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Re: Endoscopy and Colonoscopy in same day next week.

My Medical Clinic doctors use Miralax for the cleanse.  It has no taste.  You have to drink a very large amount of liquid during the prep but that is the worst part of it.  You might want to ask your doctor if that is an option for you.  Personally, I cannot make myself drink anything that tastes bad so I was very relieved to have the Miralax method.  Good luck!

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Re: Endoscopy and Colonoscopy in same day next week.

My last time the doc had me use mega doses of the powdered laxative ! I mixed it with a crystal lite type drink, put in blender with lots of ice! I agree, it's best to be as empty as possible before starting the prep! That way, you may be clean before you drink it all!

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Re: Endoscopy and Colonoscopy in same day next week.

Best of luck for a good outcome.


@Hondagirl wrote:

Dr. gave me Supprep... Reading horrible reviews on the stuff.... Anyone who has tried it let me know what could I mix so I don't get sick...


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Re: Endoscopy and Colonoscopy in same day next week.

My suggestion is to put the Suprep bottle and white grape juice in the freezer to get very cold. I also gag very easily, but found that white grape juice helps me handle the Suprep. Drink it very fast, then drink something else immediately afterwards to reset your taste buds.
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Re: Endoscopy and Colonoscopy in same day next week.

Had my colonoscopy last week....I go every three years.  My cleansing procedure involves eating a light breakfast of toast and an egg.  Then, about noon I take 4 Dulcolax.  And, I mix 32 oz of Miralax with Gatorade, and refrigerate.  My doc said I could also use Crystal Light, but it gave me some "issues" the last time.


Three hours after the Dulcolax, I drink one glass of the solution each hour for four hours.


Fleet enema two hours before leaving home.


I always get a score of 9 out of 9 as far as my colon cleanliness. 

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Re: Endoscopy and Colonoscopy in same day next week.

If I have to drink anything that tastes really bad, I don't breathe, just close off my nose and that really helps me get it down the throat.

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Re: Endoscopy and Colonoscopy in same day next week.

Good luck on that. Haven't been through it, so nothing to add for you. Just good luck for a good outcome.

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Re: Endoscopy and Colonoscopy in same day next week.

sounds like the medical powers that be are getting to you  at either end. Wishing you pain-free and sucessful procedures.

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Re: Endoscopy and Colonoscopy in same day next week.



I n addition to keeping the bad tasting stuff icy cold, use a straw to get it past your tastebuds.  Did this with my very first colonoscopy prep which tasted horrible.


The second one, 3 years ago was so much easier: Dulcolax, Miralax mixed with Diet Peach Snapple and a good night's sleep.


In November will facing my third procedure, hopefully with the same great outcome.   Good luck with both of yours !

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Re: Endoscopy and Colonoscopy in same day next week.

Test went very well... Dr. was able to remove 3 polyps but one he had trouble with and I have to go back in 6 months... Also, the Supprep is so nasty that I did finally throw up on the 2nd dose.  The bad part was taking this prep at 5pm and then 10:30pm.. I was already sick to my stomach and had a hard time at 10:30... Tried everything from hard candy, gum, lemon wedge, gingerale/juice etc. and lots of ice... Prep started right away at 10:30 and was still in the bathroom at midnight - just wanted to die and cry.  Appointment was at 6:30am so left the house after 5am - what a night.... I did put some Vicks under my nose and that helped with the smell... Endoscopy went well - that was the easy part... I know I have to do this again in a few months but need to find something better to mix the prep so I don't get so sick...It does the job very well but I am a gagger....