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Re: Is anyone on the new way of WW now? The colors ones?

Well....I'm almost embarrassed to say I rejoined last week.  I'm a Lifetimer and I guess WW is what works for me if I follow the plan.  


Due to my answers as to what I liked, I was given Blue.  But, that would mean FreeStyle which I hated.  Trying to do Freestyle involved too many food triggers, too many 'zero points' foods that I like maybe to excess.  My body reacts better with lower carb foods.  

WW's premise is that you can't overdose on those zero points foods but that's not true.  Whatever the name, too many calories will not help your weight loss.  This is why many say WW weight loss is too slow.  I understand that slow is better for sustainability but not better for your morale.


I rejoined under the six months promotion.  First month is free and if I lose ten pounds in two months, I'll get two months free.  Probably won't happen, lol.  But I'm gonna try.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: Is anyone on the new way of WW now? The colors ones?

@Mmsfoxxie wrote:

WW's premise is that you can't overdose on those zero points foods but that's not true.  Whatever the name, too many calories will not help your weight loss. 



Zero point foods vs overdose vs too many calories

I challenge anyone to 'overdose' on Zero Point Starches on

the Purple Plan...and not to lose weight quickly while being 

satiated & with sustainability.  

And not all calories are alike.

Gee....I thought we've evolved from that idea🤷‍♀️

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Re: Is anyone on the new way of WW now? The colors ones?

 @sidsmom , technically, you may be correct about not overdosing on zero points foods ...... if you eat them naked.  But I love corn for instance...I have to have butter on it or I don't want it.  Lima beans, I have to have cornbread which I know is fine, adding it to your total points for the day.  I can eat a green salad with almost no dressing but certain things I like the way I like them.


So, sure, you won't eat to excess if you can eat everything naked.  But I see that each plan is good, just not for me.  The good thing for me also is that hopefully the leaders will talk about all groups instead of like it was before with only Freestyle.



“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: Is anyone on the new way of WW now? The colors ones?

@Mmsfoxxie wrote:

 @sidsmom , technically, you may be correct about not overdosing on zero points foods ...... if you eat them naked.  But I love corn for instance...I have to have butter on it or I don't want it.  Lima beans, I have to have cornbread which I know is fine, adding it to your total points for the day.  I can eat a green salad with almost no dressing but certain things I like the way I like them.


So, sure, you won't eat to excess if you can eat everything naked.  But I see that each plan is good, just not for me.  The good thing for me also is that hopefully the leaders will talk about all groups instead of like it was before with only Freestyle.



'Naked' makes it sound deprived.  It's far from deprived.

And unfortunately, those are the lessons WW won't teach for

members to be successful.  You have to reduce the amount of fat

in the diet for long-term sustainability.  All the different 

spices & zero-calorie sauces/dressings one can need 

to have starches 'naked'.  With the Purple Plan, I would think

it would be hard to reach your point many good,

filling choices for 0 points.

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Re: Is anyone on the new way of WW now? The colors ones?

@sidsmom , yes, the word 'naked' does sound deprived, lol. (I don't know why my font is looking so small and I'm using #4 as usual).


Although the purple selection is huge, the extra foods aren't things I would eat, for the most part ....I'm not crazy about most sea foods, for instance.  There have been times that I've tried recipes with spices I don't normally buy and only use them a couple of times so I try not to overload on buying a lot.


I appreciate your trying to give me a better understanding of the program. It's an ongoing process for most of us with years of bad habits to overcome.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: Is anyone on the new way of WW now? The colors ones?

My problem is there are so many healthy foods I hate.  I will not eat a bean.  None.  Hate them.  I hate tofu.  I hate edamame.  I hate lentils.  I hate whole wheat anything.  I'd rather never have a bread or pasta again if it has to be whole wheat.  


I detest any of the nut milks and coconut milk.  I'm not a big milk person but periodically I want a bowl of cereal and when that's what I want, I'm putting normal milk on it.   


Overall, I'm just a mess.  LOL

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Re: Is anyone on the new way of WW now? The colors ones?


It is an ongoing process for most of us with years of bad habits

to overcome.  I'm right there with 'ya.  I've done a lot of different 

programs in my lifetime...without success...except for current.

Society makes it really easy for us to fail (!) but focus on the healthy

and everything gets a pinch easier....IMO.💚🌿. Good luck with WW!

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Re: Is anyone on the new way of WW now? The colors ones?

ok, i've never done WW and you all have pique my interest. when you say unlimited quantities, do you really mean you can eat as much as you want of that food. ex: 1# of green bean? do they also suggest water and exercise? thanks for any insights.

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Re: Is anyone on the new way of WW now? The colors ones?

[ Edited ]

Lol..... @10sluvr, that's the rub for some people.  Zero points sounds like you can eat all you want from those foods.  Calories count no matter what you eat.  Yes, WW suggests exercise very strongly.  Water, too, but exercise is talked about a lot.  It's a combination of the two.  Up until lately, I exercised at least five times a week.  But when my eating got out of control again, I gained my weight back.  I slowed down on my exercising due to my schedule becoming a little erratic but also because of this weight coming back so fast (about 25lbs within 12 months) my joints are screaming from the amount of exercising I was doing.


Bottom line is WW believes that nobody can eat soooo many green beans a day that it will hurt them.  Might be true but what if it's rotisserie chicken eaten too excess?

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: Is anyone on the new way of WW now? The colors ones?

@10sluvr I don't think it's really that you can have unlimited quantities although many of the zero point foods would be tough for you to overeat and do a lot of damage. I've found, at least with the blue plan, that the point is to really steer you towards healthy foods and in a way set you up for sticking to it even if you leave WW. I hvae to admit I was shocked to see the number of points for a Lean Cuisine.