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Can someone help me with how to relieve foot neuropathy.

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Was it diagnosed by a Neurologist??? If not, then that's the Specialist you need to see. There is medication for neuropathy.....

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I am not going into details. I just want to know if anyone has any remedies that helps relieve it.

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I have it from a cancer med I take. My Dr has prescribed gabapentin, which gives me some relief but it does not go away. For the icy cold burn I wear a pair of fur lined slippers that are super tight. I wear open toe shoes as much of the year that I can for the hot burn.
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Anything to relieve it would have to be prescribed by a physician. You need to go to the doctor.

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I never said I hadn't been to a doctor. I Just wanted to know how something relief.

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Whatever ! did the doctor tell you to try folic acid ? Or give you a RX for anything. a lot of how this condition is treated is related to what is causing it. Is it from chemo or are you a diabetic or prediabetic? Have you been exposed to any chemicals - like in your profession? There are tons of causes and more often than not treating the cause is the best way to treat neuropathy.

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I didn't want to go into details because sometimes people get up in arms,when you ask for medical advice. I was in the hospital for three months. Was on a antibiotic for a Colin infection and was,in it to counteract another antibiotic. The doctor thinks the one caused it be cause even though I am Diabetic my numbers,are good and I have never had an issue before.

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On 6/23/2014 ccassaday said:

I am not going into details. I just want to know if anyone has any remedies that helps relieve it.

I'm not going to give details, but please be very detailed in your responses to me which would involve everyone giving various possible reasons for my pain, along with whatever your doctors or you have found to relieve each particular cause.{#emotions_dlg.confused1}{#emotions_dlg.thumbdown}

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎06-22-2010
On 6/23/2014 ccassaday said:

I never said I hadn't been to a doctor. I Just wanted to know how something relief.

My doctor suggested Vitamin B complex, or Alpha Lipoic acid. I use lots of lotion on my feet! I know some have results rubbing their feet with Vicks vapo rub, or essential oils. Its terrible I know! Wearing Berkinstocks helps some~ Mine is caused by damage from high blood sugar. My doctor is hopeful it will go away now that my blood sugars are good. They also have some prescriptions, like Lyrica. Alcoholism and chemo can also cause neuropathy. antibiotics can too! I have included a link about antibiotics and neuropathy~

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.
-- Mae West