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01-15-2016 02:55 PM - edited 06-10-2016 06:00 PM
I set up this new Wen - Notification Alerts List thread because the QVC notification system has increased the number of individual notifications that I can send out in each message (less work for me and you all get the information more quickly). -- This list replaces the Wen - Notification Alerts Listing - previous list (set up 11/29/15) as well as the prior Wen - Notification Alerts Listing - previous list (set up 11/8/15).
-- bebe
This is the notifications list for alerts about upcoming Wen specials, OTOs, and TSV advance information. This is an idea in progress.
While I've put the list together, this is really a joint Wen group endeavor. So please feel free to share any ideas you have about how this listing could be used to benefit everyone.
These are my ideas about the most effective ways to use this list.
I thought it would be best not to send out that many alerts. This way, when you get an alert, you'll know that it's about a time sensitive Wen special value or offer. -- These are types of alerts that I would generally send out:
1) Wen OTOs -- OTOs are One TIme Only values. Generally we get very little advance information about Wen OTOs and, once they are presented on the air, they frequently sell out in as little as 5-7 minutes.
2) Advance Wen TSV order numbers -- Frequently The Insider (InsideQ magazine) will list the advance order number(s) for upcoming Wen TSVs. Sometimes the advance TSV quantities sell out in a few days, so I think it's helpful to receive a notification that the advance order numbers have been listed. -- Please Note: QVC does not allow us to share these order numbers (and so I won't do that). You can receive the advance order number(s) information by subscribing to the Insider: InsideQ magazine - The Insider - how to subscribe
3) Occasional Wen special values which are likely to sell out really quickly -- There are lots of special offers and so I wouldn't send out alerts for most of them. -- A good example of a special offer alert that I would send out would be for the 8oz supersize Remoist ($59) which sells for the price of the 4oz Remoist. That special offer always sells out very quickly and is not offered very often.
4) Sales at Chaz's website (e.g. Chaz's Black Friday Sale and his Mother's Day Sale -- note these sales are not always offered).
I'm usually around during the Wen special offers, so I'll generally be available to send out these alerts. -- If I know that I won't be available, I'll be sure to share that in advance.
That said, if anyone comes across a great Wen special offer, please feel free to use this list to let everyone know about it: the purpose of this notifications listing is to make sure that Wenners know about time sensitive, Wen special offers asap.
How I've been sending out notifications
Unfortunately, there's no easy way to do it.
You can't simply cut & paste the Notification names. It will look as though you have sent those notifications, but no one will actually receive their notification. That's why a number of the notifications which I had been sending out were not received by Wenners.
For each person to actually receive ther individual notification, you have to type each notification name individually and then select that name from the QVC drop down menu (yes, it is time consuming... unfortunately!!).
* I set up a new thread marked "Wen - Alert - " and include the specifics of the special value
* At this point the QVC notification system is letting me put a maximum of 49 individual notifications in each individual message.
* Make sure to include a brief sentence before you cut and paste the notification names. For example, "A through B Names". -- Modify the beginning of each message slightly (e.g. "C Names", next message "D through F Names", etc.). Make sure to put the message before the notifications. -- Otherwise, the QVC system will think you are sending out spam and they will block your messages (I found this out the hard way). -- You can look at the Wen - ODO Alert - Sunday, 4/17 - (3) 16oz Spring Seasonal CCs w/ Comb - A278647 - $67.96 notification thread to get a better idea of what I mean.
If you would like to be added to the Wen Notification Alerts Listing just post a message on this thread and I'll add you to the listing.
If you don't want to receive notifications any longer, then just post a message on this thread and I'll delete your name from the listing.
First, the one word names are all listed alphabetically (messages #2-#14). -- This includes names which either are hyphenated (e.g. bebe-777) or have underscores in the (e.g. bebe_777).
Names which begin with a number are listed next (in message #14).
After that, names which have two or more separate words in them (message #15) are listed. -- Please read the next section if your name is has two or more words in it because, for these names, the Notifications system is glitchy.
Multi word names don't always generate Notifications anymore
Sometimes these names don't come up on the QVC drop down menu when you start typing in the name. -- At other times, even if you are able to select the multi word name, once you actually post a message you'll notice that the multi word name is not highlighted (which means it hasn't generated a Notification).
