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On 1/4/2015 qualitygal said:
On 1/3/2015 jordan2 said: My mother already vetoed the mask. I wish I didn't have to take her to the doctor but she has some chronic conditions and must go every 3 months. I'll just do the best I can and follow some of the helpful tips provided here. I wish all a very healthy winter season!

Jordan, in dealing with my parents over the last few years, in order to persuade them on some things, if I asked if they would do something (like the mask) for my benefit, they usually did. Maybe your mom would do it to help make sure she didn't get something at the doc's and pass it on to you. It's worth a shot!

I don't know, she's not to keen on the mask and gloves idea! I'm only looking out for her welfare and really other than her who suffers if she gets sick,me!

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Since coconut oil is anti-microbial, and I believe possibly anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, I'm assuming that coconut milk has the same properties. A teaspoon of coconut oil every hour or couple of hours might be soothing, too.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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If I were you I'd have her use hand sanitizer constantly when she's out. I don't work so I'm not out when most people are. My advice would be to try to get your mother (for a few months) to limit her time out when most people are out.

Avoid public transportantion and stores where a lot of children go (they are little petri dishes) I know I have 8 grandchildren 2 to 12, someone is always sick.

Make her understand that most germs are transported to the body by eyes and nose.

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On 1/4/2015 annabellethecat said:

If I were you I'd have her use hand sanitizer constantly when she's out. I don't work so I'm not out when most people are. My advice would be to try to get your mother (for a few months) to limit her time out when most people are out.

Avoid public transportantion and stores where a lot of children go (they are little petri dishes) I know I have 8 grandchildren 2 to 12, someone is always sick.

Make her understand that most germs are transported to the body by eyes and nose.

Eyes, nose and mouth are the main routes.

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010
On 1/4/2015 jordan2 said:
On 1/4/2015 qualitygal said:
On 1/3/2015 jordan2 said: My mother already vetoed the mask. I wish I didn't have to take her to the doctor but she has some chronic conditions and must go every 3 months. I'll just do the best I can and follow some of the helpful tips provided here. I wish all a very healthy winter season!

Jordan, in dealing with my parents over the last few years, in order to persuade them on some things, if I asked if they would do something (like the mask) for my benefit, they usually did. Maybe your mom would do it to help make sure she didn't get something at the doc's and pass it on to you. It's worth a shot!

I don't know, she's not to keen on the mask and gloves idea! I'm only looking out for her welfare and really other than her who suffers if she gets sick,me!

Jordan-- You are so right! As caregivers, we are at risk if our Moms get sick. My Mom would not agree to wear a mask -- ever. The gloves would probably be a problem for her as well. No easy answers! Hope you both stay well...
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I took my mother to the doctor yesterday and now have my fingers crossed she'll be okay. One man was sneezing up a storm. A woman sitting opposite us looked really bad. She had no makeup on, looked like maybe she hadn't showered, and was coughing. If you weren't sick when you got to the doctor, you could be by the time you leave! The doctor also shakes your hand when he comes in, I don't know why he would still do this. I told him of my concern about the flu shot not giving enough coverage, He says it gives 70% coverage and every year it is a guess and is never 100%. A flu shot is better than nothing!

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Your mom is lucky to have you as a daughter.

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On 1/4/2015 ROMARY 1 said:

Since coconut oil is anti-microbial, and I believe possibly anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, I'm assuming that coconut milk has the same properties. A teaspoon of coconut oil every hour or couple of hours might be soothing, too.

Great idea! I use both! Thanks for the tip R!

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.
-- Mae West
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It's winter, so she could wear gloves whenever she is out.

A face mask.

Handwashing after you get home.

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Registered: ‎09-08-2010

I never get it and I did this year. I had the shot too.