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Re: Does Anybody Have an IBS Success Story?

The pain from IBS can mimic other problems and I have spent several times in the ER with pain.  But after all the tests came back negative, including various biopsies, a wonderful GI doc suggested the FODMAP diet.  It comes from medical research in Australia.  It has solved most of my issues and I have no more diarrhea and only milder pain mainly in the AM. 


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Re: Does Anybody Have an IBS Success Story?

[ Edited ]

Geez I just did a fairly long response but I wasn't signed in and then it took 4 attempts to do so, sorry if this winds up repeating.


Anyway, I had a flareup of diverticulitis back in July and my primary put me on 10 days of Flagyl & Cipro. That wiped out the pain in my lower left abdomen in a couple of days but about the 5th day into those two antibiotics is when this other pain started. I couldn't wait to get off of them but rode out the 10 days. Thought it would go away once I was off them but it just continued. On Sept 1st I had my daughter take me to one my hospitals urgent care centers and after poking and prodding my abdomen the doctor there concluded I was having gas from those two pills messing up my system. He told me to go lactose free and take a 3 strain probiotic till it went away. That helped for about 4 days then it came back again. This is different from the lower left flareup pain. Sometimes it's mostly on the left, sometimes mostly on the right but for the most part my entire lower abdomen. When I saw the gastro doctor a week he also poked and proded and advised me to go backl on the lactose free diet and keep taking the probiotic. Still haven't heard back from his office about the cat scan results. If they don't call me by 2:00pm I'll be calling them.


Can't figure out how to do a new post so adding to this one. Spoke to the gastro doctor. Going for an ultrasound tomorrow. Pain probably coming from an ovarian cyst.

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Re: Does Anybody Have an IBS Success Story?

[ Edited ]

@shaggygirl wrote:

Is the discomfort and pain from IBS in your lower abdomen? I'm hoping to get the results today from a cat scan I had Thursday afternoon to try find out what is going on with me. My gastroenterologist sent me for it. It's been about 6 weeks now that I've been having this. Twice I've gone about 4 days where it went away but it comes back and and haunts me sometimes all day long, other days I wake up about 4:00am with it and it goes away later in the day, Sometimes it's just one side of the lower abdomen, other times all across it.  I just never know. I've about had it! I'm anxious to know the results but at the same time afraid to know. No diarrhea, just the nagging pain. Kind of feels as if I've got loads of gas that I can't get rid of.

Shaggygirl, my heart goes out to you!  These symptoms are not only painful, but worrying.  I just had a complete endoscopy and colonoscopy.  Have you had these tests?  It seems like this would be indicated for you.  Now, all I have to do is to get the doctor to give me his diagnosis and treatment plan.  No word from him yet.  It's been four days!!  Drs. sometimes can be a pain when it comes to communicating!!!
I find that with IBS, there's an emotional element, too.  The more upset I get with worry or just plain angry with the doctor, goes right to my gut initiating more pain. 
Some online descriptions of IBS recommend counseling as part of the treatment!  I can see why!!!
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Re: Does Anybody Have an IBS Success Story?

@hyacinth003 wrote:

I have IBS/D (I think they call it now). 


It pretty much ruined my life for awhile.  It comes and goes with me now, unlike earlier where it was all day, every day.


Do the cramps wake you or are you already awake?  It is unusual to have disturbances in sleep, as our GI tracts are in a resting phase while we sleep.  That was the only respite I had.  The minute I opened my eyes, it started, but sleep was never interrupted.


Wonder about antispasmodic medications.  I have the opposite of your symptoms, but have certainly had pain and cramping. 


I wonder now since you are assured you have nothing (disease wise) if you will feel better.  Mine started when I was under extreme stress.  Is that an issue for you?


Certainly wish you well.



I'm awakened by having to urinate 7 or 8 times!  As can be expected, this gets the cramping started.  I can't go back to sleep.  The pain is relieved when I empty my bowels.  No diarrhea ever.  Stress, worry, anger, anxiety will bring on cramping.  I've just had a complete endoscopy and colonoscopy.  But NO word from the doctor as to diagnosis or treatment.  It's been 4 days now.  This makes me angry and stimulates my cramping!  Since I can't get more than 4 hours of sleep at night, it's pretty much completely disrupted my life!  It started about 4 months ago.

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Re: Does Anybody Have an IBS Success Story?

Around 15% of the population has IBS!  It's debilitating and, I'm sure it affects the economy.  It seems as if no one treatment is successful, and there doesn't seem to be much research on this.  Maybe we should shut down our space program and devote our time and money on cures for this awful affliction!!


