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I'm offering my sympathy as you struggle with vertigo. Although autumn is my favorite season, it's almost a certainty that I'll experience vertigo after being outside on cool and windy days. I hope you are not alone @Icegoddess in case you need help moving around.

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Gosh I read all of the post on this and it brought back rememberance of my first episode of vertigo about 8-9 years ago. My daughter had spent the night (just so happened she decided to stay overnight after dinner)  I woke up about 4 am to go to the bathroom and suddenly there was a pop in my right ear and I got so dizzy.  I called her and she called for a ambulance.  There wasn't enough room to get the stretcher into my bedroom so the paramedic had to hold onto me and walk me to the living room where they put me on the stretcher. It felt like I was walking tilted to the right, horrible feeling !  I had a CT scan which was neg and sent home on meclazine.  Very scarry !!  I have had a few mild episodes over the years but nothing like the first time thank goodness.  It always happens with a small pop in my right ear then the slight dizziness but it goes away. 

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@AuntG wrote:

I'm offering my sympathy as you struggle with vertigo. Although autumn is my favorite season, it's almost a certainty that I'll experience vertigo after being outside on cool and windy days. I hope you are not alone @Icegoddess in case you need help moving around.

@AuntG it's 90 deg highs and rising humidity here right now.  I have never noticed any weather connection.  I have had it in winter, summer, whatever.  Same for ear infections, which I used to never get when I was younger.  Luckily, I haven't had one of those in several years, but I get them checked once a year.

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@Goodie2shoes wrote:

Gosh I read all of the post on this and it brought back rememberance of my first episode of vertigo about 8-9 years ago. My daughter had spent the night (just so happened she decided to stay overnight after dinner)  I woke up about 4 am to go to the bathroom and suddenly there was a pop in my right ear and I got so dizzy.  I called her and she called for a ambulance.  There wasn't enough room to get the stretcher into my bedroom so the paramedic had to hold onto me and walk me to the living room where they put me on the stretcher. It felt like I was walking tilted to the right, horrible feeling !  I had a CT scan which was neg and sent home on meclazine.  Very scarry !!  I have had a few mild episodes over the years but nothing like the first time thank goodness.  It always happens with a small pop in my right ear then the slight dizziness but it goes away. 

@Goodie2shoes your ER trip reminded me of when I had a choking incident several years ago.  I had a couple that sent me to the ER, but one night I passed out, but woke up almost immediately.  Hubby called 911 but since the steps going up to my front porch are so steep they helped me walk to the ambulance.  At the ER they gave me a shot that made me throw up, but didn't warn me.  I thought I was having a reaction to what they gave me and when I gaspingly told her I was getting sick she said "That's Okay" in this high voice.  I was livid that they didn't let me know what they were doing.  Then, several hours later that drug was still punching my stomach.  The doctor was getting ready to release me and I threw up again, so he decided maybe he should give me something to reverse it. It wa morning by the time I got back home.


Eventually, I had to have a balloon stretch out my esophagus.  Probably scar tissue due to acid reflux.

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I have struggled with vertigo for years.  I haven't laid totally flat to sleep in years and years.  I sleep with 2 pillows and prop them up some.


I had an ultrasound the other day and they had to prop the head of the table up some and they gave me 2 pillows and I still balled up a sweater and put it under my head to raise it higher. 


Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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My first BPPV episode was nearly 20 years ago.  Had me flat on my back for three days.  That was the worst episode.  Now, it comes and goes, about 3 or 4 times a year,  It usually lasts from half an hour to up to a few hours, during the night in bed.  But also sometimes when I'm overly tired from doing too much during the day.


Such an awful. awful feeling.  @Icegoddess   I hope your most recent attack subsides very soon. 

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Had this happen once:  it was at the end of summer up in the mountain house.  The barometric pressure had plummeted over 20 points during the night.  When I woke up, the room was spinning so fast I had to hold onto walls and furniture to make it out to the deck....I thought I was going to vomit.


The spinning lasted all day and even as I went to bed and closed my eyes, the room was still spinning.  DH took me to the doctor's office....she explained BPPV after checking out vitals.  Scheduled CT scan just to be sure everything was basically OK and gave me some Valium which let me sleep for the day.  


It lifted but next AM I brought on another lighter version when I started to power wash the stucco:  made the mistake of tilting my head. Must have looked as though I was drunk as I stumbled into the house by grabbing onto garage shelving to stay upright.  Next day I was totally back to normal.


For those who suffer from this for longer periods of time, I do not know how you can handle it.  You are amazing !

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@Icegoddess wrote:

@Effie54 wrote:

There are some ENT physicians who specialize in vertigo. They are trained in the Epley maneuver and can reposition the ear crystals back in position. I hope you feel better soon. 

@Effie54 yeah, I have attemped it on myself in the past with varying degrees of effectiveness.  MY ENT gave me some instructions for it.  He also has a separate practice for balance disorders in the same building.  I'm guessing that would be where he would send me if I needed it.  

It's worth a try if you keep having dizzy spells. 

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@Icegoddess  So sorry you are experiencing BPPV.


I, too, turned over in bed and the bed and room was spinning. Thought I was in The Twilight Zone. So scary. I laid there a few hours until husband got up and could help me get up. Fortunately, he was able to get me in to an ENT doctor who said I had the worse case he had seen. Probably because I threw up in his waiting room garbage can and again in his office!! He performed that EPLEY maneuver and sent me home with exercise instructions.


I slept in a recliner for several nights Haven't had a recurrence but am fearful of one.

(Felt worse that chemo!)


Good luck. hoping this subsides soon.


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@KathyM23 wrote:

I had an attack of vertigo about 7 years ago and I couldn't even get to the chair to sit down.  Went to the ER and was admitted.  Was then seen by an Ear, Nose and Throat doc ad he put some kind of drops in my ears that were really meant to be put in eyes.  He said do not pay attention to the directions, he wanted them in my ears.


Well I had to take meclazine for a short while and something for nausea, but cross my fingers the vertigo has never returned.  I do at times feel like it is going to as @Icegoddess said when I change position in bed, but the vertigo has not actually returned.


I do get an RX from the PCP for 10 Meclazine pills and she renews it every year for me.  I have never had to use it again but I want it by my bed just in case as I remember how miserable the vertigo was and it scares me.


@Icegoddess   When you mentioned the weird feeling you got like being drugged, that really struck a cord with me.  When I am reading and fall asleep in my chair I wake up suddenly and have that feeling you described every time.  I don't know what that is all about, but it passes after I stand up and move for while.  I wake up feeling something is wrong with me.  Strange things sure do happen to us humans!

I  use Meclazine., my verdigo lasts about a week. I do the Epley manuver every day to keep it away.doesn't take that long. Go to Med MD , put in vertigo and they will tell you how it's done.I've had it off and on for 13 years. Not fun