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Getting mine between a bunch of other doc appts....even if i am not sick having to go to docs on a regular basis you feel you may pick up something in the doctors office......i am a bit earlier this year too...usually i go mid Oct

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Who says it's too early?? I had a check up last week with my doctor and yes I got my flu shot. Early?? Silly comment. 

"Pure Michigan"
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We wait until until mid October. 

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@Carmie I beg to differ with your statement about last year's vaccine not helping anyone!


It helped me and every member of my extended family. And I have a ton of friends who got the shot and did NOT get the flu.


Sorry but you are mistaken. It didn't help everyone, true, but it DID help a lot of people.

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It is not too early to get a flu shot. The CDC is recommending get it now. The vaccination takes two weeks for it to take affect and getting a shot now will get you ready in time for the flu season, before it strikes and will protect you throughout the flu season.

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I think it's too early.  For the past few years, I've been getting mine through our county gov department of health.  And they have those clinics during the middle of October.  

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According to my PCP and my oncologist, it is not too early.

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For the past many years we have been offered them where I work.  I haven't seen a notice yet for this year.  It's usually in September or October though.

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I had planned on getting one yesterday at the Kroger pharmacy when I did my grocery shopping.  As I was walking in the door I realized that I had worn a shirt that I couldn't roll the sleeves up high enough for the shot.  I'll get it next week.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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I guess everyone is different...My PCP told me to wait till at least it can last throughout the season.  If you get it too early it might not last the entire season.  That is what she told me.  I have to get one...required for work.  I work for a major health care system in Arizona.