My thanks to everyone who shared their stories and tips!!!  Some really brave women are on these boards!

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Re: Does Anybody Have an IBS Success Story?

[ Edited ]

Fortune, The last colonoscopy I had was 2 years ago, the gastro doctor hasn't mentioned having that or the endoscopy, just scheduled me for the ultrasound tomorrow based on what the cat scan showed. Guess I'll have to wait and see what he tells me after that. I suggest you call your doctor's office about your results as it's a good thing I called the gastro's office because it turned the was a miscommunication between the doctor and the girl in his office about calling me or I'd still be waiting. He thought she did and she thought he did. Yeesh!

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Re: Does Anybody Have an IBS Success Story?

@shaggygirl wrote:

Fortune, The last colonoscopy I had was 2 years ago, the gastro doctor hasn't mentioned having that or the endoscopy, just scheduled me for the ultrasound tomorrow based on what the cat scan showed. Guess I'll have to wait and see what he tells me after that. I suggest you call your doctor's office about your results as it's a good thing I called the gastro's office because it turned the was a miscommunication between the doctor and the girl in his office about calling me or I'd still be waiting. He thought she did and she thought he did. Yeesh!

I think miscommunication or NO communication is par for the course in doctors' offices these days.  My gastro's nurse just called me--5 days after my endoscopy and colonoscopy.  She said everything looked normal.  As far as the doctor rendering a diagnosis or follow-up treatment, that's not going to happen.  He's through after performing those tests!!!!  I called my primary care doctor to let him know this, and he was livid!!!  I'm thinking of writing a review of this gastero online.  Of course I'm really getting cramps just getting upset about it.

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Re: Does Anybody Have an IBS Success Story?

I have been thinking about posting on this thread for while, not being sure what to share with you because I was on antibiotics.

But now I feel more confident in adding that Lecithin supplement seems to calm everything down and seems to have stopped the IBS from acting up.

I have also been adding a tsp of coconut oil to my oatmeal each morning.

At my age, it is now truly very dry EVERYWHERE.

I don't know if this is a safe supplement to take.

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: Does Anybody Have an IBS Success Story?

@shaggygirl wrote:

Is the discomfort and pain from IBS in your lower abdomen? I'm hoping to get the results today from a cat scan I had Thursday afternoon to try find out what is going on with me. My gastroenterologist sent me for it. It's been about 6 weeks now that I've been having this. Twice I've gone about 4 days where it went away but it comes back and and haunts me sometimes all day long, other days I wake up about 4:00am with it and it goes away later in the day, Sometimes it's just one side of the lower abdomen, other times all across it.  I just never know. I've about had it! I'm anxious to know the results but at the same time afraid to know. No diarrhea, just the nagging pain. Kind of feels as if I've got loads of gas that I can't get rid of.

Shaggygirl........ I have Crohns disease and Illietis (sp?) and I feel exactly like you described.  I too do not have diarrhea but do have the opposite.  I take 4 Colace a day for it and a ton of meds for my Crohns.  I found out that mine is gas that builds up and I cannot get rid of it.  I have to rub my middle and tummy and also rock back and forth on  my knees on the floor and it truly does help.  I did figure out pretty much what causes it.  I cannot eat anything gassy and also no raw veggies.  When it gets bad  I eat baked fish, and plain mashed potatoes.  The only vegetable that I can eat are beets.  I cannot even eat salads.   This is my situation and everyone is different so I do hope that you get to the bottom of it.  If they keep finding nothing try staying away from gassy foods and see what happens.  Good luck!

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Re: Does Anybody Have an IBS Success Story?

Lovesbulldogs, Long story short. My ultrasound confirmed I have a cyst on my left ovary. So next on my agenda was to see my gynocologist which I just did this morning. He thinks it's not likely the cyst is causing all my discomfort unless it attached itself to my bowel. I'm scheduled to have the ovary out on the 19th. He'll take the right one out as well while he's in there. (I had a hysterectomy years ago but only my uterus was removed) and if the cyst is attached to the bowel he will detach it. He said if that takes care of the pain whether attached or not it'll be a home run. While he's in there he'll have a look around and see what he can see as far as any other problems that are visible. I'm hoping that's the problem, if not, well I'll just have to wait and see who  he recommends to see next. He thought probably back to the gastro doctor for a colonoscopy. I'm afraid of the possibility of the C word of course even tho based on some blood work I had done he doesn't think that's going to be an issue. Tomorrow I have to go to my PCP for a pre-op exam and more blood work. I thank you sincerely for your suggestions and your concern.