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On 1/13/2015 dooBdoo said:

The news about this year's vaccine has been a bit misconstrued. This (Reuters news, December 2014) sums up the actual situation:


"On Wednesday, the CDC sent an advisory to doctors noting that one component of this year's flu vaccine was only partially protective against the predominant flu virus, known as influenza A (H3N2), which has mutated since the current flu shots were made. . .

. . .Frieden encouraged people who have not been vaccinated to get a flu shot because it can still offer partial protection against the mutated H3N2 virus and good protection from other strains that might become predominant later this year. CDC testing shows the vaccine offers good protection from about half of the H3N2 flu strains circulating, as well as H1N1 and influenza B strains. . ."




Thanks for the thread, emmysmom, a wonderful reminder to all of us. That's so thoughtful of you.Smile

You're so welcome dooBdoo! Smile

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.
-- Mae West
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On 1/13/2015 ccassaday said: My three year old niece just got over it. She had a 102 degree from and stomach pain for two days. She took her in to the doctor because she was breathing heavy. He thought she might of had pneumonia but she must of had the flu. My sister for some reason won't get her kids the flu vaccine. I bet she does next year because both of her kids have have had it this year.

Thank God your little niece is ok, it seems to hit the young and the seniors the hardest!

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.
-- Mae West
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I was scheduled for my annual physical last week. Since I felt achy, was coughing a bit and had a slight temp, I called to postpone it, but the assistant told me to come in, because if it WAS the flu, they could give me something to help me to feel better. The dr gave me a Rx for Tamiflu, and I actually starting feeling better the next day! I am SO glad that I listened to them and went in! If I didn't, it could have been a lot worse. You have to catch it early though. They had me put a mask on, which I've never done, but I don't blame them. I got the flu shot, too, as everyone knows, you may not be protected by it. I think you may not get it as bad, if you're lucky! I still have a little cough and not completely up to par. Trying to stay hydrated is important, as was mentioned.

I was in a store several days before that, and the sales clerk assisting me on an electronics purchase was coughing continually and not really covering his mouth. I'm thinking this is where I caught it. They say it's an airborne illness and very contagious. The next time this happens, I'm going to say something or get away from it. In church, there was a woman who sounded like she was going to cough up a lung. People sometimes just have no consideration for others.

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I think the flu "epidemic" that is talked about every year is overblown. The flu is not the same as a cold or the sniffles. And people who say they still go to work, etc. when they have the flu do not actually have THE FLU, because they would not be physically able to go anywhere if they did.

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It comes on very quickly (at least it did in my house). You could wake up fine and drop later. Thanks, Emmysmom, for your caring.

Cogito ergo sum
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And people who say they still go to work, etc. when they have the flu do not actually have THE FLU, because they would not be physically able to go anywhere if they did.

Agreed. I can't move when I get the flu, feels so much worse then a cold or even bronchitis. Hard to get out of bed yet alone work.