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Re: I have my new knee and I'm home!

@chrystaltree  I had a nerve block also.  I was told sometimes it lasts 24 hrs. but usually less.  Mine was less.


When I was in the hospital whenever I stood up or sat down they had me keep my knee straight. I wasn't to bend it.


The PT woman yesterday had me bending it some but my discharge instructions said no bending of right leg.  Huh!  The home health/PT person was here and was confused. How do I do PT and not bend my leg?  Yet another call to Dr. office for clarification.  Of course, they are at lunch now.  I will call again at 2 pm when they come back.

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Re: I have my new knee and I'm home!

@CrazyKittyLvr2 - So glad everything went well for you and you can be comfortable in your own bed. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

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Re: I have my new knee and I'm home!

@CrazyKittyLvr2 wrote:

Ok, I am been up since 3:00 am.  I took a pain pill about 11:00 pm.  I did doze for awhile.  Had to get up to hit bathroom.  My knee was just throbbing to the point of being half nauseaed.  I can barely walk.  Iced it again.  Was not going to make it until 5 am for pill.  Took it at 4:00 am and still iicing. It really hasn't helped.  This does not seem normal.  I certainly don't expect to be painfree but 5 mg. of Oxycodone should help.  I have no idea why I am not on Percoset.  It helped with my hip.  I left a message with the Dr. answering service at 7 this am asking about adding Tylenol or a different pain med.


If I can barely walk how do I do PT, which I need to do. I have always had a pretty high pain tolerence but this is crazy.  I dread walking to the bathroom.


@CrazyKittyLvr2 ~


I'm sorry that you are having a really hard time with managing the pain.  Hopefully you got ahold of the Doctor this afternoon, and were able to get a different Rx that will manage your pain much better.  


Lighting a Candle for you.  Heart











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Re: I have my new knee and I'm home!

It's been two months since my 2nd tkr @CrazyKittyLvr2  and have been walking without a cane since the end of month one.  It was a challenge in the beginning, unlike my first tkr in May that I breezed thru with little pain.  Rest assured it does get better, one day at a time.


I could not take oxycontin since it made me hallucinate so they switched me to tramadol and xtra strength tylenol which did the trick.  Took tramadol before each PT session and that helped big time.  No longer have the need since they dismissed me from PT early since they felt I no longer needed it.  They were right.  Only thing now is going down stairs which I continue to work on.


As for compression stockings, on my very first visit with the surgeon he told me to wear them starting that day.  His PA said no matter what anyone tells you keep wearing them and boy do they help.  (I buy the ones Q sells lol)  Since it takes about a year for the swelling to completely subside I plan on using them until I feel they  no longer help.


Wishing you the best - it will get better.


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Re: I have my new knee and I'm home!

@CrazyKittyLvr2---SIL law had both knees replaced but one of them got a pretty major infection in the implant and when that happens, the implant needs to be removed. She went thru several weeks with nothing in that knee except a brace, to allow it to heal; then had another implant done. this was just last year just after she retired from 40 years at her job. She says for the most part, the knee is good except for an occasionally click from it. there is alot more to the story but won't go into it. but she was a trooper on her p/t and as much as she complained how it hurt and that she couldn't do much---she did it. A very active person she is too and we needed to rein her in sometimes from over doing------there was chronic rheumatoid arthritis in her family too and most of it was on their knees. 

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Re: I have my new knee and I'm home!

@chlema  Tramadol does nothing for me.  Was given that a couple years ago for something. It did nothing.

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Re: I have my new knee and I'm home!

@CrazyKittyLvr2 Some meds work for some, not for others.  In my case tramadol was great but when they gave me oxycodone (sp) in the hospital I woke up and saw hundreds of spiders on the wall - closed my eyes and the spiders were gone but on the bathroom door was loads of telephone numbers lol.  Told nurse what I was seeing and they took me off of it - but it was interesting tho.  Hope you're feeling better tomorrow.  

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Re: I have my new knee and I'm home!

[ Edited ]

@CrazyKittyLvr2 wrote:



If I can barely walk how do I do PT, which I need to do. I have always had a pretty high pain tolerence but this is crazy.  I dread walking to the bathroom.








I have had 2 surgeries on my right leg, both required PT. Also had Patella Tendinitis, which took 4 months of PT to get close to "my 100%" mobility.Surgery on my big toe earlier this year. Could name many more, but that is not my point here.


Because I had major problems "walking", that did not preclude my ability to do PT. Doing PT for me, enhanced my ability to walk, contrary to your comment above. Was the PT easy and completely pain free? Of course not, but I did it because I understand why PT is so very important if I want to get back to "my normal".


Everyone that goes through any kind of mobility problems, many none surgical, has the same, but maybe different issues with/during their recoveries, even from the exact types of surgery. Many can find numerous reasons(including myself) why they can't(?) do PT. Can't? is the wrong word. My wife has used that word several times with her recent Right TKR, I tell her exactly what I have typed here.


I really hope things improve for you. Almost all of my very long physical recoveries went the same, in spite of them mostly being differing parts of my body. They all reached a point, some sooner than others, where my mental strength was the most important aspect of my recoveries, the physical pain was a distant second.












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Re: I have my new knee and I'm home!



My L. Knee has been replaced twice, and taken apart once.  I am accustomed to pain, and not once was any part of it without  a significant amount of it.  Sorry.  I know some are pain free and some not so much.


Re: OxyContin - many Docs shy away from narcotics these days because of the drug problem nationwide, Oxy being one of the big ones being trafficked.


With respect to contacting your Doc., I would call the switchboard of the hospital with which he is affiliated and ask them to contact the Doc. who is on call for yours.

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Re: I have my new knee and I'm home!

[ Edited ]

Congratulations, fast recovery and may you have many long enjoyable walks with your new knee after PT and complete recovery!  Best to you.....