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@mishka14 wrote:

Anyone have or had a Baker's cyst behind your knee?  What did you do for it? 



@mishka14  I use to get this prior to having two knee replacements. I had a lot of pain and inflammation  and the bursa asks behind the knees would swell and make my knees hurt....feel hot and be stiff.  I suffered for years.


Since having knee replacements, this is no longer an issue.  I heard some people still get bakers cysts after knee replacement.  Thankfully I have not.


Here is an interesting write up about how knee replacement  can ease bakers cysts.

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Doc drained, then gave me a cortizone shot. Went home and rested the knee. Swollen for a few hours then good to go for the next 3 years! 

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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My husband had baker's cysts in both knees for several years before he had his knees replaced.  The doctor would drain them, but they would come back pretty quickly.  He finally had partial replacements for both knees a year ago.  The doctor removed the baker's cysts during the replacement surgery.  The surgeon mentioned that, though it was possible that one or both of the cysts could return, he was fairly confident that the problem was resolved.  He said that, generally speaking, when the underlying cause of the issue is addressed (in my husband's case, knee replacement), the problem goes away.  So far (fingers crossed), my husband has not had a recurrence of the cysts.

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y rheumatologist [in Boston ] offered me no help with them , Just sort of said oh fluid behind your knee. ??? I do not go to her anymore anyway.

No help at all.


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My son had one when he was about ten years old.  The doctor said it can come from an injury.  He said it would leave just like it came and he was right.  

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The back of my left knee has been felling tight and I do feel a  knot there.  My knee seems to be swollen but I do not have any pain.  Everything that I have read says it could be Baker's cyst.  I have been putting off going to the doctor but for peace of mind I'm going to call tomorrow to have it checked.  For those who have had this did you experience any pain?  

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If I can remember right my dad had one and it was drained and then he had to put compresses of Boros solution on it

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A few sessions with a physical therapist and then regularly doing the exercises she taught me seemed to totally  clear up my Baker's cyst.


My orthopedic doctor offered two options:  cortisone shot or physical therapy.  I chose the therapy. 


Haven't had any knee pain since then, and that was about 10 years ago.

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Re: Baker's Cyst

[ Edited ]

RedTop, I don't know what a Baker's cyst is but........the VA doesn't have the best reputation. They want to save $$$$$$.




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Yes . It was more painful at night when lying down. The fluid builds up behind the knee 

 when you are lying down. 

cathy from ma