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My blood platelets are suddenly on the rise for no explained reason. They have been elevated at different times over the years, but nothing compared to what is happening now. 


PCP referred me to Oncology/Hemotology at end of March when they were at 443, but couldn't get on the schedule till end of April.

By the time results came in first week of May they rose to 488.

Then last week's lab was a manual patelet count and another CBC.  The results were at 590. I don't understand the meanings/results of the different CBC works. I know it has to do with bone marrow.


Yesterday I was sent in for a JAC2 test. It will be at least 2 weeks for results. All they will tell me is they are checking for blood diseases and mutations.


I'll be turning 64 in a few days. Happy Birthday to me Cat Indifferent LOL


Has anyone had experience with this sort of thing with your blood that you wish to share? I'm trying to remain calm. In the back of my mind is my late step-mother who died of leukemia and most recently my uncle who passed of multiple myleoma. 


Yes, I am under the care of an oncologist, but just wondering what others have experienced.

Still Tabbycat ~~ Less is More ~~
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Just make an appt. with your Dr. , ask him these questions,ask him to explain everything to you , he knows your history and other lab values. Make sure you understand and ask to explain in simple terms. I would also do a little reseach myself like WEbMD or other site to gain some knowledge before and this will help with the questions you will be asking.


An Oncologist is a Cancer Specialist, your PCP referred you to rule out any abnormalies. Try not to worry, the lab test results will determine what the Diagnosis is.

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Several years ago when I was donating platelets regularly, I met a donor who had been encouraged to donate to help with his high platelet counts.  


He was in his 70’s, and had been checked 6 ways to Sunday, tested, and the conclusion was that his body just produced a high number of platelets for whatever reason.   No illness, just ran a high platelet count number, so he donated twice a month, and had been doing so for quite awhile before I met him.   


Stay calm, and my best wishes to you!

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Since you're having a hard time remaining calm, bring a friend with you for the results -- it will be good for you to have the support and an extra ear to catch details you might miss.

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@RedTop...  I know you have been on these boards for a long time, too. You always give the best common sense suggestions. I appreciate that! 

Also, I was born and raised in WV ... north central.

Still Tabbycat ~~ Less is More ~~
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Re: JAC2 Blood Work

[ Edited ]

I'm a retired lab specialist. I have performed many lab tests, especially hematoligical. I can't give you any answers as to why your PLT ct is going up. Looking at just that count can be misleading without knowing what the other parameters are and a medical history. These things should be discussed with your doctor. One question I have is why the lab performed a manual PLT ct...? There must have been some reason for that.


Platelets are hard to count. They are small and can sometimes clump which will throw off the count. Sometimes platelets are not all the same size and this makes automated counts inaccurate so then a manual count is usually done when that is seen. Inspection of the platelets under a microscope is another way to determine abnormality of the structure of platelets. It's a lot more complicated than most people realize.

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A friend of mine has this same issue.  Turns out some medications can elevate your platelet count.  She was retested several months later and it went down considerably.  It's still a bit high but doctor wasn't concerned because it had come down.  Might be a good idea to ask if any meds you are on could give elevated counts.  My friend is 68.


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You should ask, “ What blood diseases and mutations are you checking for?” They must tell you if you really want to know. 

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Registered: ‎05-23-2010

You should ask, “ What blood diseases and mutations are you checking for?” They must tell you if you really want to know now and don’t want to wait.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Gee...I appreciate you giving me some questions to ask if I ever get to see a Dr again. Seems like there's a shake up going on at the facility (small town)  I'm going to and my PCP is out of town for a couple of weeks.


Looks like I've been assigned another doctor because his name is on the last 2 orders. Some days certain doctors are scheduled in the larger town and then come to the small town facilities certain days of the week ??? So I'm sort of in limbo. This is all out of my realm of understanding.


@SilleeMee  I don't know why he ordered a manual PLT ct. But I will ask when I get to talk to a doctor. The orginal doctor I saw and talked to said that when there are too many platelets, they will sometimes stick together and cause blood clot and strokes. He seemed sort of unconcerned.


Then, this new doc who took over the patients, ordered the manual PLT ct. After those results he ordered the JAK2 V617F RFX CALR/E12 - 15/MPL ... if that means anything to you.


@Mindy D  I will certainly ask those questions too, when I get to talk to someone other than a nurse.


I'm staying calm for the next 2 weeks.... since I really have no choice. I do appreciate your feedback @SilleeMee  and @Mindy D not getting lectured.

Sometimes that happens around here  LOL.

Still Tabbycat ~~ Less is More ~~