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Stomach Flu Virus is going around

My lovely elderly neighbor came in at 6:38 am crying for help.

She has from the symptoms she told me, a very bad stomach flu virus.

She has weakened lungs from bouts with pneumonia from the past so I called

her physician and waited and waited, then gave up and called my own.

He told us to bring her in at 10:15 am since she is on steroids and he is concerned she may also be dehydrated, but I gave her pedialyte and she did keep that down for a while, then the dry heaves began again. We are lucky because he is only 5 blocks from our area. I hope she does not need hospitalization, but whatever the physician thinks best, is what we will do.

She cried that her chest and stomach hurt so much as though a bull stomped all over her and said her back hurts as well. Will ask the doctor about getting a hot pad for the back like those cloth ones you put on which stick.

Poor gal. We feel so bad for her.

Going to keep her here with us to recuperate and so we an take care of her, especially since she has no one else, and our prayers are being said for everyone suffering from this very painful stomach flu virus.

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Re: Stomach Flu Virus is going around

Bless you for taking such good care of your neighbor, that is so sweet of you!

Those stomach things can knock you for a loop even if you don't have any other medical issues, so I can only imagine what she must be feeling. Will say a prayer for her quick recovery!

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Re: Stomach Flu Virus is going around

What a lovely, kind, and caring neighbor you are. She is blessed to have you and I'm sure she is very thankful.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Stomach Flu Virus is going around

Many thanks for your kind replies.

She definitely has the stomach flu virus and the physician said her xray is not a lung issue, thank goodness!

He confirmed stomach flu and gave some meds, along with instructions listing what to give her, how often, and what else should make her feel better.

He said it normally takes about three days before it exits out.

Wow........three days for the elderly and children can seem like a lifetime.

Made her comfortable on the dual recliner.

Better than lying down since she is extremely nauseous in that flat position.

She is all set for now, and pedialyte seems to be helping.

I hope this virus passes the area quickly because the waiting room was full of ill people.

She is so sweet, kind and so grateful, but we told her not to give it a second thought.

After all friends help friends, and neighbors help neighbors, especially when there is no one else, or their family is far away and they are alone.

I hope everyone here remains well, and does not suffer like others who were not so lucky.

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Re: Stomach Flu Virus is going around

Bless you Adoreqvc. Very good of you to do this. I am sure it means a lot to your neighbor not to be alone. Get well soon! LM

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Re: Stomach Flu Virus is going around

Thank you so much for helping. She is one lucky lady to have you, but I also believe that you're paying it forward with your efforts and some day you will receive the benefits, too. Maybe when you least expect it.

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Re: Stomach Flu Virus is going around

How sweet of you to help your neighbor. Where about do you live? I was thinking ( and hoping) that the flu was slowing down some. It has been a rough flu season for sure. Guess it is worse now in certain areas of the country. Stay well. Hope your neighbor improves quickly.
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Re: Stomach Flu Virus is going around

Thanks for all your kind words and blessings.

I will pass them on to my neighbor.

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Re: Stomach Flu Virus is going around

Hi Adore, you are so kind to help her, and I hope that she feels better, very soon.

These kinds of viruses are so nasty.

It has been a long time since I have had one of these, but I remember the last time that my husband had one. He was sick for a couple of days, just like your doctor said.

I had to go out to the store and get some gentle things for him to eat. I think that I got some "Gatorade" for him, but you are right-"Pedialyte"-is a great choice, too.

I will have to remember that for myself in the future, in case I need it.

God bless you, for taking such great care of her. {#emotions_dlg.wub}

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Stomach Flu Virus is going around

Adore this must be going around. My neighbor has had it twice this winter and she said her stomach hurt so bad she could not stand to even touch it. Around here every one calls it a stomach flu or stomach virus. It does take all your get up and go out of you for a few days.