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Re: Stupid New Insurance Wellness BS

Totally agree. When I went to Medicare, I went with an Aetna Advantage Plan for Educators. They wanted to do a home visit. I am not interested. They finally gave up. When I had Horizon, they took it upon themselves to have a nurse contact me about a medical condition my doctor was monitoring. I was not interested in the nurse. Finally, I got them PTO leave me alone. I realize some people need these services, but I found them annoying and intrusive. 

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Re: Stupid New Insurance Wellness BS

@colleena   I have plenty of Metropolol and Lisinpril.  I ran out of fluid pills 3 days ago.  No shaking or any other ill effects. My dosage of fluid pill is very low, 12.5mg.


Actually, aside of my wonky back, I feel great physically.  Aggrevation level, well.................  lol.





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Re: Stupid New Insurance Wellness BS

@CrazyKittyLvr2 wrote:

DH and I I had UnitedHealth Care for years when he worked. It was great insurance. We both then went on Medicare and had United on and above Medicare. It was $96 a month for each of us.


DH died and I got the $96 cost for a year and it jumped to $300. OK, did that. Last year it was going to Advantage Plan. The price wasn't given when it was announced.


Went to another Advantage Plan. DH's brother and his wife have same thing and were happy with it. I met with someone and decided on the same as DH's relatives. $122 per month, UnitedHealth ended up being $160+.


I take BP pills, nothing else. New insurance has a bunch of wellness BS. Had Dr. appt today because I hadn't been there and no go on renewing BP scripts without hiking 30 miles round trip.  got there, I wasn't on the schedule. What?  Made me get blood taken (never, ever had to before) and see the idiot Dr. next week before I can get my scripts. I am completely out of one of them.

Nothing like having your prescriptions held hostage.


I hate drs., ins. companies.  I am half tempted to tell them to go p*ss up a rope. So much for having a say in your healthcare.


Last week I got a call about nurse visiting. I told the thanks, but no.  Former SIL said it part of their freakin wellness plan. Go over meds, take BP etc. If I'm sick I'll call you, otherwise back off.


Wow, you don't have to have doctors if you don't want them.  Why do you have insurance if you hate doctors?  Why are you even dealing with them if you hate them?


What the insurance company is doing is what Medicare (fed government) has told them to do for patient outcomes.  It's tied to their ratings for the insurance exchange and whether or not Medicare will keep giving them contracts.  It's supposed to help make you feel tended to. 


Years ago before I dropped Advantage Plans United Healthcare would do this every year.  I simply told them I wasn't interested in having someone come to my home.  It's a Requirement by Medicare.


You really don't have to use United Health Care or any Advantage Plan if you don't want to.  Don't stress it.  Just say no.  If you don't want your bloodwork done on a regular basis, then don't do it @CrazyKittyLvr2 

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Re: Stupid New Insurance Wellness BS

@Janey2 wrote:

If I run out of a medicine and have to wait to see the dr. I am always given enough meds until I see the dr. This is only my opinion based on talks with people in the medical field, if you can help it do not sign up for medical insurance with the word " advantage" in its name. Too many strings attached to what you have to go through and the coverage is never that good. Good luck

@Janey2exactly.  In my state the pharmacies are REQUIRED BY LAW to provide you with 10 days worth of medications that you take on a regular basis until you can see your physician!  This is especially true for maintenance drugs like HBP meds.

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Re: Stupid New Insurance Wellness BS

In most states (I think) prescriptions are sent electronically.  I will speak for my State:  No one walks around with a prescription anymore.  They stopped doing that when Medicare required overhaul and modernization. 


It also helped with the opiod drug problem in my state.  People used to steal doctor's pads with the prescribing ID on it.  Electronic from doctor to pharmacist.  You can most definitely get medicine from the pharmacist until such time as you can see your doctor or another doc that can fill your prescriptions.


The trick is don't wait until you're out of pills to figure it out.

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Re: Stupid New Insurance Wellness BS

@gertrudecloset   If I hadn't agreed to the blood work and then a follow up visit, no script for my BP meds.


They wouldn't even give me a script for 7 pills until I see the Dr. this coming Tuesday.

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Re: Stupid New Insurance Wellness BS

When I go they always give me a paper script.  It was a couple refills on it.


My fluid pill  had no more refills hence the need for me to"be seen".


I had pills left when I called for appt.  Usually i got in within 2 days, this time it was a week. When I called they never mentioned blood work, only got tat little bit of news after they said, oops, you aren't on the schedule. Somebody screwed up.

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Re: Stupid New Insurance Wellness BS

@CrazyKittyLvr2 wrote:

@gertrudecloset   If I hadn't agreed to the blood work and then a follow up visit, no script for my BP meds.


They wouldn't even give me a script for 7 pills until I see the Dr. this coming Tuesday.

@CrazyKittyLvr2 Some of these blood pressure medications require timely blood draws to make sure they are not damaging other organs or causing some of the unintended consequences of of the medication. can't get aggravating but do what you have to.


One can't just get "medication" because they feel like it.  We wouldn't need to see doctors if we knew what we needed.  They have to monitor you while on any kind of drug.  It's in your best interest (not theirs) to let them draw the blood.  But like I said,  know one will lock you up if you don't.


I take hbp medications that I must be monitored for because of the depletion of electrolytes and the how the long term use of the hbp drug can affect my Glucose levels.  I don't want to be diabetic or pre-diabetic.  I don't complain.  I do what I gotta do and be out.  At the same time he checks for those things he's checking my cholesterol levels.


You'll be ok.  You're just frustrated.  Let them do what they need.  Call your pharmacy and tell them you need the diurectic until the appointment date.  They SHOULD give you some.



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Re: Stupid New Insurance Wellness BS

@CrazyKittyLvr2Here's another thing to look into:  Check your state so you'll know for the future!


I’ve run out of my medication. How can I get emergency medication?

The best thing to do when you realize you’re going to run out of medication is to call your prescriber. They may be willing to contact your preferred pharmacy so you can get a prescription filled there. 


If you cannot reach your prescriber, or you are in immediate need of your medication, you may wish to speak with your pharmacist about whether they can fill an emergency supply. Laws about emergency prescription refills vary by state. 


Another option is to go to your local mental health/psychiatric urgent-care or emergency facility.  These resources and services vary by county/local jurisdiction and can be found by searching the website of your county or local jurisdiction’s Department of Health and Human Services. Once on the website conduct a search for the term “crisis” or  “urgent care mental health services” or “emergency mental health services” in your area.


If you feel that you may be in crisis, please consider visiting your nearest emergency room (ER) and bring your prescription bottle. There, they may be able to assist with a refill for the prescription or at least evaluate and monitor any symptoms you may be having. You should also notify your treatment provider as soon as possible.

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Re: Stupid New Insurance Wellness BS

@gertrudecloset   I have been on these pills since Oct. of 2016.  The only blood work I had done was part of the pre-op stuff for my hip replacement in 2018 and knee replacement in 2019.


I never had to get it any other time.