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Wow, @jlkz , you and your DH have quite a medical story.  I am sure my husband will go along with the doctor's advice.  He is a survivor and wants to live.  However, if he can't tolerate the drugs, we will have to be diligent about working with the doctor.  


Thank you for sharing.  Your husband has much to be thankful for, including a supportive wife.  We need each other to get through these things, don't we?

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So glad to hear your sister has tolerated the treatment! I was going to ask about her but didn't know if I should do it here on this thread. I have wondered how she was doing and I will pray for good scan results. As I mentioned before, my friend's friend has had incredible results with Keytruda. 


Best of the best to YOU!

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I am a RN and I notice that more and more people are on statins to lower cholesterol. The three silent killers are hypertension which creates stress on the heart, causing an enlarged heart and heart failure. #2, diabetes (damages heart, kidney's and vascular system in so many ways. #3 high cholesterol causing a build up of plaque in the vascular system. 

I have been on a statin for over 5 years, my cholesterol was never over 180 but these days, the doctors want the cholesterol low. My last reading was 102 and my doctors are happy with that. High cholesterol is a killer and they are finding that high cholesterol does not necessarily come from food. 

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@conlt   May I ask if you had to try several statins before finding one you could tolerate?  He was put on Crestor a couple years ago and couldn't tolerate it.  It caused severe leg cramping.  He currently takes a low dose of Pravastatin.  Apparently, that dose is going to be upped and another pill added.


I think it can be genetic, not just food causing a raise in cholesterol.  His mother had a valve replacement in her late 70's and had high cholesterol.  His sister has high cholesterol.  


His blood pressure is being controlled by a pill.  Thank God, he isn't diabetic.  


How long did it take for you to get your reading down to 102?

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@tends2dogs , I hope your DH will be well soon. My brother just had one. The waiting room was full when we got there at 8 AM, all waiting for a heart cath. Some came and went quickly, some were still there when we left at 5 PM! They said there were three options: some weren't at the stage for stents and sent home; some needed stents right away; some needed complete heart transplants. I pray for a good outcome for your DH, I'm sure you will take very good care of him.

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@Carolina925 We had to check in at 6:00 am the day of the week ago today.  The waiting room was packed.  Apparently this is a common procedure.  I noticed the same thing about the people leaving and new ones coming in.  My husband's doctor only performs these on Wednesdays.  


Thankfully, we were driving home by 3:00 in the afternoon.  We are praying this offers him relief.


I hope all went well with your brother.  This procedure has saved so many from having to have open heart surgery which is no picnic and a much longer recovery.  My dad had it and so did my MIL. 


All the best to your brother.  Thanks for responding. Woman Happy

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Hello!! I am a RN, 54 years of practice, spent mostly in the Operating Room working as a circulator and or scrub nurse for Cardiovascular, Vascular and Thoracic surgeries. I have stood next to many a cardiac surgeon, "holding the heart" while he or she performs the repairs on ones heart and performs the bypasses necessary, all while the circulatory system of the patient is running thru a perfusion machine, because technically the heart is "dead" and at the end of the surgery the heart is "shocked" back to life. 

Never in my life , and I dont know why, did I think that I could face this same situation one day. I am 72, and just retired a year ago June. Many of you may have seen the posting I made earlier"" (MILKI)""this year describing the heart attack I had in Janurary while sitting on bed reading a book, followed by an ambulance ride to the ER here in Billings Mt, my home. A rush to the cath lab and a stent was placed because my right coronary artery was 100 % blocked. I had been having shortness of breath issues since May 2023 and initially my primary and thoracic surgeon thought it was due to my phrenic nerve problem in my diaphram that was not allowing the lung to return to its proper location while breathing. So my cardiologist told me that he took care of my breathing problem as he strongly felt that my shortness of breath(sob) issues were heart related, not lung. I had been doing well since the stent. Going to cardiac rehab and feeling stronger. Breathing indeed was no longer an issue. Back to myself , at least 90%( I am getting older) Post stent placement, cardiologist and primary care doctors were happy with my progress. My diet has changed 100%. From the end of January(2024) to now, I have lost 30 pounds. Mind you, I have never ever smoked a cigtarette in my life!!! No do I drink, unless it is a beer once or twice a year at a summer bar b que. SO... a month ago, third week in May, I begin to have SOB issues again. Here we go again I thought and so this time Im really thinking it is my LUNG issue representing itself. A trip to the ER led to scheduling a stress echocardiogram this past Friday. The cardiologist stopped the test 4 minutes in while on the treadmill because I was so short of breath, then the ECHO technician the DR look at the scan while my heart is recovering . Well, to my surprise and totally caught off guard, I learn my stent is BLOCKED!!!! I broke out in tears!!! It's called , IN-Stent RESTENOSIS. My stent inserted on Jan 23 2024 is no longer working. So tomorrow I am heading back into the cath lab for a new stent( hopefully that is all it is). My emotions are all over the place. I know that things can go wrong, took"heart call" in the OR enough times to know that over my 40 years in the OR

