" because it has to last you a lifetime. Expect, even anticipate, that there will some pain along the ride. If, God forbid, you would ever need an Opiod due to a malignancy or sort, make it a short term solution and then stick to your plan. Treat the underlying problem, then ride the pain out. 


Select an internist that has a backbone and won't tell you only what you want to hear, who won't prescribe antibiotics for a scratchy throat or a runny nose, nor Opiods for non specific aches and pains without diagnosing the problem. Physicians feel intense pressure from their patients to prescribe to them whatever they demand. Post a sign in the waiting room that this is not part of the Practice/Good Medicine. 


Doctors should have refused to prescribe Opiods for every ailment, even preemptively, for Pete's sake, and not have been afraid to refuse a demand.





the 8 Hospital Health system and the employed providers (MDs, NPs, PAs, Midwives, etc)where I work will not accept any form of freebies from Pharma, including elaborate lunches, sporting event or concert tickets, T shirts, tote bags, not even a pen or note pad. This has been in effect for 18 years now as part of Corporate Compliance.



Valued Contributor
Posts: 711
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: The marketing of Oxycontin to doctors

I say sue the doctors. They knew they were addictive or they should not be doctors. It is all about greed on both parties. If not prescribed then noone gets them unless on the black  .market which includes illegal drug dealers.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,870
Registered: ‎07-26-2019

Re: The marketing of Oxycontin to doctors

[ Edited ]

 Agree with alot of  what you have posted . Good for your hospital to say no to all the " benefits " that big Pharma offer not only  to physicians  but health institutions .

  I have worked in health care for 42 yrs  and   do support the concept that  every pt  should have their comfort level assessed  as a vital sign , as many especially the elderly  do not  ask for  pain medication when they  have alot of pain. However  if a pt is experiencing pain it  can be managed  in  numerous ways that  may not require  an opioid .   I wonder what actually is being taught in medical school to phyicians regarding pain management . Has big Pharma correpted the medical schools ??   Massage,  physical therapy , acupuncture , relation techniques , NSAIDS , tylenol ,  can be useful  tools in managing pain.  Opioid  have been  prescribed  way too easily as have antibiotics which was highlighted  in the prior posted  comment by another QVC customer. Well, life for most is not a bowl of cherries , there's going to  be pain , heartache  and disappointment . Teaching our children how to cope  is a valuable life tool.