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Age at joint replacement surgery?

I'm just curious about this. There seems to be a lot of people here who've had joint replacement surgery. Got me to wondering about the typical age for these procedures, although I'm sure everyone is different. I'm 60 and beginning to have arthritis. No doubt joint replacement will be in my future at some point. I'm hoping it will be later rather then sooner. My father was 78 when he had knee replacement, and my MIL was in her late 70's early 80's with her surgeries. She had one hip and both knees replaced.


If you care to share, how old were you when you had joint replacement surgery?



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Re: Age at joint replacement surgery?

[ Edited ]

I had my ankle rebuilt at age 58 and had to retire after that. I had knee replacements at age 62. However, I was a nurse and worked for 40 years , almost all full time so my body took a pounding in my job.

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Re: Age at joint replacement surgery?

I'm curious too, but don't think everyone will eventually have joint replacement surgery.  I think as long as you have arthritis (inflammation) under control, you should be good.  Am I wrong?  I'm certainly thinking I won't need joint replacement surgery (hopefully).  I have knee problems, but take lots of supplements to help cushion the area and stop any inflammation.  I'm hoping to avoid the "inevitable". 

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Re: Age at joint replacement surgery?

It can happen at any age, so a poll here won'the tell you much This article about knee replacement says the average age is 40-80.  

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Re: Age at joint replacement surgery?

My hip replacement was done at age 69 after a somewhat "freak accident" where I missed the bottom step on a ladder and hyper-extended the joint (didn't fall), stirring up the non-problematic arthritis .It went from no hip problems to bone against bone within 6 months.

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Re: Age at joint replacement surgery?

@nomless wrote:

It can happen at any age, so a poll here won'the tell you much This article about knee replacement says the average age is 40-80.  

Yep, it depends on the individual and the doctor. And if you get a replacement early on, odds are the replacement will need to be replaced later in life. I know someone who has been through 3 knee replacements and she's in her early 70s.

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Re: Age at joint replacement surgery?

[ Edited ]

@pupwhipped  I am 60 years old today.   I had both knees replaced at age 57. Left hip replaced  at age 58 and right hip replaced  at age 59.  My Osteo Athritis started in my hips at age 30.... And just progressed as the years went on.  My knees started bothering me at age 40.  I was in so much pain towards the end I had to use crutches. I was basically a cripple. 


It really depends on the arthritis you have and how bad it erodes the joint and how fast. 


I am am now able to walk, garden, do all the things I could not do prior to hip and knee replacement. It has been a God Send for me! I was headed toward a wheel chair before and my pain was so so terrible.


my suggestion is that you do it when you find you no longer can do things you loved to do before.....I feel I waited too long and I lost 10 years consumed with pain, misery and loss of freedom.  

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Re: Age at joint replacement surgery?

If you have arthritis I hope that you are seeing a specialist.  I saw arthritis in my hands and for 3 years I asked my primary physician to give me a referral which at that time my employers insurance required.  I was doing my regular workout at a fitness center when another lady saw my fingers. Thank goodness she was concerned and offered to give me the name and number of her rheumatologist 1 hour away.  I pressed my primary with this information and I got my referral.  The rheumatologist gave me the devil for waiting so long.  In his complete preworkup he discovered that I also have lupus.  It has been about 8 years now and thanks to a wonderful caring team my lupus is being controlled and the arthritis progression has been slowed.  Shortly after I started with my specialist I was in an auto accident.  Bracing for the sudden stop pushed my legs back into my body hurting my knees and hips.  A local sports medicine said my only problem was arthritis in my knee and they wanted to replace it.  The day before the accident I was leg pressing 100 pounds. My arthritis doctor stuck up for me and had tests and x-rays to show there was no arthritis in my knees.  I am now 72 and still walking.  In April I was told that arthritis is now in my knees thanks in part to many years working on concrete floors in an office.  We talked and I will not rush into replacement for now.  I can take the discomfort and as time goes on medicine finds new and better replacements.   I do not want to have 1 now and possibly again in 10 years.  Good luck.

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Re: Age at joint replacement surgery?

I suffered with osteoarthritis for 13 years before having knee replacement at 56.   

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Re: Age at joint replacement surgery?

@SeaMaidenHappy Birthday to YOU!!!