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Just an FYI that if you have any reason to go on Lasix, watch out.  


I've been wearing hearing aids for about 7 yrs. without any severe or sudden changes throughout that time period.  I recently thought I had an equipment issue with one of my hearing aids, but it checked out fine.  Then I noticed when I didn't have the aids in, I felt like my right ear was blocked up like I had a cottonball in it.  I made an appointment with my audiologist, saw him Wednesday, and found out I had a significant change that was in accordance with what I said I was experiencing.  He wanted to do some further testing to find the source of the loss so we scheduled another appointment.  

Earlier this summer I changed my prescription diuretic.  I'd been taking a simple Hydrochlorothiazide pill for high blood pressure.  For some reason I began retaining fluids and the medication wasn't cutting it.  I saw my nurse practitioner and she switched me to Lasix.  Boy, it really did the trick.

So when I got home from the audiologist the other day, I started doing some of my own research and found out that one of the side effects of the Lasix is hearing loss!  I cancelled the audiologist appointment, quit taking the Lasix, and am re-trying the Hydrochlorothiazide again (different dose).  Right now I'm just hoping and praying the new loss isn't permanent, that my hearing will go back to what it was once the medication get flushed from my system.  In reading about the side effects, I was surprised to see a couple other things on the list that I've experienced, but brushed off. 

Anyway, just thought I'd send out a warning to research your prescriptions and pay attention to your body cues.  

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Re: Lasix Side Effect Warning

I was on Hydrochlorithiazide for HBP - it wasn't doing the job, so my doctor switched me to Lisinopril and I just love it!  The hydrochlorithiazide made me feel foggy. 

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Re: Lasix Side Effect Warning

@hoosieroriginal wrote:

I was on Hydrochlorithiazide for HBP - it wasn't doing the job, so my doctor switched me to Lisinopril and I just love it!  The hydrochlorithiazide made me feel foggy. 

@hoosieroriginal  Lisinopril was actually the first medication I tried.  It worked great, but I also had that annoying, terrible "Lisinopril Cough".  I also tried Norvasc and that made my legs swell and feel so heavy to move.  After those two fails, I asked my doctor if I could just take the water pill.  

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Re: Lasix Side Effect Warning

@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

@hoosieroriginal wrote:

I was on Hydrochlorithiazide for HBP - it wasn't doing the job, so my doctor switched me to Lisinopril and I just love it!  The hydrochlorithiazide made me feel foggy. 

@hoosieroriginal  Lisinopril was actually the first medication I tried.  It worked great, but I also had that annoying, terrible "Lisinopril Cough".  I also tried Norvasc and that made my legs swell and feel so heavy to move.  After those two fails, I asked my doctor if I could just take the water pill.  

@JeanLouiseFinch - Oh my gosh, I have had this horrible cough, but only at night (I thought it was air conditioning).  Didn't know that was a side effect - I'll have to read up on that.  Thanks for the warning.  Good luck!

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Re: Lasix Side Effect Warning

@hoosieroriginalJust shows how different we all are.  When my script was changed to Lisinoipril, I lasted last than 2 weeks before I was so sore from coughing that he changed me once again.


And @JeanLouiseFinchthanks for that Lasik info.  I've only had Lasik in an emergency situation, not a script form, but it's some powerful stuff apparently. 


I just had my daily meds upped last week - and even that required some counseling from the pharmacist before they'd let me leave the counter with the new strength of the same meds.

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Re: Lasix Side Effect Warning

So sorry you are dealing with this. I hope that it's just temporary.

I have taken Lasix in the past & my sister takes it right now so I will send her an email. Thx for sharing the info. I had no idea it could cause hearing loss.


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Re: Lasix Side Effect Warning

OP, you did all of these medication changes without your doctors approval? Thats just as dangerous to your health. Geez make another appt with your doctors to discuss your findings. Wow

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Lasix Side Effect Warning

@ID2 wrote:

OP, you did all of these medication changes without your doctors approval? Thats just as dangerous to your health. Geez make another appt with your doctors to discuss your findings. Wow

Of course not!  They're all prescriptions so they'd only be obtained via a medical professional ordering them for me at local pharmacy.  My primary physician was the one who prescribed the first three at an in-office visit.  The Lasix was prescribed by the nurse practitioner in the same office, at an in-person office visit.  I called the office yesterday to report my experience to the nurse, who relayed it to the NP, and we decided together to give the original diuretic an second chance.

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Re: Lasix Side Effect Warning

[ Edited ]

I have taken Lasix and am now on Hydrochlorothiazide .  Thanks for posting this info.  I'll make sure I don't take Lasix again.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Lasix Side Effect Warning




The only time I have been on Lasix were during my long hospital stays. With my bleeding colon and on fluid IV and Blood Transfusions, my feet I did not even recognize. Fit in my shoes? Not a chance, I could barely get my hospital socks on my feet.


Then came the IV Lasix, which meant stay close to a toilet. For hours it was about 10 minutes between bathroom visits. I didn't know that prescribed Lasix outside of being an in patient at the hospital.


It has to be a much lower dose or a person would have to insert a catheter. I was on a very low dosage of Lopressor since my 1st heart attack in 2003. I have never had high BP, but my Cardiologist wanted my BP as low as possible, without effecting any of my normal functioning.


That BP ended up being around 90/60. If my Diastolic got below 55, I had to get up fron sitting very slowly and let the blood get back to my head. Was on that until about 3 months ago and my same Cardiologist wanted to see how I would be if I quit taking it.


Working out well as my BP is still around a 104/62-64, which is fine with me. Lasix? That is a new BP med to me. Thought they only used it(illegally) on race horses and hospital in-patients. Danged if that ain't my "learn 1 new thing every single day"!  Good and new info for me, and thank you to all who mentioned Lasix as a BP med. Could'a fooled this old man.




