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Re: Qstns about B12 Shot (Plz only reply if you've had one)

I take B12 injections for pernicious anemia. Actually I self-administer because I am a nurse. In the beginning, I had to give myself an injection everyday for about 10 days. They are usually 1000 mcg/ml. There is nothing else in the injection except B12.

It took me a week or so to start feeling more energetic when I started on them as my blood levels were so low. You might feel a "rush" an hour or so after the injection as it streams through your blood.

Mandy Moo, just because your recent B12 levels were well above normal, that doesn't mean they will stay there. That is probably due to the B12 injections. Without the B12 injections, your B12 levels will drop. You probably just need to stretch out your B12 injections to a longer time period rather than the typical one month. Talk to your doctor about it, or have your B12 levels rechecked in a few months after you are off the B12. Good luck.

Some people do drugs. I do shoes....Celine Dion
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Re: Qstns about B12 Shot (Plz only reply if you've had one)

My B-12 hit rock bottom after my knee surgery. I took B-12 shots 2x a month for several months, then once a month for a year, and now take 2000 mcg's orally every day. I knew something wasn't quite right within a few weeks after surgery; I felt absolutely drained, a bit jittery and nervous inside (antsy), wasn't sleeping well, and had to really push / force myself through my physical therapy sessions. Luckily, I had a medical appointment already scheduled, so my doctor ordered lab work, which showed my extremely low B-12 level. Within 1-2 days after the first shot, I felt calmer, was sleeping much better, and didn't feel so exhausted after my physical therapy sessions. After the second and third shots, I really began to feel more energetic, and more like me.

The B-12 shots will be very beneficial to you, and I am confident you will start to feel so much better in a very short amount of time. Best wishes to you!

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Re: Qstns about B12 Shot (Plz only reply if you've had one)

I've had B12 shots and it does take a while to see a long lasting difference. I felt a surge like a caffeine "high" right after the shot. Keep in mind the B vitamins aren't stored in your body, so your body uses what's there to build up the systems that have been starved for the vitamin before it gets out of your system. Also, you might ask your dr about sublingual B12 (under your tongue). My dr has me on that now, after a series of shots - says it is absorbed better than pills and almost as good as a shot, but it's more a "trickle" effect - smaller daily doses instead of the weekly or monthly higher doses of the shots.

Wish you the best, those are beastie diseases to have to deal with.

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Re: Qstns about B12 Shot (Plz only reply if you've had one)

My DH has monthly B-12 shots. If his levels drop too low, then he has them every 2 weeks. He generally feels much better within 24 hrs. A few months ago, there was a wide spread B-12 shortage, and none of our area physicians could get a supply, and he missed 2 months of shots, and really felt it. Oral B-12 can't compare to the results from the injections. He has Crohn's disease.

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Re: Qstns about B12 Shot (Plz only reply if you've had one)

I initially started with B12 shots 3x a week for 6 weeks and then I went to x1 a week for 3months and then tapered to 1 shot a month. I noticed some improvement in my energy about the second week. My MD just lets me take them when I feel I need them, so I give them to myself and I do notice the next day I do feel a little better and don't ache as much. Have you had a total thyroid work up? not just a TSH, but a T free 3 and T4. The sad thing is that lab values for the general public are so different then patients with FIBRO and CFS so more MD need to realize it may appear in normal range but for us it usually means abnormal.

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Re: Qstns about B12 Shot (Plz only reply if you've had one)

I have had many of them, once a week for a year then every other for a couple of years. Come to find out I have the MTHFR gene mutation with 91 mutated out of 300. The methylation pathway, if not working properly, will cause the body not to absorb B vitamins. I too have been tired all my life and with the work of a good naturopath, after 57 years im starting to have some umpf. I have to say the shots didnt really give me much energy at all but it "faked" my numbers so they were in the normal range. I wish you luck.


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Re: Qstns about B12 Shot (Plz only reply if you've had one)

Huh? Didn't you ask your doctor those questions ?????

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Re: Qstns about B12 Shot (Plz only reply if you've had one)

On 7/23/2014 Mandy Moo said:

I used to take B12 shots and they did make me feel better for a few days after, usually about three days. I felt it within an hour or so and actually thought about taking them again but my most recent lab work came back saying my levels were well above normal now (go figure) so I won't be doing that! I truly hope they help you feel better too.

Same as I felt and my doctor told me that it must just be a cebo affect then so I quit taking them. He prescribed them and then tells me it's cebo affect. Not taking any more if they are only a psychological boost.

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Re: Qstns about B12 Shot (Plz only reply if you've had one)

I agree that b12 made no energy diff. Either with me, go figer so many agree and who knew except on this board to have been asked, which was a very good question.
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Re: Qstns about B12 Shot (Plz only reply if you've had one)

Good question cos I give myself b12 and I see no. Difference in energy either