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Tubal Ligation.

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If I want to go back to when I was 5 or so I had eye surgery for my eye. It never took -cross eye. It made me shy and afraid to do different things. I can not make anything out now in my left eye.

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That is good to hear, good for you, what a gift. Sometimes things really work out well, it is weird how this procedure can be a problem for some people. Nothing better exemplifies  that we are all different!

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Sea Maiden...what I dont understand about that is HOW removing a cataract restores vision, do they do lasik or something too?

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Having my gall bladder out was wonderful.  I used to be doubled over for hours because of the pain.


The worst surgery was LASIK.  It ruined my eyesight. Not everyone has a good outcome from this procedure. Thank goodness I don't have everyday pain as some others do, but I need to wear a very expensive prosthetic hybrid contact lens or I am legally blind in one eye.  I only had one eye done, thankfully.

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Registered: ‎10-25-2010

@Thebig I wrote:

Sea Maiden...what I dont understand about that is HOW removing a cataract restores vision, do they do lasik or something too?

A cataract clouds your natural eye lens.  It's like looking though a dirty, foggy  window.  The new replaced lens is clear and you can see better.  In addition, the new lens can have your eyeglass prescription, much like a contact lens.


It can make a big difference in your vision.


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Registered: ‎07-18-2015

  @Carmie  I sure do remember the gall bladder attacks. I did not know what was wrong and a dopey Dr told me that I was too emotional!! The pain was excruciating. Finally a Dr correctly diagnosed me and what it was. I had attacks for 8 hours at a time.


RE: LASIK surgery, sorry it worked out so badly for you. :-(