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Had to have a wisdom tooth removed yesterday.  It already had root canal over ten years ago.  It was just "done".  It was a pool of bacteria, pain.  OUT.  Okay, now my face looks like I was punched in the face.  PAIN galore.  I had general anesthesia.  They were very nice to me and the doctor is amazing and kind.  I'm a chicken.  I don't get it, I've had extractions before and never missed a beat.  This one's a bad scene.  Like my mother would've said....

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Posts: 449
Registered: ‎01-23-2011

If you are into herbal remedies at all, a really great one to help with any infection, including dental ones, is Wellness (capsules) by Source Naturals. If you are taking an antibiotic, you can take this with it, and if you are not taking an antibiotic, this would be great to take for sure for about ten days. Good luck, and I am so sorry you are in pain!

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I hope you feel better, but if the pain persists, notify them immediately. I waited, hoping it would settle down - bad decision. I had two cavities (one very minor she said) filled and never experienced pain afterwards like that before. Long story short, ended up with major infection that led to lockjaw. Had to take a whole day's worth (6 pills the first day) all at once of Prednisone and antibiotics. Even told by the endodontist to not even wait until I got home to take them. Ended up needing two root canals. So, if pain persists, tell them. 


F/N/A luvstogarden
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Registered: ‎11-24-2011

Absolutely call if you don't start getting some relief pronto! You shouldn't have to be suffering like that after an extraction.


Speaking of dentistry, yesterday I had to have a cavity taken care of that was in a tooth under a permanently cememted in bridge. I thought the bridge would have to be removed to get the job done but no....It was all done by laser. My first time with that sort of dentistry.

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Just thought I would comment you could have a dry socket.  In any case I would call my Dentist and check it out, you shouldn't have so much pain.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I agree with @lovepink .  You could have a dry socket.  I had all four of mine removed at the same time many years ago.  I had awful pain, and it was a dry socket.  You need to let your dentist know.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Registered: ‎08-25-2010

When I had some wisdom teeth pulled years ago, my dentist told me not to bend over from the waist. I don't remember the reason, but he said it could be painful if I did. He also warned me about dry sockets. When DS had all 4 of his wisdom teeth removed, he found that applying moist teabags soaked in tepid water soothed the soreness. Definitely call your dentist about your pain - I'm surprised he didn't call later to check on how you were doing once you got home.

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@77yangya  With the wisdom teeth being located so far back in the jaw, it does cause trauma to that area when having extractions.  The muscles also are affected from the trauma so swelling is a given.  While a dry socket is possible (meaning you have lost the blod clot) to have swelling and soreness is quite normal.   Did you ice the area and follow post op instructions?   Best wishes, hope you feel better but I would give it a little time but you can always call the office or they may even call you today.

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Registered: ‎07-07-2010

@77yangya  I am so sorry that you are in pain, and you have me very worried since I am having a tooth pulled on Tuesday.  I remember having a dry socket with the removal of wisdom teeth years ago, and it was very painful.  Sounds like you have the same.


I did ask the dentist who will take out my tooth about dry socket, and I was told that procedures have changed drastically since I had mine.  I wish that I could get out of this tooth removal, but I have a crack in my tooth below the gum line.  


Please call your dentist asap and do not wait for the weekend to be over.  Take care of it today.  Pain does not usually get better on its own.

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!
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@77yangya   Never heard of a dentist doing a root canal on useless wisdom teeth.  They're normally just pulled.  I think some dentist pulled a fast one on you for $$$.

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