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Re: It is scary how easy it is to be dependent on pain meds

@Icegoddess wrote:

@Group 5 minus 1 wrote:

I am allergic to morphine /codeine type pain meds. If I take I throw up, see creepy crawlys. So I do not take any of the above. Tramadol (first time I took it I was so sick I had to miss work.

@Group 5 minus 1 the first and only time I have taken Tramadol was before getting on a 4 hour flight.  OMG!  I was so sick.  Things were tingling, nausea, heart racing, sweating.  


The problem I have with a lot of narcotic pain meds is that they just make me sleepy, but they really don't address the pain.  You can still feel the pain while asleep.  It just manifests in your dreams.  Or, you lay there in a semi-conscious, semi-awake and in pain state.


OP, I have a stash of pain medications too.  I was really glad I did awhile back when I came down with what I and my doctor believed over the phone was a kidney stone.  I told him what I had and he told me to take it since it was a weekend and nighttime so he couldn't call a prescription in for me.  Besides, I probably wouldn't have been able to get it filled before the next day anyways.  


I hope your doctor is able to address your problem.  I know I get a lot of bad headaches and I do worry about taking OTC pain meds too often for them too, so sometimes I just suffer through it. Apparently, you can get a rebound effect like with nasal sprays even with OTC pain meds.

@Icegoddess @Group 5 minus 1 


I am so allergic I guess you would say to tramadol I have it listed in all my charts & my Husband knows to tell any Dr 1st thing (if I couldn't speak for myself) I pass out from it & had to be on an IV from it...just deathly sick..I shake at even the memory of my tramadol experiences..

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Re: It is scary how easy it is to be dependent on pain meds

 People get hooked on pain meds by doing exactly what you did.  Self medicating, self prescribing, combining pain meds.  It's also a good way to damage your liver.  

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Re: It is scary how easy it is to be dependent on pain meds

@haddon9 wrote:

@Effie54 wrote:

Oh boy, I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. It must be frustrating for you. 


This is one reason I refuse to get these vaccines. For many, they have slight side-effects for a day or so, then they're fine. For a small population who are unable to metabolize the vaccine ingredients, the side-effects can be long-term and quite frightening. I'll probably be public enemy #1 saying this, but the media puts much fear into people getting so many vaccines. I pray your pain goes away. Thanks for sharing your story. 

@Effie54 I have to agree.  I'm too afraid of possible long term side effects to get vaccines.  Yes they may prevent illness but they are not always effective with that. 


My DH has a severe autoimmune disease (a brain illness) that he's had for almost nine years and it has been very life altering and difficult.  We don't know what caused it but we believe it was chronic Lyme that triggered it. 


His neurologist at Penn who specializes in rare brain diseases has another patient with the same illness that DH has and told us he believes his other patient got it from a vaccine.


@SXMGirl I hope your pain and strange sensations finally go away.  I wish you the best!


Oh boy, I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. That must be very frustrating to figure out the cause. I'd go to a naturopath more than a regular MD. She studies everything from Lyme's disease to chronic mold illness. She definitely told me not to get any vaccines, because they can cause auto immune reactions in some people. It's hard to know without genetic testing which people the vaccines affect adversely. But like a bullet out of a gun, once it's out of its chamber, you can't take it out of your system, and it's too late. My best to you and your husband. ❤️




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Re: It is scary how easy it is to be dependent on pain meds

[ Edited ]

@SXMGirl wrote:

@happycat  I will be insisting on a referral somewhere.  If this is a pinched nerve, then probably my ortho.  Other than that, I have no idea.  


@Lali1 I am just like you, I cannot take pain meds for long.  In fact, this is really the first time that I have taken them.  I had arm surgery a year and a half ago, and I only took Tylenol.  That is why I have such a stash of pain meds.

@SXMGirl Is there any chance your current pain is in some way related to the reason you needed arm surgery a year and a half ago?  In any case, I hope you feel much better very soon.  (Also hope that you tell your doctor about all the self-medicating you did -- that can be quie dangerous.)

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Re: It is scary how easy it is to be dependent on pain meds

@vsm  I had arm reduction surgery on both arms and what I have now does not have anything to do with that. As for self medicating, I intend to tell the dr what I have been taking.  I do know that it is dangerous, but I am in such pain that I needed something.  I see the dr today, but the pain is so bad that I am wondering how in the world I will get there.  One thing that the doctor may not realize is that I am not leaving until there is a definite plan in place and appropriate meds prescribed to control the pain.  I have found that as I get older, some medical professionals seem to look right through me.  That will definitely be a mistake today.

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!
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Re: It is scary how easy it is to be dependent on pain meds

@SXMGirl , let us know how you make out at the doctor. Good luck.

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Re: It is scary how easy it is to be dependent on pain meds

@SXMGirl wrote:

@vsm  I had arm reduction surgery on both arms and what I have now does not have anything to do with that. As for self medicating, I intend to tell the dr what I have been taking.  I do know that it is dangerous, but I am in such pain that I needed something.  I see the dr today, but the pain is so bad that I am wondering how in the world I will get there.  One thing that the doctor may not realize is that I am not leaving until there is a definite plan in place and appropriate meds prescribed to control the pain.  I have found that as I get older, some medical professionals seem to look right through me.  That will definitely be a mistake today.

My heart goes out to you, @SXMGirl .  I do hope you have someone who can go with you.  It's so tough to make the points we need to make -- and to have the fortitude to press for answers -- when we're in even moderate discomfort, let alone in the excruciating pain you're enduring.  I admire your strength and perseverance and unwillingness to accept anything less than a proper diagnosis and a promising means of relief.  Like so many others here, I hope you'll let us know how you do.  Praying for you...

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Re: It is scary how easy it is to be dependent on pain meds

It's easy to be critical of someone if you don't know the whole story; there might be more to it than you see on the surface.

I have a very painful medical condition (chronic) so I take pain medication. I was taken to task about by a (now ex-)friend who informed me that I take it because I'm addicted to it.

Well, no; I take it for PAIN RELIEF. It works well, keeps me going, prevents me from screaming like a shrew at times--you get the idea.

This woman, who has no idea of the whole story (and I'm not telling it here because it would take too long) informed me that I'm "addicted".

It was on the tip of my tongue to say, "When you can lose at least 100 lbs., you can talk to me about addiction." It's true but mean so I didn't say it and I'm glad I didn't. But after that, we aren't friends anymore.

So don't be too quick to judge; you don't always know the whole story.

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Re: It is scary how easy it is to be dependent on pain meds

@chrystaltree wrote:

 People get hooked on pain meds by doing exactly what you did.  Self medicating, self prescribing, combining pain meds.  It's also a good way to damage your liver.  



when you've got chronic, excrutiating pain, you can tell us all about it. And don't expect any sympathy.

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Re: It is scary how easy it is to be dependent on pain meds

@GoneButNotForgotten  Thanks to @SeaMaiden I have info to take to my ortho. 


This article is from 2015, but mirrors what your situation is. Even gives your condition a name : SIRVA( shoulder Injury Related To Vaccine Administration )


please read!


As DH and I watch the late news tonight, the news is showing people getting their shots very high on the upper arm.  From the above article and other articles that I read this evening, that is a serious problem.  Every vaccination now has a tax that goes to fund the SIRVA payouts and more people have become aware of this syndrome.  


I really hope that my ortho is up on this and that we have a workable plan.  I have made copies of the above report for him, just in case in wants to read it.

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!