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Has anyone had this lately and did you have any reaction to it. Thank you.

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I had my two shots last year (Shingrix) and I did react. It felt like I was getting the flu with muscle aches and a slight fever. Ibuprofen worked for me and I was prepared with it for the second round. It lasted a day both times. Good Luck! 

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Re: The Schingles Shot

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I had it done about a year ago.  It is a two shot vaccination.  You get one shot and two to three months later you get the second shot.  The only reaction I got was a sore upper arm for a couple of days.

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DH and I just had the first shot a week ago Friday.  Had a little sore area where the shot was given.  Next one in a couple months.  

Best part of it is starting January 2023 Medicare part D your prescription coverage pays for it ... you can also get tetanus and other vaccines free of charge.  Ask your DR or pharmacist...DW

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My husband and I had ours last year. The reaction was one of being tired and not wanting to do anything. We laid around for about a week with each injection. I would take it again if necessary. 

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I got it a couple of years ago now. I had a reaction to the 2nd shot only, and it was minimal. Fever, chills and real tired lasted for 1/2 day only....  

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My DH was part of the large trial for Shingrix before it was FDA cleared, and he had only a minor reaction to it, so I got mine as soon as my insurance covered it, in the summer of 2019 and then the second in the fall.  Neither of us had any serious reactions to it, just a slightly sore arm, and DH had bloodwork testing his immunity (titres) and that showed the immunity Shigrix provided was very persistent, so we are both really glad we got the shots.  My grandmother suffered with shingles in her later life and it was pretty awful, she used epsom salts baths to soak the rash and that helped ease the pain somewhat, but as soon as she would get out of the tub and dry off, the pain would start up again, because it's in the nerves.  We didn't have gabapentin back then, so maybe there are better treatments, but I didn't want to find out, I just got the vaccine.

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I got Shingrix about 5 years ago. No problems.

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I had Shingrix and had no issue.

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@May5  I had the first shingles shot in Feb. and the 2nd in April. 1st was fine but did have sore arm for about 3 days after #2. Not a big deal.


Much better than taking the chance of getting shingles.


And it was all covered by Medicare. As of this year there is NO Medicare co-pay.