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DH has deep cleaning quarterly and never complains.  Over the course of our 36 year marriage and many dental and medical procedures he seldom complains (glad it's not me).  You need to get this done and take better care of your teeth (and I presume, your general health).  You are worth it!





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Re: Dental Deep Cleaning

[ Edited ]

@viva923 wrote:

my husband had this done many years ago.  My husband said it was painful and would never go thru it again. The dentist did this because he said it needed to be done. Ever since it was done dh has had problems with his teeth.

This is going back many years, things may have changed over the years. 

As one who has had 4 gum surgeries (all awful) between 1987 and 2007, I can confirm that much has changed since then, and for the better.  I'd had a tendency toward peritonitis since early adulthood, and after those surgeries, I vowed to do everything I could to avoid needing one again.  With 4 cleaning/exam visits a year (2 to dentist, 2 to periodontist), daily flossing/brushing, and use of a praxa brush to keep interdental spaces clean, I haven't had a single problem since then (other than age-related bridgework), and my cleanings take less time and are pain-free.  If your husband needed the work way back when, then he was already having problems that don't go away on their own.  Maintenance is everything.  I hope your DH makes a commitment to his oral health, as delaying it could eventually harm his general health as well.  Nothing is worth that!

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My husband always requires a deep cleaning. A regular cleaning is not sufficient for him. He’s been doing this since his teens. He always tells me it hurts. All these years with different dentists ( and different states), he’s never been given anything prior to the procedure to make it more comfortable. It’s usually done in 2 sessions. Check with your insurance for coverage before having anything done.
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@ScrapHappyI have never been charged for the topical anesthesia. As I know how much a deep cleaning can hurt,  I hope your husband asks for it, or at least about it.

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Re: Dental Deep Cleaning

[ Edited ]

@89135  Just to mention that I had this done over 10  years ago and the cost at that time used up all of my benefits-over $1000 in case you have not been given an esrimate.  I was in shock.  And yes it was grueling but I was not offered any type of numbing.  Good luck.

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I had a deep cleaning done about 4 months ago after not being at the dentist for several years.  The dentist did it in 2 visits.  She did give me novacaine but used the topical first so I didn't even feel the shot.


On a good note, I just went for a cleaning yesterday and what were 4 and 5 pockets have now gone to mostly 2s and 3s.  Everyone was so happy.


I too am afraid of going to the dentist.  Ask friends and co-workers to get reccomendations of dentists that they love. THere is no need in this day and age to have to put up with a dentist you do not like.  Read reviews online and I also agree with the others that the dentists want you to be comfortable.  

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I've had total deep cleaning (4 appointments). I had a shot each time; the procedure was a piece of cake.

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@insomniac2   a piece of cake?  really ?..novacaine? 

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Fear Not.


BUT don't let fear keep you.

I did and have LIVED to regret it BIG time.

Deep scaling as it may be that you end up getting since it's been a while...they usually use novacaine for.

Please just make the appt - get a consultation with your dentist - save your teeth and gums from more hazard.


I finally am following my own advice (later than I SHOULD HAVE) and hope to save my once gorgeous teeth.


Please don't let dear keep you from keeping your teeth.



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Registered: ‎02-20-2016

89135, the few seconds it takes to get a novocain shot--which means zero pain for the rest of the procedure--is indeed a piece of cake.