This is going to make it difficult/impossible for any folks in the QVC forums to send you a Notification that you will actually receive. -- Forum members may send you a Notification, but you probably won't actually receive it.
If you do get this Notification, it's only because I think I have figured out a backdoor way to still send you Alerts (that your will actually receive)... but I don't even know for sure if it works... or for how much longer it will continue to work.
You may want to read through this Moderator question - problem w/ Notification names thread and then email QVC about getting your notification name modified.
I'd recommend that you modify your names in one of the three ways listed below. -- For example, using the two-word Wen Forever name won't generate a QVC Notification, but using one of the three variations listed below should allow you to receive a Notification sent to you from another forum member:
1) removing the space(s) between words (i.e. WenForever, instead of Wen Forever)
2) adding an underscore between each of the words of your name (i.e. Wen_Forever)
3) adding a hyphen between each of the words of your name (i.e. Wen-Forever)
If you modify your name, please let me know by adding a message to this thread. That way I can add your new name to the Wen Notification Alerts List. Thanks!!
As I mentioned before, this is really a joint Wen group endeavor. So please feel free to share any ideas you have about how this listing could be used for the benefit of Wenners.
-- bebe Wen FAQ - Wen 101 - periscope - InsideQ magazine - The Insider - how to subscribe -- Wen Abbreviations Glossary -
01-15-2016 02:55 PM - edited 10-06-2017 03:34 PM
Names: alphabetical sequence
Names: A
@aasmomvls @AbrilB @addicted2q @Adelina @Adrienne @Aeon @AlleyCat @AlohaSun @AmericanBulldogMom @andasan @Andreatoo (in bold) @andeesings @ANewHue @AngelPuppy1 @anonymous23 @appleseed @April-Rose @AprilBird @aprimo @Aresnz @Arianny @Atellam @atm1215 @bebe77
01-15-2016 02:56 PM - edited 10-23-2017 05:50 PM
Names: B
@BackwoodsBarbie @Bamabella251 @bballwidow @beach-mom @beatlefan @Beautoxica @bebe777 @Becca1231 @beepzipzang @Beeweaver @Bestdressed @BethanyB @betsyblue @BetsyDoodle @BExplorer @Bhvbum @BichonEmma @Bird mama @blackhole99 @bleueyez28 @blondeshoediva @blondie13 @blueluna @BabyYoda @Boehm Collector @bohemian @BootLvr @Boxerdoglover @BrattyOne2 @Brdwygurl @Brenda810 @Buck-i-Nana @Buckeye815 @butterfly123 @ButterflyGirl1969 @Mesmerized169 @bebe77
01-15-2016 02:56 PM - edited 11-29-2017 02:15 AM
Names: C
@c_la_vee @cac140 @Caitlinh429 @CamdenCat @CamilleP @Campion @cancun08 @CANDLEQUEEN @candys mine @carol @Catbelly @CatLoverDogsToo @cbrite @Ceci @CelticAngel @cerinthe @cgil @ChazzyLady @Cheezit @Chefgal411 @Chi-town girl @ChicagoHeather2 @chickenmoo @ChocolateLime @ChynnaBlue @Cindi10 @Citrine1 @clangley @ClassySassyGal @Cln @cnd8 @CoCo87 @coffeegal @CoG @Colonel Meow @Coskier @cosmic1 @Cotygirl @course24 @Cin001 @Cranberries @crblu @Crislovestoshop @Cristyn-Momof2 @croemer @Crystallite @Curiousincali @Cuteepy03 @CWS22 @bebe77
01-15-2016 02:56 PM - edited 11-28-2017 08:08 PM
Names: D
