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Anyone know of something over the counter to help with hot flashes and night sweats? Mid 50's. Not fun!!
While I breathe, I hope - - South Carolina
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Do you exercise on a regular basis, that has really helped me.  I know it doesn't work for everyone, but it's worth a try.


Also, limiting caffeine and alcohol are other suggested tactics.

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I am over that stage in my life, amen; however, there are products at the drugstore that can help you out but off hand I don't know the names.  I do remember one called Estroven.   I was on Estrogen after my hysterectomy and I felt like a new person.  I could not take the Estrogen & Progesterin together as the Progesterin did not agree with me but that is your best bet if you are not in a high category for cancer.  It's a tough stage in your life and I always wonder why women have to go through so much.  Cat Very Happy

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I took Estrovan from Wal-Mart for a few years.  It worked for me.  Hope you find something to help!


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When I weaned myself off of HRT, I had the sweats...bad.

Nothing OTC helped.

Then..and even now...nutritionally, if I eat salty food & not drink enough water, I'll get the night 'mist'.  Compared to others, if I exercise TOO hard, I'll have an uncomfortable night.  I'm upping my soy, as well...that seems to have the greatest impact.

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I take Andrew Lessman's Positive Passage (it's only available on Procaps, not on HSN).  I take 3 a day.

QVC Shopper - 1993

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Andrew Lessman's Women's Wellness has worked significantly for me.  I am one of the lucky ones that had hot flashes for years and years. 

A lot of mine were super soakers.  Day or night it did not matter.  I still have them but no where near the amount or intensity.  I take one a day.

Now, if I could just stop losing my hair!

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Re: Hot Flashes - help

[ Edited ]

@MercysMom wrote:
Anyone know of something over the counter to help with hot flashes and night sweats? Mid 50's. Not fun!!


@MercysMom -


I highly recommend Smoky Mountain Naturals products, specifically their Estriol cream and Progesterone cream. You can read many, many reviews on Amazon - if you have plenty of time! I also use their DIM supplement.


I started using them with my doctor's approval a few years ago. They work great & eliminated my hot flashes and more. I still need them and suffer when I forget to use the Estriol for a few days.

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Natural, safe, effective, and recommended by integrative physicians:

Evening primrose oil - 500 mg. three times a day.


Bonus:  it's great for your skin.  

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I have been very fortunate that I have never suffered from hot flashes or night sweats.  I stay "chilled" all the time.  I would have welcomed both.  My doctor says I'm a reptilian. Smiley LOL



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