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Re: Does anyone not carry medical insurance?

@Nataliesgramma   I can't wait for Medicare!  Unfortunately, I am a long ways away from it.  My mother did a snoopy dance when she finally got off the Obamacare and got onto Medicare.  I wish you extremely good health until then.  

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Re: Does anyone not carry medical insurance?

@Laura14 I just went to a regular doctor's office. I went to an urgent care once for a sinus infection that was bothering a tooth and that was maybe 250 to walk in the door and I think they billed me for another 100 maybe after.


I wonder if the doctor is giving you pricing based on you having some sort of insurance but they are arguing about it. My office clearly had a plan for people without insurance. The doctor would check off stuff on the form that were done and the girl at the counter had a price attached to those things.


You could call another office and just tell them you don't have insurance and see what they say to get an idea. It sounds like your doctor is talking about submitting to the insurance as an out of network. Not sure if they'll give you a no insurance price unless you flat out tell them you don't have insurance.

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Re: Does anyone not carry medical insurance?

@Laura14 , fortunately, I do have insurance. 


Just want to be sure you take into consideration not only normal circumstances but extreme ones, as well, as you struggle with your decision. it sounds like you are doing so. 

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Re: Does anyone not carry medical insurance?

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Re: Does anyone not carry medical insurance?

@nomless wrote:

@Laura14 , I get your frustration re: insurance and a deductible so high that the insurande isn"t of help to you, but, yes, I think you should have insurance if tnere's any way you can swing it.


Yes, for oridanry preventive care, it's probably not necessary. But you never know when something catastrophic might happen...a serious accident or illness that racks up huge medical bills in a short time.  Like tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in bills.  If you can absorb a $100k medical bill without blinking an eye, go for it. Drop insurance. If tnis would be a hardship, then get some form of insurance. Yes, it's unlikely that something catastrophic will happen, but it can happen. I know because I've been dealing with such an event for the past year.


Good wishes for you and your continued good health.


I could have written @nomless 's post.  56, do power-walking, weight-lifting, and yoga 6 days a week, watch my weight...boom!  An eye issue literally started overnight necessitating an MRI, which they then discovered that I had something going on with my pituitary gland.  The hospital bill alone for 2 nights in neuro-intensive care was $73,000.  That's not counting all the MIR's, CT scans, medication, surgery bills (2 surgeons had to do the surgery), anesthesia, follow-up appointments, and many other things I'm probably forgetting.  Since then, I developed cellulitis in my nose (not directily related to the surgery but the surgery compromised the area) so have had those bills and doctor visits, too.  It seems this is never-ending.  I cannot imagine not having some type of health insurance.  You NEVER know when something will happen...NEVER...don't take a chance.

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Re: Does anyone not carry medical insurance?

After I retired, and my COBRA ran out , I got Insurance through BCBS. It was expensive, about $2300 a month, however the coverage was excellent . When Obamacare came through my premium was cut in half, same coverage. Imagine that. 

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Re: Does anyone not carry medical insurance?

@nomless   Very much a struggle.  I want to be responsible and have it just in case but I also don't want to keep throwing thousands of dollars away that I could have to take care of myself in the future either.


They keep collecting almost $4000 a year for nothing and have now gotten to the point where I can't even do a once a year visit with a doctor who's known me for two decades. 


I really feel for where you and @Ainhisg  are coming from and the fact that the hospitals bill that much is outrageous and also because of insurance.  It's going to be a tough call come October's open enrollment.  


I already do without dental and have for decades because it's just too expensive and frankly cheaper for the routine visits to pay out of pocket.  My medical may be going the same way.  



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Re: Does anyone not carry medical insurance?

Like our infrastructure and our politics, our health care system is broken. As much as we can find fault with other countries’ systems, they take care of everyone. There are American infants being born today who will not be covered. 

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Re: Does anyone not carry medical insurance?

@Abrowneyegirl wrote:

I know a few people who pay for catastrophic health insurance only, so if they need heart surgery or break a bone it is covered and pay everything else out of pocket.

Years ago this was the norm, everyday stuff was out of pocket.  Healthcare was much more affordable.  Drs. did not have to hire staff to process insurance claims for office visits etc, Insurance companies did not have to hire people to process claims for every little thing to determine if deductibles are met, goes on and on  Administration of the healthcare system is out of control, and a major piece of the high costs.

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Re: Does anyone not carry medical insurance?

@QVCkitty1   That's my other rant.  Let me buy insurance from someone else if my employer doesn't want to give me one that actually covers my needs.  Take it or leave it is about to get left at the office and the employer doesn't care.  It lessens their bill and payroll costs too.