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I Think There Needs to be Set Standards & Protocol

I went to an urgent care a couple days ago for an injury. Several people in the waiting room had nasty coughs. This morning I awoke with a bad cold/flu, fever, chills, headache. Now when I cough, I get an extra pain twinge in my injury. I haven't left the house since I went to uc, nor for days preceeding. Set standards at all urgent care facilities should separate "sick/contagious" from others. Even putting up a screen to divide the waiting area may have helped. And protocol should include sanitizning every item that patients touch in common, from the sign-in pens to the finger cover for the oxygen test to the room's door knobs to the chair seats. I keep hand sanitizer in my handbag, but I can't control what germs people spew in the air. Had I known, I would've worn a mask. Pediatricians  here have separate areas for contagious chilren; even vets separate the pets. I went to urgent care for relief, and now feel worse due to a germ-infested uc office with no set standards or infection-control protocol. IMO it's unacceptable practices.

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Re: I Think There Needs to be Set Standards & Protocol

The clinic where my doctor practices has masks in dispensers in the waiting area.  You can just help yourself.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: I Think There Needs to be Set Standards & Protocol

@Desert Lily wrote:

I went to an urgent care a couple days ago for an injury. Several people in the waiting room had nasty coughs. This morning I awoke with a bad cold/flu, fever, chills, headache. Now when I cough, I get an extra pain twinge in my injury. I haven't left the house since I went to uc, nor for days preceeding. Set standards at all urgent care facilities should separate "sick/contagious" from others. Even putting up a screen to divide the waiting area may have helped. And protocol should include sanitizning every item that patients touch in common, from the sign-in pens to the finger cover for the oxygen test to the room's door knobs to the chair seats. I keep hand sanitizer in my handbag, but I can't control what germs people spew in the air. Had I known, I would've worn a mask. Pediatricians  here have separate areas for contagious chilren; even vets separate the pets. I went to urgent care for relief, and now feel worse due to a germ-infested uc office with no set standards or infection-control protocol. IMO it's unacceptable practices.

I use my own pen at the bank, etc., don't take my gloves off if I'm at the grocery store - this way it's easier to remember not to touch my face, take them off to get my car key out of my pocket, put the key back in my pocket and then put them back on.  Once I get in the car, they come off before I touch the steering wheel. 

When my daughter was little, her pediatrician not only had a separate room for the cantagious kids, he had a separate entrance too. 

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Re: I Think There Needs to be Set Standards & Protocol

@Desert Lily , I am sorry this happened to you.  I agree with you.  To go with an unrelated illness and come home with the latest virus is so disappointing.


The flu is on full force now.  Our health centres are telling people with the flu not to go to emergency.  They are extablishing separate centres for the flu outbreak.


I am in Canada.  I now have a huge dread of flying during winter because it is almost impossible not to pick up some bug.  So...if  

i can't drive (and we have no problem driving long distances), I have been staying put through the winter.  I love to book aisle seats for DH and I and now I read they are the worst for germs as people handle the seats on their way up and down the aisle. 🙄


I hope you are feeling better soon.  LM

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Re: I Think There Needs to be Set Standards & Protocol

I went to my doctor several weeks ago with flu symptoms.  As soon as I explained this to the receptionist she handed me a mask and told me to put it on.  She said all patients with flu-like symptoms are required to wear them in their office.

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Re: I Think There Needs to be Set Standards & Protocol

my pediatrician never had a separate area for those who came in sick. i guess you could stand outside or wait in your car and have them call you when it was your turn. she had three rooms to see children. i probably would not have known if the child before mine that was in the exam room was there and sick or was there for a wellness checkup.


my vet does not have a separate area for animals who are sick.

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Re: I Think There Needs to be Set Standards & Protocol

It's the doorknobs that get you - grocery cart handles - etc.   You can't wash your hands there & then rub your nose or eye.....boom you just got infected.

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Re: I Think There Needs to be Set Standards & Protocol

I've been using nothing but Walmart's grocery shopping service for the past 2 months to avoid going in the store, handling carts, etc.  All.i see is the boy who brings them out into the open air, and I don't get close to him.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: I Think There Needs to be Set Standards & Protocol

At my urgent care, there is a box of masks and a sign that says that if you are coughing, to please wear a mask.



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Re: I Think There Needs to be Set Standards & Protocol

I think whenever you are going to go to any healthcare  facility then you should expect to be with other sick people there. Personally I would make a plan before leaving the house. Bring some of your own 'infection control' stuff with you. I like to pop a zinc lozenge in my mouth and swab my nasal openings with zinc also. Arm yourself like you are going in for battle. I just did that a few weeks ago when I had to be in a huge room full of people for jury duty.