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Did the doctor prescribe antiviral medication for you?

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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@gidgetgh wrote:

Did the doctor prescribe antiviral medication for you?

@gidgetgh , he did. 400 mg tablet of Acyclovir 3 times a day. Also 5% acyclovir ointment.  I hope it helps, fingers crossed. 

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Be careful with the eyes. My husband's double vision was caused by shingles. Medication cleared up the problem.

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@Drythe wrote:



I am sorry to hear that you have shingles.  Ouch!


 Several years ago I had them across my R. eye. The pain was bad for about 2 weeks.  I hope you have something to help with it.  One thing that help a bit was an ice pack.  


Did you talk with anyone about it being contagious?  You can’t give shingles to anyone, but you Can give chickenpox to someone who hasn’t had them.  


Hope you are able to have the vaccine soon.  Some say you can’t get shingles again, but you can!


Hope you feel much better soon, rest up, and let us know how you are doing.  🌸 🌺 🌸 

@Drythe , thanks for the well wishes. He said I am not contagious for my husband but I haven't seen my grandson because of Covid, so I will ask the doctor about whether I shouldn't this summer. My grandson is only 7 and hasn't had chickenpox. I would feel awful if I gave it to him.

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When I was 30 I got shingles. My case wasn't bad at all. Just a few blisters around my waist. My doctor at that time (1980's) filled me up with a multitude of meds. I was trying to get pregnant then and I wouldn't take any of the meds prescribed to me. I got over my case of shingles without any incident. 

"Pure Michigan"
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@Trinity11 wrote:

@Drythe wrote:



I am sorry to hear that you have shingles.  Ouch!


 Several years ago I had them across my R. eye. The pain was bad for about 2 weeks.  I hope you have something to help with it.  One thing that help a bit was an ice pack.  


Did you talk with anyone about it being contagious?  You can’t give shingles to anyone, but you Can give chickenpox to someone who hasn’t had them.  


Hope you are able to have the vaccine soon.  Some say you can’t get shingles again, but you can!


Hope you feel much better soon, rest up, and let us know how you are doing.  🌸 🌺 🌸 

@Drythe , thanks for the well wishes. He said I am not contagious for my husband but I haven't seen my grandson because of Covid, so I will ask the doctor about whether I shouldn't this summer. My grandson is only 7 and hasn't had chickenpox. I would feel awful if I gave it to him.

Ask your child if your grandson was vaccinated. 

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I did have shingles - when I was young - in my early 30's.  I was so sure that it could not be shingles that I didn't see a dr until it was to late for the prescribed meds to do any good.  I am 61 now and did have the two part shot for shingles. I am so sorry for your discomfort - hopefully you will heal quickly.

Posts: 22
Registered: ‎06-21-2014

I have had a horrible time with my episode of the Shingles. I had a pretty mild case but it has left me with a problem that has no cure. My outbrake was on my upper right arm and after a solid year I still have a problem that is called post therapetic neuralgia. The shingles virus goes down deep to the nerve endings and  completely causes the nerve ending to be severely severed and very painful. There is no cure for this and my doctor has told me that about 10% out of 100 people ends up with this problem after having the shingles virus.I was one of the lucky people.(ugh) I can still use my arm but I constantly have a lot of pain in my arm. I have to take medication for the pain most days. So the shingles causes a number of problems so please get your vaccines. There are two shots you have to get. After I got over the shingles my husband and I walked into Walmart early one morning and got the first shot with no problem. When it was time to get the second...they call us on the phone to come to the store. No problem. So run don't walk. Please get your shots. Don't end up like me.

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I have been with my PCP for almost 40 years:  she has always been on top of things before they became mainstream.   She still keeps up with current medicine.


Her office appointments are always on target and she just doesn't want to hear symptoms:  what all is going on in my life and its effects on me and my well being.  

She keeps track of what the next vaccine or booster shot should be, results and next colonoscopy.  


When DH was going through the darkest part of the cardio journey without good support from the assigned cardiologist,she was there offering to make the connection with her friend who headed the best known and respected cardiology practice.  DH was not her patient, but she knew that I needed her support.   Such a wise, compassionate, caring PCP....


IMO, she is first class !

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.
Sir Winston Churchill
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I had shingles maybe 15 years ago.  I took all the prescribed medications.  It didn't look too bad but, it was very painful - around my waist on the left side and across my stomach also on the left. It took months to clear up mostly.  But, to this day, I have a scar and an itchy, numb place on my stomach that, I have been told, will nevr go away.
Several years later, I had the original shingles shot but haven't had the newer one yet.  I know I should, but everyone says the second shot is quite painful and I am a bit chicken.  I know from experience that it can't be as bad as getting shingles agin.


So, OP, you have all my sympathy - but when the doctor says it will all clear up in 2 weeks, I wouldn't be so sure.