These past 6 months being on a blood thinner, someone asked me if they needed to call the police because of all the bruising they saw on my arms and legs. Bruising and bleeding while on them is no joke. Guess the blood thinners could not take care well enough or my clot may not have clotted off, BUT it could also be due to a reaction to the stent causing excess tissue to clot the stent, since the stent is a foreign body and thats the reaction of the body to "foreign" yet compatible items being placed within it. Blood thinners for at least a year post stent, not sure what will change in regards to my meds now that another stent needs to be placed tomorrow. One must take extra special care when working with knives( like in the kitchen of most women) working with items that can cut or even pressue on the skin, oh and also having your manicurist rub your arms or legs to hard when they give you a message after your manicure or pedicure. Life does not stop because you are blood thinners. Live your life, just be cautious and be prepared in the event of cutting yourself. Know what to do, Compression to the area is key, and if the bleeding doesn't stop then seek medical attention. I have learned that the only advocate for yourself is YOURSELF. I have had to teach my husband what to do in case I cut myself or injure myself. Always let lab technicians know that you are on blood thinners ahead of the blood draw. Keep me in your prayers for tomorrow. Thank you, MJ

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@MILKI   been through this with my husband 2 times same right artery 100% blocked and blood thinner   hope things go the best for you  and thank you



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Yes, I do remember your prior post, @MILKI .  I am sorry to hear this has happened to you, but sounds as if it will be taken care of tomorrow.  You are in my prayers.


Your comments about blood thinners are exactly what we are experiencing right now with my DH.  Any sort of "cut" is harder to stop.  Band aids and compression bands are at the ready.  We hope that this is a 6 month only protocol.  


Did your cardio want your cholesterol #'s reduced to a "ridiculous" low number?  Like 100?  We are having the stent follow up this week.  We will get the regimen he wants us to follow then.  


My DH is not heavy, not a smoker, however, we do drink alcohol.... within reason.  He is 79 and active.  He rides his bike, does lawn and home maintenance.  Shortness of breath (chest pressure) was his biggest complaint along with lightheartedness.  These are much improved.


I will think of you tomorrow.  May the Lord bless the hands that will be administering you tomorrow.  


All the best~

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Thank you both for your kindness and warm regards. I will appreciate all the kind thoughts and prayers.  As far as cholesterol is concerned. In my 54 years as an RN, I have seen so many thoughts and practices come and go. I get the feel from from my physicians that the lower the cholesterol can be the better, especially if diet and lifestyle can make a significant impact on those CHOL levels. Part of the problem, for.a lack of better word to use, is that we make our cholesterol. And most times we can not control the actions of what the body produces so therefore, clinicans will have a patient do everything and beyond to make significant impacts on their diet and lifestyle. I have not had my cardiologist in these past 6 months say anything about getting it to "100" However, I remember all so well that while on the cath table and having the stent placed, the cardiologist who was performing the stent placement said my CHOL was out of control and sky high for his liking, my CHOL at the time was 153, which I did not think was high at all. So depending on whom you speak with, what medical school they went to and the latest published articles, its like a yo-yo game. So, it is always better when it comes to ones health to error on the side of lesser is better than moderate and certainly better that extreme. I was told that I would be on a statin for the rest of my life which I so well remember telling my primary doctors in years past , NO WAY. So now I widh I would have heeded their advice. Blood thinners for me will be at least a year, for now, unless something changes tomorrow. I just would suggest to watch the diet tike an eagle spotting his next meal, and exercise modeerately. I would also eliminate alcohol or at least decease amounts slowly over time so it isnt missed as much. Thank you again and everyone for your kind words and prayers!!! MJ