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I want to stop eating out !!!

I have kicked other strongholds such as shopping, diet coke, candy,...

We need to stop eating out for finance and health.

Who has done this and suggestions on how to kick this habit.

We have cut back, but this month were on vacation, and ate out a lot.

Do I need to go cold turkey? Not eat out at all?

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Re: I want to stop eating out !!!

Gosh, I worked in the restaurant industry for years and the filth and gross things that go on in the kitchen and to the food you eat would turn your stomach if you only knew. I will not eat out knowing what I know! I have not eaten out for at least 20 years...I love eating healthy food I make at home, and save lots of money!
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Re: I want to stop eating out !!!

On 4/20/2014 gazelle77 said: Gosh, I worked in the restaurant industry for years and the filth and gross things that go on in the kitchen and to the food you eat would turn your stomach if you only knew. I will not eat out knowing what I know! I have not eaten out for at least 20 years...I love eating healthy food I make at home, and save lots of money!

I know this has to be so true. It only makes sense, restaurants hire just about anybody. When I was younger we rarely ate out, and my Mom said sit with your back to the kitchen.

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Re: I want to stop eating out !!!

I know when we were first married, both working all day, and no kids, we ate out a lot. I guess I don't see what's so difficult about NOT eating out if you don't want to. There's no reason to go cold turkey and not eat out at all. It sounds like you're eating out most nights? So make a menu for the week, go to the store and get the ingredients. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. Only eat out once or twice for a start.
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Re: I want to stop eating out !!!

My husband wanted to eat out at least 4 times a week. Nothing could change his mind. I brought my own salad dressing, and ordered something broiled.

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: I want to stop eating out !!!

It's easy in our house. My dh doesn't like to eat out. His idea of eating out is swinging through a burger place and bringing something home. Personally, I like to eat out, so I go out to lunch with my girlfriends to get my fix.

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein
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Re: I want to stop eating out !!!

Our local college did a report on the area restaurants (including chain restaurants) and posted many of their health inspection reports. Once I took a look at the reports, that was all it took. Rodent feces in the ceiling, raw meat juices dripping onto lettuce and then being served, not cleaning cutting boards and more...

We eat at home most of the time and rarely go out to eat anymore. We will only go to a few select places.

It is much healthier to eat at home. You know what is in your food.

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Re: I want to stop eating out !!!

"they hire just about anybody"....really? Hope you don't have that attitude towards your server or bartender! I can about imagine what has done to your food! LOL!!!!!!! Just sayin!
And yes, it's easy. Just don't do it! We don't enjoy going out to eat so it's a very very rare occasion that we do. Have to take us kickin and screamin! I get a lot of gift cards and give them away to family members that do enjoy going out to eat.

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Re: I want to stop eating out !!!

On 4/20/2014 gazelle77 said: Gosh, I worked in the restaurant industry for years and the filth and gross things that go on in the kitchen and to the food you eat would turn your stomach if you only knew. I will not eat out knowing what I know! I have not eaten out for at least 20 years...I love eating healthy food I make at home, and save lots of money!

I worked in the restaurant industry for years, and while there are poorly managed, unsanitary restaurants, there are even more that have ServSafe certified managers and run professional kitchens.

As far as breaking the eating out habit - learn to cook! There are many wonderful cookbooks out there, and limitless websites. Try Epicurious, David Lebovitz, or a subscription to Cooks Illustrated. There are many simple nutritious meals that can be made, and served for 2-3 meals. One of my favorites is a simple roast chicken. Throw some onion, carrot and celery in the roasting pan. After it's cooked, remove the meat from the bones, put the bones and contents of the roasting pan in a pot, add cold water and some herbs and simmer for a couple of hours to make stock. This can be used for soups or sauces. I like to strain, reduce by half and freeze in ice cube trays, to have the concentrate on hand for sauces.

If there are particular ethnic cuisines you enjoy, stock your pantry with ingredients from that country (i.e: Italian, canned tomatoes, roasted peppers, olives, EV olive oil, good parmesan, garlic, pastas, dried porcini, etc.) This makes it so easy to throw a good meal together.

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Re: I want to stop eating out !!!