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Re: I Think There Needs to be Set Standards & Protocol

@Desert Lily wrote:

I went to an urgent care a couple days ago for an injury. Several people in the waiting room had nasty coughs. This morning I awoke with a bad cold/flu, fever, chills, headache. Now when I cough, I get an extra pain twinge in my injury. I haven't left the house since I went to uc, nor for days preceeding. Set standards at all urgent care facilities should separate "sick/contagious" from others. Even putting up a screen to divide the waiting area may have helped. And protocol should include sanitizning every item that patients touch in common, from the sign-in pens to the finger cover for the oxygen test to the room's door knobs to the chair seats. I keep hand sanitizer in my handbag, but I can't control what germs people spew in the air. Had I known, I would've worn a mask. Pediatricians  here have separate areas for contagious chilren; even vets separate the pets. I went to urgent care for relief, and now feel worse due to a germ-infested uc office with no set standards or infection-control protocol. IMO it's unacceptable practices.

you should address this with the Urgent CAre company,

using social media,  it is a great way to get attention to an issue




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Re: I Think There Needs to be Set Standards & Protocol

Definitely contact the center and mention this.  The office I go to has a separate area for flu symptoms, no symptoms.  Plus you get a mask when you check in if you're there for flu symptoms.  The masks though are available for anyone.

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Re: I Think There Needs to be Set Standards & Protocol

@Desert Lily wrote:

I went to an urgent care a couple days ago for an injury. Several people in the waiting room had nasty coughs. This morning I awoke with a bad cold/flu, fever, chills, headache. Now when I cough, I get an extra pain twinge in my injury. I haven't left the house since I went to uc, nor for days preceeding. Set standards at all urgent care facilities should separate "sick/contagious" from others. Even putting up a screen to divide the waiting area may have helped. And protocol should include sanitizning every item that patients touch in common, from the sign-in pens to the finger cover for the oxygen test to the room's door knobs to the chair seats. I keep hand sanitizer in my handbag, but I can't control what germs people spew in the air. Had I known, I would've worn a mask. Pediatricians  here have separate areas for contagious chilren; even vets separate the pets. I went to urgent care for relief, and now feel worse due to a germ-infested uc office with no set standards or infection-control protocol. IMO it's unacceptable practices.


@Desert Lily 



The squeaky wheel gets the grease.


I don't know if you went to a large facility or a tiny little clinic, but they must have some sort of website.  I would suggest an email or letter directed to the Administrator and complain about the situation you found on your visit.  Include contact information so they can reach you after checking how things are being done.  


Just like any other service provider for the public, the people who run them don't want negative referrals out there.  You described the situation perfectly; now they need to have this brought to their attention.

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Re: I Think There Needs to be Set Standards & Protocol

Yesterday I had to go to urgent care.  I had a head injury and was bleeding.  The waiting room was full and everyone had a mask on.  I waited and waited, head pounding.  Others came in with flu symptoms and were told to put on masks.  An hour went by.  Others that came in after me were taken in to see the doctor (only one on duty).  Another hour went by, more incoming and they were also taken in before me.  Finally my name was called and I went in and was put in an individual room.  Waited another hour.  I could see more people come in and the doctor saw them before me.  Finally I began to cry and could not hold up my head much longer it hurt so bad.  My husband went and asked how much longer it would be.  The PA said they would check and be right back.  Another 20 minutes and I said "that's it, I'm leaving."  So we left.  I was so disgusted.  I cleaned off the wound best I could and my husband put polysporin on it.  What an awful day.  Never again.  If I end up with the flu I'll be extremely upset.

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Re: I Think There Needs to be Set Standards & Protocol

@rms1954   Wow, what a horrible experience 😧🙁.  I’m so sorry....Hope you are feeling ok.  How did you cut your head?

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Re: I Think There Needs to be Set Standards & Protocol




All my doctors also have masks readily available in their offices. For any procedure I have had done, be it the "Procedure Center" where you check in, or the "Diagnostic Center", for specific procedures, all have masks available.


Most of my many procedures were done at the hospital I lovingly, call my "2nd home". The same is true in their ER, where I also unfortunately have spent way too much time. Certain facilities can only do so much, the rest, in my opinion, is up to each individual.









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Re: I Think There Needs to be Set Standards & Protocol

@SeaMaiden wrote:

@rms1954   Wow, what a horrible experience 😧🙁.  I’m so sorry....Hope you are feeling ok.  How did you cut your head?

Thanks  I just had a really bad headache all day.  It was a chore getting all the matted blood in my hair.  I was cleaning out a pantry closet and there was a plastic bag with three of those heavy plastic Ninja containers.  They fell and hit the back of my head.  I was bending over to pick up something and they came tumbling down.  There was so much blood I thought for sure I split my head open.  The cut was about two inches.  I probably should have had a couple stitches or staples.  I guess when you cut your head it bleeds a lot worse than what it is.  Still had to pay the co-pay.  My husband had a fit.  

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Re: I Think There Needs to be Set Standards & Protocol

@SilleeMee wrote:

I think whenever you are going to go to any healthcare  facility then you should expect to be with other sick people there. Personally I would make a plan before leaving the house. Bring some of your own 'infection control' stuff with you. I like to pop a zinc lozenge in my mouth and swab my nasal openings with zinc also. Arm yourself like you are going in for battle. I just did that a few weeks ago when I had to be in a huge room full of people for jury duty. 




My doctor's offices have hand sanitizer and masks available. I use hand sanitizer before and after I sign anything with a pen and again on my way out. 



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Re: I Think There Needs to be Set Standards & Protocol

I carry latex gloves in my car, i wear them when i do things  ,like filling up with gas.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: I Think There Needs to be Set Standards & Protocol

@SilleeMee wrote:

I think whenever you are going to go to any healthcare  facility then you should expect to be with other sick people there. Personally I would make a plan before leaving the house. Bring some of your own 'infection control' stuff with you. I like to pop a zinc lozenge in my mouth and swab my nasal openings with zinc also. Arm yourself like you are going in for battle. I just did that a few weeks ago when I had to be in a huge room full of people for jury duty. 

Exactly, take control of your situation. 

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.