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@hckynut wrote:

@GAQShopr53 wrote:


"The socks are bad for people who have certain medical conditions and severe vascular disease is one of them"!!!!!!!






WHAT?  PE are about the most serious Vascular Disease a person can have, and I have lived through 2 episodes. Spent 8 days on Heparin IV Drip in hospital, and 9 days on the same for the other. If any Vasular Specialist said that TED Hose or Compression Socks are bad for their Vascular Patients? RUN, don't walk, and keep RUNNING to another Vascular Specialist Doctor!





 @hckynut my comment is based on information provided by my primary care physician who said using compression socks on patients who have Severe vascular diseases like Peripheral Artery Disease is not recommended because the compression socks may further impede the blood flow. My vascular surgeon only said he did not recommend the socks for some patients dealing with diabetic nerve problems because they may not notice there is a problem with blood flow.  I am sure there are many patients with vascular diseases who are able to wear the socks like yourself who are under the care of a good vascular specialist!

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@TX-starlight wrote:

I went to see a vein Dr. when my feet/legs were swelling. All test showed no signs of blockage or clots, but he told me to try wearing compression socks. I paid over $20. for a size large, & couldn't even get them on. 


       Medical supply stores carry the large calf sizes, if they don't have them they will order them for you.   That's what I had to do.  I have full calves anyway but with the swelling after my knee surgery, they were even larger.  

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I am wearing a pair during the day while taking a diuretic to remove excess fluid. They feel good. 

Posts: 30
Registered: ‎06-12-2018

@GCR18 wrote:

They could be bad for you if you don't wear the right size or they have too much compression.  As mentioned, the Drs office will do measurements and tell you exactly what to buy.



^^^this is correct.



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@chrystaltree My knee replacement is happening in January and my surgeon recommended wearing compression stockings, starting now since I do have some swelling in both legs.  He gave me a script and I will be getting measured on Friday.  I wonder if Medicare pays towards the cost.