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Sad News For the WEN Family

[ Edited ]

After looking over recent FB posts, I think our wonderful friend and longtime supporter Miss Cooper lost her special Dad this week.


Knowing how close this loving family is, words of true comfort are hard to find.


Linda, I'm sending {{{{{soft hugs}}}}}, and wishes for true Peace, Hope, and Gratitude out on the winds to you and your family.


I know this has been a very hard year, please keep your eyes on the light.



*** Dear Mods, if you feel it necessary feel free to remove.

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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Re: Sad News For the WEN Family

Thank you so much my friend for these beautiful words.  Also I totally understand if the mods need to remove.  



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Re: Sad News For the WEN Family




I'm so sorry to hear that your Dad has passed on. From what Drythe said, it sounds as though it's been a long hard road for you and your family. I'm sending you and your family positive healing energy. Your Dad will be in my prayers.


I wish you and your family the very best going forward.



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Re: Sad News For the WEN Family

I also saw the post yesterday and sent your family prayers. God bless.  

Happy WEN Girl since 1/12/2012
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Re: Sad News For the WEN Family

Take good care of yourself, Cooper.  Losing a parent is a very big deal.  Thinking of you and your family. Heart

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Re: Sad News For the WEN Family

I felt terrible when I saw that too.  It IS a big thing to lose a parent.  I lost my mother in 1990 and still the pain is as strong as that day, I just learned to live with it but I get my days where I just cry until I have no more strength.  I lost my father in 1995.  I was not as close to my father, he had three girls and I guess wanted a boy but was a good father and I cry about losing him too. I have two sisters but they're quite far away but are not close with me (close with each other) by their own choice and that is painful too, my husband's brother who lives only some miles away is close with him and to see that is painful for me, I know it sounds kind of selfish but it is a constant reminder of my own sisters' rejection of me.   I'm so very sorry for Linda Cooper, she's a lovely girl inside and out.  I wish more people were like Dooters in my area.  Love you, Dooters. XXXOOO

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Re: Sad News For the WEN Family

Sending Cooper thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Riley1



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Re: Sad News For the WEN Family

Warm thoughts and hugs during sad and difficult time.

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Re: Sad News For the WEN Family

Sorry to hear this.  My condolences to Ms. Cooper and her family.

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Re: Sad News For the WEN Family

Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that Cooper.  I've always enjoyed seeing the photos you've posted of your mom and dad over the years and it's clear how much love you shared.  My heart goes out to you.  I'll keep you and your mom in my thoughts and prayers.




Drythe - thanks very much for posting.