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Re: I want to stop eating out !!!

Not trying to be snide or fresh...and I haven't read all the responses to the post, but my immediate reaction is to ask the OP...Why? I absolutely cannot even imagine not eating is an integral part of my life both personally and professionally...but, that aside, it may be cheaper and healthier to eat at home...although I do question this...however, eating at home involves not only shopping, but also the act of cooking( which means time and pots and pans) and cleaning up ( again, more time that I don't have on a regular basis)... It is very easy to eat in a healthy way when you are out...broiled entrees are plentiful, and menus can be easily, eating at a comfortable restaurant with a good wait staff is relaxing after a hard day...I simply cannot understand those who only want to eat at home...seems boring, time consuming, and simply a lot of work. I have not got the time or interest in cooking many meals at home...clients take up a lot of my dining time, and our work schedules and obligations require eating out...fortunately, we both thorougjly enjoy it most of the time. Remember, there is a difference between " eating out" and " dining out".
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Re: I want to stop eating out !!!

Mandymom, not all of us live in areas where there are plentiful, good restaurants. Therefore, driving 30 minutes to a restaurant, waiting for service, then waiting for the check, driving 30 minutes back home is much more time than broiling a steak or fish at home. It only takes a few minutes to do veggies.

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Re: I want to stop eating out !!!

Di-mc, I know not everyone has lots of good local restaurants, but a half hour or so doesn't really seem so far away...we do that regularly for lots of things other than dining...the point is that dining out at a good restaurant where you can relax with a drink while you wait for the entree, talk a bit or get some business done as the case may be, then walking away from the table to let someone else take care of the cleaning while you spend the time talking as you drive home seems far more enjoyable than slinging pots and pans around after you spend the time planning, shopping and cooking. I would rather either relax or get some of my own work done immediately after coffee...what I am asking is how it is that so many people seem to enjoy working in the kitchen rather than being a "guest" as you are in a restaurant.
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Re: I want to stop eating out !!!

I understand if you want to stop eating out for financial reasons but I think there are many reasons why people do eat out. Social interaction....meeting with friends at a nice restaurant or a wonderful dinner with your significant other can really add to one's life something very positive. I am on a very restrictive diet but still eat out a lot because I enjoy breaking bread so to speak with family and friends. It is one of life's joys and the thought of giving it up would be very sad for me...

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Re: I want to stop eating out !!!

We cook at home most of the time. The hassle and expense of going out to eat with three young children eliminates the "relaxation" aspect for me. Recipes, a pressure cooker and a crockpot work wonders!
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Re: I want to stop eating out !!!

On 4/26/2014 MSA2004 said: We cook at home most of the time. The hassle and expense of going out to eat with three young children eliminates the "relaxation" aspect for me. Recipes, a pressure cooker and a crockpot work wonders!
We go out for "date night" once a month and for our Anniversary. Other than that, very rarely. We are trying to instill in our children that the fast food drive thru is "not the norm". Even though they are EVERYWHERE!
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Re: I want to stop eating out !!!

I love to go out to eat, but after my Celiac diagnosis, I shy away from restaurants. Even when they offer gluten free options, I am concerned about cross contamination. It is safer for me to eat at home Smiley Sad

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: I want to stop eating out !!!

I have no need to pinch pennies but probably eat out only 12 times a year or so -- and that is usually when food is secondary to a special occasion, meeting old friends for dinner, etc. I never eat out just to have a meal except when on the road.

To me, it's not a temptation because I can make better food for less money at home, without the hassle of hauling out to a store. A great filet, baked potato and salad takes 10 minutes (1 min to pop potatoes in oven an hour ahead of time, five min to make the salad and a few min turning the steak every so often) and is better quality and about 1/3 the price of even a medium-quality chain like Outback let alone a great steakhouse.

And, as others have mentioned, watching a couple episodes of those restaurant nightmare shows on TV will reduce the appeal of dining out, too.

To me, it's a no-brainer on Sunday when say watching a movie or QVC to spend 45 min prepping food for the week -- cutting up veggies, boiling a few eggs, pre-cooking bacon, stirring up a batch of spaghetti sauce and grilling several chicken breasts or roasting a boneless turkey breast. With all of that on hand as well as cheeses and staples like pasta, it's a 10-min feat to whip up a pasta dinner, a chef's salad, club sandwiches, or just grilled chicken and veggies or a baked potato.

Maybe if you changed your concept of what dinner has to be after watching the grandkids. Would a cold snack plate of deviled eggs, veggies & dip, cheeses, salami and crackers be enough? Or scrambled eggs & toast, or a grilled cheese sandwich? How about those Boboli pizzas -- again, have pepperoni, canned sauce (I like Contadina), a bag of shredded mozzarella on hand, maybe canned mushrooms if you like them or a bell pepper and voila, a great pizza before you could get one from take-out.

I finally found a brand of deli roast beef that is not slimy or overly seasoned, it's sliced really rare and if you had that on hand you could make french dip sandwiches, cold sandwiches and soup or even just put the beef on a plate with green beans and egg noodles for another 10-minute meal. Same with home-roasted turkey breast which literally takes 3 min to unwrap and put in the oven and three min on the other end to cool and package for the fridge. Plenty of meat there for sandwiches or a meat/starch meal.

I seldom buy frozen food except veggies but those Stouffer lasagnas are supposed to be decent, perhaps you could try one or two items to have on hand if the urge to dine out strikes. I see frozen soups and such too that could be the basis for a meal. My spaghetti sauce I just ladle into quart-size freezer bag, write the date and plop in the freezer; they thaw fast and you just warm sauce in micro, boil some vermicelli, whip up a salad and voila, dinner.

What do you normally order at restaurants and how could you replicate it at home, cheaper and healthier?

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: I want to stop eating out !!!

Above I meant "hassle of hauling out to a restaurant," not store, LOL.

Last month we were on a casino jaunt and had a great meal at the casino steakhouse the first night but the second, on the way back from a shopping trip, just swung into Kroger and got deli stuff, wine and pre-cut veggies. It was great to have fun at the casino and then get back to the cozy hotel room and have a picnic. So even when traveling there are ways to beat the expense of dining out.

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Registered: ‎03-29-2010

Re: I want to stop eating out !!!

I love to eat out but we do so only once a week, usually on the weekend in mid to upscale restaurants. It is our treat and we both enjoy it. When I cook it is usually heart healthy foods and honestly I don't get a lot of pleasure out of cooking although it is nice to see the results on our waistlines.

To the OP, perhaps you can do a restaurant night out once a month. Or we usually host small dinner parties every two months or so and that can be fun plus people do reciprocate.

Some of the comments here are just foolishness.