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Registered: ‎08-10-2010

De Quervain's Tenosynovitis Update



I went yesterday to an orthopedic hand surgeon and he gave me a cortisone shot.  If not better in 2 weeks then have to call for another for end of April.  Still pains and was so painful when that shot was given.  Have to watch my blood sugar because it can rise with the injection  Being a Diabetic I have to watch my blood sugar for a couple of days.  Does anyone remember how long it took for the cortisone injection to kick in?  If they don't work then he said the step is surgery.  Can you tell me if you had the surgery how long was the recovery? 



Linda S.

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Re: De Quervain's Tenosynovitis Update

If the cortisone is going to help you should start telling a difference within a few days. Good luck.

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Re: De Quervain's Tenosynovitis Update


@Pasta Lover


As I explained in my other post, my Tenosynovitis was in both lower legs, at different times. The only cortisone shot I have ever had was in my shoulder, for bursitis and tear in my rotator cuff. Started working within minutes for me.  Hope this helps you and keeps you from needing surgery.


Nice of you to update here, I appreciate it and wish you the best,





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Re: De Quervain's Tenosynovitis Update

@Pasta Lover


My stylist has this and wears a finger brace for it.

Hope yours responds to the shots.

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: De Quervain's Tenosynovitis Update

My hand surgeon warned me that diabetics do not generally have good results with a cortisone shot for that condition (and I had experience with a shot for “trigger” thumb, too). He felt he had to try the least invasive step initially to try to clear the condition and I had an appoint for 2 weeks later to check results. The cortisone shot did not work; there was no difference in my condition in any amount of time within those two weeks.  I did not have another injection.  


The fact that the hand surgeon was right in his doubt the cortisone would be effective actually gave me more confidence in his judgment and experience. He was very aware of the vulnerability of diabetes to these types of hand malfunctions and that helped me believe in his assessment that surgery was the necessary treatment. 


So I had surgery to correct the problem. I went home with my hand wrapped in considerable padding and protection but my fingers were left exposed to the first knuckle so I could tie my shoes and hook my bra. I live alone so being able to dress myself and get stuff done myself was imperative.  I had very little post-op pain. Tylenol worked fine. There were no extremes to endure. I went back in 5 days and all the covering was removed and reduced to just a neat bandaid. 


In a week more the stitches were removed and nothing covered the now-healing incision wound. Throughout the healing I had nearly no pain or worry and I was able to maintain my regular habits.


A physical therapist gave me a half hour immediately following the suture removal to teach me some routines to help me regain strength and function.  He demonstrated the particular exercise and had my “good” (left) hand perform it easily and correctly. Then I tried it on the afflicted hand, which was not surprisingly lousy at some of it. I got trained on how much to do, how often, and advised of benchmarks to look for for progress. 


Within 4 weeks of the surgery I was getting quite adept and the incision was healing nicely. Diabetes may thwart skin healing, so it took a while before it looked less noticeable. By practicing my PT exercises a few times a day, I had normal function, no pain, and visibly acceptable healing by 6 weeks. 


I had had been advised to ser the surgeon if any concerns arose interfering with full hand function and there were none.   I never returned to his office after the day the tiny few sutures were pulled and I got my PT instructions.


You are unlikely to have success with any cortisone shot if you have diabetes (I understand the disappointment) and I would not advise a second shot. Accept surgical repair with confidence and know you will gain back your hand with competence and convenience in a matter of a few weeks. 


The only outside help I had was a kind neighbor who drove me to the surgical center at the crack of dawn for my procedure and waited to drive me home. After that, I drove myself to all follow up appointments. 


Wishing  you good luck and complete recovery. Don’t be scared. 

Sorry if this was TMI. I thought a full picture of it would make it realistic and less worrisome. 


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Re: De Quervain's Tenosynovitis Update

@Pasta Lover, I have had cortisone shots in my knee, shoulder, foot, and IT band.  Most of the shots showed improvement almost immediately.  I had to have surgery for my knee, which still is not working out so well, even with an additional cortisone shot after the surgery.  Today, I went to a seminar for stem cell and I have an appointment next week.  I do not want knee replacement, so I hope that the doctors there can answer my questions as I make a decision, whether stem cell or just deal with the pain.


@hckynut, John, you probably have some advice for me.

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!