@danabanayna @Daycaremom816 @dbldbl @Deanie @Deb_M @debsters @Debzzz @deedeewar @deja vu @dejavuandtara2 @delaneysmom @delish91 @Dell1 @depglass @Dessert1st @Diva1Donna @divadeb @CalMom @Doherty @Dorianwalk @dotgirl @doxie1 (in bold) @DrCEB @Drythe @dulwich
Names: E - F
@Ebrennix @EdithEllenLily @Elizabeth95 @ElleMc @elrager @ElvisShops @enw5002 @equss @Faith1818 @fashionqueen @Felixfan @FleaMktQn @Forbidden Fruit @FormerlyFabulous @foundinlv @free-spirit @Fressa @bebe77
01-15-2016 02:56 PM - edited 09-15-2017 11:46 PM
Names: G
@gail415 @GATORGIRL @GCR18 @Gram W @gemslily @germanblush @eddyandme @GoochiePooDoo @pggoody @gordongirl24 @gracewade @grammy3 @gramygram @gtx @Gussie2007
Names: H
@HairAddict @haleypie @HangingTen @happycat @HappyDaze @Harley2013 @hatetoiron @HBNY74 @hecate @x Hedge @hennypenny3 @hfpint @Hilary77 @GingerPeach @bargainsgirl @HonnyBrown @Hop @hopi @Hot2 @HSB1204 @HXGirl
Names: I
@kwkelley @Ibby114 @icezeus @sktchy @iowababe @islandgrrl
Names: Ja
@Hope4102 @Janealma @vcdrt @JasoninBoston @Jax016 @jaxs mom @jay633 @jazzbabe bebe77
01-15-2016 02:57 PM - edited 06-11-2017 04:19 AM
Names: Jb - Jz
@jb20 @Jeanne412 @Jeannie29 @Jen44 @jennys kid @Jhincher @JoeL82 @JohGlo @joni @jonim @jp926 @jpie @jrq @Julie_23 @jurby
Names: K
@k9mama @Kardi @KarenaJeannette @karin334 @karlam @karmakat @Karnerblue @karuna @kate2357 @Katharita @kathie66 @Katmary @Katt213 @ShopperGirl15 @kefromCA @Kelseyrr @Kempokim @KentuckyWoman @kesselrun @kesstrain @Kitkat21 @kjae @kjcteach1 @Kjelle @KJPA @Klait @cddh @KMBSAB @KonaKat @kricket3142 @ksporter53 @KumiC @KweenB @kze @bebe77
01-15-2016 02:57 PM - edited 11-29-2017 01:39 AM
Names: L
@Labbylove @Maltichonmom17 @ladygirl @Ladygolighty41 @LAKitty @LAMS @Laura14 @leavesgalore @leigh @LeighMarie @Leothelion @Mgggr @liliblu @Lilredrubi @LIndaMJ @LindaSal @Sunnycorle @lisajococomo @littlepixie @Lipstickdiva @CoastalGal @LJernee @LKDKK2 @LoraR @LTT1 @henderson @lovinglife @lrmuffin @Lucky Duck @LucysMommy @lusinia @luv2drive @luvingit @Luvitorleaveit1 @LUVLUVLUVTOSHOP @Luv_My_Beagle @LuvMyPuppies @luvzchiz @lyn61 @lynne6was7 @Lynnster67 @bebe77
01-15-2016 02:57 PM - edited 11-28-2017 10:07 PM
Names: M
@madmimi @MaggieMack @Maisy1 @malmom @MandySays @mas21958 @Mattie76 @meeser @todaysrx @MELAMWO @Abrowneyegirl @merri @mgflores @theatrebiz @MickD @MidNight @millieshops @mimi0414 @Minpinmom2 @Mirage08 @MissJuJu @MissKlynn @Missy823 @Mistyparisnicole @MJO @MOFirmer @Mom2Ro @mom4321@MommaNJ629 @Mommy4 @Mommyof2lildudes @monks @morenagurl @morenaroxx @INDIANA BONES @motherinlaw @MrsCat21 @mrsmouse @Mrsq2022 @mstyrion 1 @Mustang Shar @Mysticmom @mzlg @mzrhondap @bebe77
01-15-2016 02:57 PM - edited 11-28-2017 10:08 PM
Names: N - O
@Naebin @Nailsnob67 @applejack62 @nana488 @NativeOR @NickelEmily @nikki48 (new listing) @nikki48 (old listing) @nikkimom @NiniTx @NMCrazyCatLady @Noangel1981 @Ilovelife123 @nomless @noonedelights @NycVixen @oceanbreezy @okiebug @orclin
Names: P
@PalmTree11 @PatPrende @peace6576 @peanutjk @Pecky @pennstate94 @pepes mom @Petparent @Petrilla @philogirl @Philosophygirl23 @Phoebesmommy @phoebesnow @phoenixbrd @photodreamr @picco @Pineappletoo @ninesacloud @pinkmochi @Pinky920 @Pintacular @pmagic @poocher @possummink @posterchild @Princesa7 @Pro211 @PSASSY @pslady @bebe77
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