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@mistriTsquirrel.....I am familiar with the difficulties taking Cymbalta. It has a black box warning and it is very difficult to stop taking it.


I will be praying for you that you can get through this difficult period in your life. I am all too familiar with medications that have serious side effects. Sometimes, they are necessary to take but I really wish clinicians would think about how they prescribe these meds. Would they prescribe them to a family member?  I just went through this recently when a doctor wanted to prescribe a drug for me off label with horrific side effects including pancreatic cancer. I just refused to take it but still got a lecture on how I should add it to my already endless list of meds for auto-immune diseases I have.



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Re: Eczema Help?

[ Edited ]

I been battling a huge eczema size of a football  and resulting scar for years and I finally find what works  and it is the cheapest thing on the market.


I picked up a container of vasaline  with coca butter at target ( in the lotion section) and  The redness and scarring is finally healing  and ligher in color and I no longer have the urge to itch and scratch!!!!  I put it on in the morning after I shower then at bedtime. No more dry iritated itchy skin!  I am finally seeing results.


Wen oil and other oils really woked well but this had been the real miricle worker!

I tried everything on earth and this works!  I been useing for a month now and the discoloration and redness is greatly faded  and starting to be closer to natural skin. I never in a million years thought to try something so simple




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@mistriTsquirrel wrote:

@fourpaws56 wrote:

milk was causing my grandsons eczema



Did he have a confirmed allergy, or was it just process of elimination to find out that milk was what was causing it?


I mentioned upthread that I get skin problems when the dairy isn't organic, but Trinity said she has an allergy.

it was just my soon as I stopped milk he cleared right up, that was 3 yrs ago...he will be four nxt week, no skin issues

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Posts: 5,258
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@mistriTsquirrel wrote:

Do you take any supplements that help your eczema (vitamin, mineral, herbal, food, etc.)?  I know that staying hydrated is considered essential, but I was wondering if anyone had any other tips.


Topical treatments would be of interest to me as well.


I'm also wondering if anything in my diet could be aggravating it.  Have you found that cutting out certain foods has helped with your eczema?


Thanks in advance for your replies!!  Heart



Just chiming in here, because my husband developed "eczema," and purchased and tried every over-the-counter ointment and what-have-you, to no avail.  Because he was self-diagnosing, I urged him see a Dermatologist, but he wouldn't.  Now, this guy knows squat about medicine or diagnosing skin conditions, he a freaking Silicon Valley engineer.  So this condition gets worse and worse and so is the rate of cursing and misery in the house.  I was fed up with it and gave him the riot act one evening when I returned from work.  Finally, he went, after all this time, to see a Dermatologist to find that he had psoraisis and required laser treatments(!).  The treatments were extremely successful and once in a while he starts to get a flare, but slathers on a special ointment and it's gone.


I really hope you're able to find something that really helps and if you haven't had a "get down and boogy" eval by a Dermatologist, perhaps you can give that some thought in the near future.


**If it is eczema, food may very well play an extremely important part.  It does for my daughter.


Good luck!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Eczema Help?

[ Edited ]

My eczema is caused by food allergies, specifically corn.  

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Posts: 8,958
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I hate to even suggest it, but STRESS actually makes my eczema pop. 

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Posts: 5,358
Registered: ‎07-17-2010

@Trinity11 wrote:

@mistriTsquirrel.....I am familiar with the difficulties taking Cymbalta. It has a black box warning and it is very difficult to stop taking it.


I will be praying for you that you can get through this difficult period in your life. I am all too familiar with medications that have serious side effects. Sometimes, they are necessary to take but I really wish clinicians would think about how they prescribe these meds. Would they prescribe them to a family member?  I just went through this recently when a doctor wanted to prescribe a drug for me off label with horrific side effects including pancreatic cancer. I just refused to take it but still got a lecture on how I should add it to my already endless list of meds for auto-immune diseases I have.



Thanks, @Trinity11.


Yeah, I'm starting to feel pretty yucky.   I started taking Cymbalta when it was new, so I didn't know anything about how hard it can be to get off of.  Right now what's bothering me the most is muscle pain.


I really feel like those of us with these illnesses are in a no-win situation.  You can take a medication that has horrible side-effects, of you can live with an illness that makes your life hell.


In my particular circumstance, this is my best option.  Thankfully, cancer isn't on the warning label for Cymbalta.


I hope you're able to find relief in other ways.  That drug sounds like bad news.

"Heartburn Can Cause Cancer" --
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I hate the idea of using petroleum products, but I may do that.  


Not on the patch I have on my scalp though.  Can you imagine what a grease-ball I would look like?  heh  Maybe it would be okay if I used a q-tip to apply.

"Heartburn Can Cause Cancer" --
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Registered: ‎07-17-2010

@sfnative wrote:

@mistriTsquirrel wrote:

Do you take any supplements that help your eczema (vitamin, mineral, herbal, food, etc.)?  I know that staying hydrated is considered essential, but I was wondering if anyone had any other tips.


Topical treatments would be of interest to me as well.


I'm also wondering if anything in my diet could be aggravating it.  Have you found that cutting out certain foods has helped with your eczema?


Thanks in advance for your replies!!  Heart



Just chiming in here, because my husband developed "eczema," and purchased and tried every over-the-counter ointment and what-have-you, to no avail.  Because he was self-diagnosing, I urged him see a Dermatologist, but he wouldn't.  Now, this guy knows squat about medicine or diagnosing skin conditions, he a freaking Silicon Valley engineer.  So this condition gets worse and worse and so is the rate of cursing and misery in the house.  I was fed up with it and gave him the riot act one evening when I returned from work.  Finally, he went, after all this time, to see a Dermatologist to find that he had psoraisis and required laser treatments(!).  The treatments were extremely successful and once in a while he starts to get a flare, but slathers on a special ointment and it's gone.


I really hope you're able to find something that really helps and if you haven't had a "get down and boogy" eval by a Dermatologist, perhaps you can give that some thought in the near future.


**If it is eczema, food may very well play an extremely important part.  It does for my daughter.


Good luck!

Thanks, @sfnative.


I have not had a derm visit for this.  However, my mother has for hers and her derm said it is eczema.  Since she and I seem to have the same medical issues 99% of the time, I figure that's probably what it is.  


I'm not terribly worried about it at this point, as it is just kind of a nuisance.  Maybe I'll see someone about it when my other medical problems have been figured out.

"Heartburn Can Cause Cancer" --
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Posts: 8,958
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Eczema Help?

[ Edited ]

Just remembering, coconut oil actually stopped mine on my neck and ankle. I get the worst on the inside of my elbows, but thankfully it doesn't happen too often.