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We glady provide childcare for our 18 month old granddaughter several days a week. I knew going into this that we'd be subject to all manner of viruses and such. Well, I've got my 3rd head cold in 4 months. Ridiculous! Normal for me is one head cold every 2-3 years!

Though I worked in hospitals for years and years, I was able to remain pretty darn healthy, until toddler germs arrived. I was able to keep my distance at the hospital, but not from a toddler who wants me to read her a "Peppa Pig" book 8 times over, be the recipient of slobber kisses and "up high, Oma," face to face.

Of course, this is all done with a great deal of love. I just hope that some time in the next 2 years my immune system will have caught up with things, as my husband actually thought I was faking this virus when the sore throat started on Friday. Geesh!

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Re: Grandchildren and Germs : )

This was a terrible winter for getting head colds, I never get sick and I had a cold that last 3 weeks , it occurs to me that my nose has been running since the fall. If I had to care for a little one, I think I would make a game of hand washing and covering the mouth when we cough. Don't forget to disinfect those door knobs.LOL

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Re: Grandchildren and Germs : )

Usually when they are daycare/preschool, they come home covered in germs. Sure the daycare workers have access to hand sanitizer, but no one keeps the kids hands clean.

Best thing to do is give her a warm bath as soon as she comes in to your house. Make it a fun ritual. Get all the germies off her. Put on fresh clothes that you have at your home.

Then you can enjoy her being on your lap, reading, hugging and being a Grandma!

I would also suggest giving her some good fruits and veggies. High in much needed vitamin c. Doesn't have to be brussel sprouts! Strawberries, cucumber, red peppers.

Mine love to munch on them as snacks.

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Re: Grandchildren and Germs : )

I understand, sfnative!! My grandkids are not tiny anymore, but when they were it was pretty hard to steer clear of the germs. AND I worked as the secretary at their elementary school. I got the stomach crud a couple times a year, and I was so careful about hand-washing, etc. It didn't seem to make any difference.

Been retired for 1-1/2 years now, and haven't been sick once!!

It's a trade-off....I sure miss those toddler years with the grandbabies!!!

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Re: Grandchildren and Germs : )

Oh, SFnative, can I ever empathize with you! We have two grandchildren, 5 and 2 years old, that DH and I lovingly call the Petri Dishes. The older one is in preschool, and, for the last three years, has brought home to share every cold and flu in our area--and Grandma catches one every time she's around them.

Strive for respect instead of attention. It lasts longer.
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Re: Grandchildren and Germs : )

I've had a daycare business for 30 years and it took me quite a number of years to build up my immune system but I never get sick anymore . I have really stepped up the kids' handwashing the last few years and they have been alot healthier this year.Also, Lucky Charm's advise about giving her a bath as soon as she comes into your home is a very good idea. One of my daycare moms is a kindergarten teacher with 3 daughters of her own(ages 6,8, and 13) and she has them all take a shower as soon as they get home for the very purpose that Lucky Charm says.

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Re: Grandchildren and Germs : )

I would love to catch my granddaughter's cold. She lives 4 states away.
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Re: Grandchildren and Germs : )

OP Here,

Thank you everyone for your kind replies. It never occurred to me to run a bath for her as soon as she arrived. That's a WOW moment for me today for sure. And, all the other advice and ideas are very much appreciated as well.

These times with her are so precious. At 18 months she's tearing around the house like crazy. It's a demanding time for us, for sure. But, each day she's with us we're making wonderful memories, for which we're very grateful.

Q2girl - so sorry you're 4 states away. That has GOT to be difficult. We were fortunate in that when I retired in 2013, we left California and moved up here, as my DD was pregnant at the time, so we've been here from the get-go. I pray that circumstances will allow you to experience your grandchildren more in the future.

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Re: Grandchildren and Germs : )

We watch grandkids also. Normally my mom catches everything. This year she has been lucky and hasn't caught anything. Lol to peppa pig. My three year old nice watches it all the time and sits there and snorts. And when we say zebra she corrects us in her British accent.
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Re: Grandchildren and Germs : )

I can relate, sfnative, I take care of a 2 yr old grandchild two days a week. We attend story time at the library every week & a Play & Learn group periodically. We carry hand sanitizer & use it when we leave or if there is another child who exhibits "symptoms". Fortunately, most people are considerate & stay home when their kids are sick. Our grandchild loves to wash his hands, so this helps a lot. There have been lots of respiratory bugs going around this year & dh, ds & ddil have all been sick more often than the grandchild. I wash my hands frequently, keep well hydrated & spend regular time on the treadmill. This seems to help keep me well. However, every time someone walks in coughing & sneezing, I hope I don't get it, lol.