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Re: Is anyone on the new way of WW now? The colors ones?

Dear Sidsmom .. thank you so much for the info cousin

follows a plant based diet ... I have started with a few things

we have been using rice milk for cereal ....I compromise the

sugar content as we really do not drinkl milk ...just use it on

cereal so we take in very little ... soy butter and found Almond

silk plain yogart we are workingl on it ......


Thanks again .....I always enjoy your PB posts .....

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Re: Is anyone on the new way of WW now? The colors ones?

Thanks for taking the time to do this .....

Appreciate it ....

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Re: Is anyone on the new way of WW now? The colors ones?

@Big Joanie wrote:

Dear Sidsmom .. thank you so much for the info cousin

follows a plant based diet ... I have started with a few things

we have been using rice milk for cereal ....I compromise the

sugar content as we really do not drinkl milk ...just use it on

cereal so we take in very little ... soy butter and found Almond

silk plain yogart we are workingl on it ......


Thanks again .....I always enjoy your PB posts .....

@Big Joanie 



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Re: Is anyone on the new way of WW now? The colors ones?

I started on the Purple plan when the new changtes rolled out and am very happy on it.  I strayed off course over Christmas but I'm getting back in the groove with my next meeting.

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Re: Is anyone on the new way of WW now? The colors ones?

I just signed up again to get myself back on track. Sometimes I need the push to keep it straight because I start to get complacent.


I stayed with blue because that's what I used before. I might look at green but it would mean paying attention to more stuff and I'm not sure I want to get that obsessed if you know what I mean. Purple is out because I can't be trusted with free potatoes. Smiley LOL


I think one of the things I've had issue with and I'll probably start to ignore is the wins program where you get points for tracking meal that you can cash in. I have a weird schedule and a weird eating schedule as well and I think I got a little too focused on tracking all those meals just to get the points. I tend to eat breakfast and then something around 3 or so and then maybe a snack. There's really nothing I want to redeem them for anyway.

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Re: Is anyone on the new way of WW now? The colors ones?

I just saw the commercial about the "NEW" WW and burst out laughing.  How can you tell it's January?  When Oprah does 112 WW commercials for the "NEW" WW....and they play all day long....LOL     

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Re: Is anyone on the new way of WW now? The colors ones?

Ok, I'm back in as of today and I'm doing blue.  I enjoy doing this.  


I only quit before because I fell.  It was just too much of a mess for me with the broken hand and arm I had to contend with.  So, I'm getting back on track.  My plan this year, is to get as much off as I can by Christmas as a Christmas present to myself for 2020.  My turn, this I'll do for me.  With gusto!!! LOL

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Re: Is anyone on the new way of WW now? The colors ones?

I’ve been doing WW since 4/2018. I’ve had a few bumps in the road because of three eye surgeries (most recent this week). I chose to stay with freestyle which is Blue. May try the others at some point. Just keep in mind that even free food has calories and the app recommends for most free items that it be a serving of 1/2 cup. I know for myself that this program works when I track consistently. The meetings/workshops also help me. I believe you can join now through January 6 for free.
Posts: 23
Registered: ‎06-29-2010

Re: Is anyone on the new way of WW now? The colors ones?

So far I've been really successful on Purple. forces me to eat healthy foods with not many points left for sweets which are my downfall.

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Re: Is anyone on the new way of WW now? The colors ones?

A  second thank you for posting this.  I joined and attended my first meeting this week!