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Any prediabetic diet suggestions?

I have just been diagnosed with Prediabetes........I'm not going to Nutritionist until next month.........suggestions? no sugar, no white carbs, lots of veggies, and some form of exercise daily?

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Re: Any prediabetic diet suggestions?

Yes to everything you mentioned.  Also make sure not to drink a lot of sweet drinks before your labs.  Like more then 12 hours.  Drink water the night before test only or something with no sugar.  My husband was diagnosed pre diabetic years ago and he was drinkink lots of ice tea night before.  I told him to back off the ice tea the night before labs, and he never had a high reading after that.  Exercise is really important even if it is juat walking.  Good luck!   My Mother and Grandfather both were diabetic.  They were both overweight and so is my sister, and she also has it.  I am 64 and have had no problems with excersise and keeping weight down.   Hope this helps!. 

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Re: Any prediabetic diet suggestions?

Also if you only had one blood test, request a second test. 

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Re: Any prediabetic diet suggestions?

Weight Watchers.  My husband was diagnosed same as you.  Dr said go to WW.  It worked.  Men lose so darn fast.  20 pounds gone in 2 months.  His numbers are now good.

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Re: Any prediabetic diet suggestions?

Also- no soda (even 'sugar free' varieties),  avoid sugar alcohol items and other sugar substitutes like equal, splenda, etc - juices (even no sugar added varieties) are super concentrated and it helps to avoid them as well.  Read labels carefully for hidden carbs. 


Been there!!!  A year ago I hit the high range of pre diabetic and it's what I needd to get  'serious' about my health.  After 2 months I was out of the pre diabetic range (in addition to a bunch of other great changes!). 

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Re: Any prediabetic diet suggestions?

@Ibby114 wrote:

Also- no soda (even 'sugar free' varieties),  avoid sugar alcohol items and other sugar substitutes like equal, splenda, etc - juices (even no sugar added varieties) are super concentrated and it helps to avoid them as well.  Read labels carefully for hidden carbs. 


Been there!!!  A year ago I hit the high range of pre diabetic and it's what I needd to get  'serious' about my health.  After 2 months I was out of the pre diabetic range (in addition to a bunch of other great changes!). 

That.  Avoid prepared foods.  They contain all sorts of added stuff that may increase your sugar that you'd never suspect.  Eat simple, homemade foods that you know what the ingredients are.


It takes a lot of decective work on your part to find out what triggers your blood sugar.  Everyone has different triggers.  Exercise, especially strength training, is a must.  And if you are overweight, lose as much as you can.  The less body you have, the less your pancreas (and other organs) have to work.


I think the hardest part for people just diagnosed is actually accepting that you have it.  It does change your life, but it's not real difficult to deal with if you are willing to do what you need to.  Good luck!

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Re: Any prediabetic diet suggestions?

I believe you need to change your user name @donuts to "nodonuts", then forget about what must be your favorite treat.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Any prediabetic diet suggestions?

Yes, I was by my natropath. He has me on a modified Paleo diet and it really helps for me.

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Re: Any prediabetic diet suggestions?

Eat lots of cinnamon and take cinnamon capsules which will lower your blood sugar. Make sure that you have a second blood test and that you eat low carb for a few days before and no alcohol or sweetened drinks the day before your test. 

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Re: Any prediabetic diet suggestions?

Drink lots of water.