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I love this quote:  why worry when you can pray!

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Yes, please share your source of meditation.  I found free sessions through Fragrant Heart and that is my only experience, but I would welcome your suggestions.


And Tai Chi ia is at the top of my list.  Are you self taught?  Follow a tape or YouTube videos?


I have a couple Qigong tapes which I believe might be similar.  


Of course, you have to DO THEM for them to work, right?


Don't laugh, but I tried yoga several times and got "sea sick" with many of the movements.  I do have a Pilates board and need to get back to that, too.


In talking, it seems I've reminded myself of the things I should be doing in addition to those I already do.

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Registered: ‎06-15-2014

I think it is age related. I know at 66 my health is not so good, neither is my dh’s. It becomes harder to do things, physically and mentally. Takes more time and effort.

Most seniors are concerned re $ running out, health issues, independence, loneliness etc. I think it often comes with the territory. The issue is how much anxiety are you having.

Have you had a through physical exam recently? Rule out possible physical causes ie thyroid, anemia, clinical anxiety/depression.

Start seeing a therapist, NOW.

My thoughts are with you, please don’t wait.......


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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

@Witchy Woman wrote:



The loss of your husband is so recent, so I can understand your feelings.  I think grief takes much longer than we know.  


Yes, I went through the aging/death process with my own parents, then my husband's parents.  I even moved my parents close to me so I could be there when they needed me.  It was difficult, but the right decision.


That's all behind me now.


Like you, even the small things make their way into my brains.  If I stop to think about it, I've got to laugh.  Maybe it is just an effort to control things so there are no surprises Cat LOL

@Witchy Woman


Exactly!  I’ve always planned every tiny little thing in advance and by so doing, worried about the unexpected possibilities.  But there are always going to be things we can’t control.  In fact, there are more things out of our control than those we can.  Now, that will give you something to really worry about!😄

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Registered: ‎03-27-2010

Re: Need to stop worrying

[ Edited ]

@Witchy Woman  I am so happy for you.  I can see your plan developing as you post.  I have been fortunate to have had three extraordinary tai chi teachers throughout the decades.  Currently, in my class we always warm up with Qigong before tai chi.  You have tapes....synchronicity at its best!  You are set to go: meditation:  your choice - your own practice or Dr. Christiane Wolf (she is a MD) and you have your Qigong tapes at hand.  

Wishing you the best!


Higher expectations = higher anxiety


@Witchy Woman wrote:



Yes, please share your source of meditation.  I found free sessions through Fragrant Heart and that is my only experience, but I would welcome your suggestions.


And Tai Chi ia is at the top of my list.  Are you self taught?  Follow a tape or YouTube videos?


I have a couple Qigong tapes which I believe might be similar.  


Of course, you have to DO THEM for them to work, right?


Don't laugh, but I tried yoga several times and got "sea sick" with many of the movements.  I do have a Pilates board and need to get back to that, too.


In talking, it seems I've reminded myself of the things I should be doing in addition to those I already do.




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@Witchy WomanI understand what you're saying, WW.  I think it is a part of getting older--we know what can go wrong.  Young people don't think of the downside of a situation so much and in general are more optimistic.  Yoga, meditation have helped me along with a glass of wine, shot of vodka or rum!!!  Stay well and safe.



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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

The best advice I can give you is what works for me as I am a worrier as well.


  I just stop... and think of all the things I am grateful for that are in my life... and give thanks...


Then I think of all the good things COMING INTO MY LIFE  that are not yet here....... and give thanks for those things coming.....


Positive  affirmations basically... that make me look forward to all the good coming .. and see all the good   that is in my life in the present..... that worrying tends to hide and cover up....


You must do this every time you feel worry  is becoming overwhelming.



Just think GRATITUDE.

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Posts: 17,739
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

If you need medication, you need it. I don't go to anyone other than an MD, for medical advice

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Posts: 12,295
Registered: ‎03-27-2010

Re: Need to stop worrying

[ Edited ]



Gratitude = another great remedy


I also include this in my daily practice, as well as being of service to others.  Both of these pratices lessens any worries might I have had.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,825
Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: Need to stop worrying

[ Edited ]

I appreciate every suggestion offered.


Sometimes, it's just a comfort to know others are where we are.  


We've had a long stretch of rainy, warm, humid weather in Maryland, and I know that does not help me.  Being outside when the weather is nicer is something I enjoy.


Hearing the owls calling to each other late in the day is a sound I never get tired of.  I even enjoy hearing the crows.


The sun is shining today so I'm off to drink it in.


Wishing everyone a wonderful, worry free day!