@SXMGirl Have you been seen by a Neurosurgeon? why is surgery not an option? i'm not one to go to Chiropractors and PT can help only to a point. Have you been prescibed muscle relaxers? Not pushing drugs but Methocarbamol is a relaxer and is not habituating and will not make you drowsy. (flexeril is the worst)
i have had C3-C6 laminectomy and fusion. i' m 15 months post-op. The same Neurosurgeon performed my neck this surgery as my first Lumbar surgery. (2009).
i have spinal stenosis and bone was growing on the vertbrae the bone was impinging on the nerve and without surgery there was a risk that a fall or even a fender-bender would be catastrophic (paralyzed).
Just like your issue with vibrations in your arm, i had the vibrations and they moved up and down my arm, shoulder, my neck and into the rib cage.