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Chaz's New WEN Website

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   Hello fellow Wenners.

I just wandered over to the WEN website this morning and saw that Chaz has launched his new website.

       It's beautiful.  ☺


It includes the option for paying in installments for orders between $50. and $3000.


Use your usual link to go check out his website.





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It is so much better than the old one. The old one was antiquated.  The new one flows much better.

Time is just a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. It isn’t how long you live that matters; it is how well you are prepared to die. ~~Colonel Robert B. Thieme, Jr.
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@x Hedge 


Yes the new site is great, it's been up for a while so I have spent time there 

checking it out..


* yanga made it clear when the Q was dropping the Wen boards she was glad they were being closed...She has not been on the proboards either, but I remember in her posts she stated she was using FB...(if your on that you could probably find her there..Smiley Happy

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Re: Chaz's New WEN Website

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     Snip.   ✂

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Re: Chaz's New WEN Website

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    Snip.  ✂

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@x Hedge wrote:

Please let me know when you're done reading that @quadmimi .

I want to remove it.

@x Hedge 


Not sure what you mean exactly...but sorry if I said anything misleading, I just thought you were looking for her & from what I had read she wasn't interested in being here..

Hope all is ok...Smiley Happy

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Re: Chaz's New WEN Website

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@x Hedge wrote:


I know she took some weeks away from here, for more exhaustive dental surgery I think. Plus she posted about some scary storm & flooding issues temporarily disrupting things. On top of that, her cat Yangya passed away, and I'm sure that blew her familiar daily routine all to pieces.


There was one thread in particular where a handful of posters "slapped her back" hard over something she posted. Their response was waaay over the top, downright cruel I thought, and she seemed to retreat at that point and posted she was glad the forums were shutting down. I think a couple of the hardest slappers migrated to proboards since then. 


She's been posting a bit again recently, and I have the impression she reads posts when she can. In truth, I think she still gets here to Q forums more often than I do.

@quadmimi You didn't say anything to cause concern.


Yangya mentioned somewhere on a post (Facebook?) about being called silly. Actually, she was responding to someone (on Facebook), adding her comments to that particular post, about being called silly too and how hurtful it was. Really wish I could remember what the date was and which forum or Facebook page it was so I could go back and relate it correctly. I didn't read all of the responses, You and I wouldn't have a problem being called sily, but she may be super sensitive. Thank it had to do with voting more than once for Chaz for the Beauty Awards; could be wrong on that.


Although that may not be the cause of her not being here now, I can see how it could be. Yangya is a very sweet, caring person, who absolutely loves Chaz and his WEN products. She loves to share everything WEN. She is an eager and enthusticastic person and I always enjoy her posts. She is a breath of fresh air and makes me smile. Heart

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@hedge I feel I need to correct your comments regarding the situation with the voting thread involving a member. First of all the original post was argumentative to begin with. I along with several other posters attempted to explain the voting process which was clearly misunderstood after many years of voting /posting about it. We have been ONE group sharing our love for Wen/Chaz for many years . Although we have had “trolls” stir the pot we never experienced any of this from one of our own. We all care and know each other from posts throughout the many years and have formed friendships even though they are online. We know when someone is “kidding”. One of our longtime sweetest posters used a term meaning a term of endearment and it was obviously misconstrued. Like anything else It becomes a problem when a fine line is crossed and it becomes an obsession. We came here to share and have fun not to become competitive . I was saddened to read your comments that we went at her hard and we all left for the other forum which is the furthest from the truth. We left because the Q was discontinuing the forums .
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@ANewHue wrote:
@hedge I feel I need to correct your comments regarding the situation with the voting thread involving a member. First of all the original post was argumentative to begin with. I along with several other posters attempted to explain the voting process which was clearly misunderstood after many years of voting /posting about it. We have been ONE group sharing our love for Wen/Chaz for many years . Although we have had “trolls” stir the pot we never experienced any of this from one of our own. We all care and know each other from posts throughout the many years and have formed friendships even though they are online. We know when someone is “kidding”. One of our longtime sweetest posters used a term meaning a term of endearment and it was obviously misconstrued. Like anything else It becomes a problem when a fine line is crossed and it becomes an obsession. We came here to share and have fun not to become competitive . I was saddened to read your comments that we went at her hard and we all left for the other forum which is the furthest from the truth. We left because the Q was discontinuing the forums .



I had to read your post twice to figure out your meaning. How could you think that happened here in WEN, or involved any of us?


Our mutual friend posts in other QVC Community forums besides WEN forum. The thread in which posters ganged up on her one morning and "slapped her back hard" was Pets, and mods mercifully poofed the whole thing.

I'd never seen anything like it. 

It's some of those posters who left for the other forum shortly after that, and they only post there now.


Days after the Pets thread our mutual friend started a thread (in Community Chat?) saying she was glad they were closing the forums, and referenced posters having attacked her the previous week.


I am totally confused and don't know how the WEN voting thread got brought in to this. I didn't bring it up, so who did? At the start of your post you're crediting me with making comments about the voting thread.


know the thread from last Sep by your description though. I'll have to look it up, as I haven't read it nor given it any thought since then.


So tell me, is someone using that voting thread to stir some pot of their own? I can't imagine how.

It's a big nothing-burger, and we all pretty much write the same thing every year. A Wenner writes they vote 5 times a day, or once a day, or once only. We each have our own way of voting. Repeat the following year.  

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@hedge please forgive me if I misunderstood your posts . But it did appear that you were bringing up that thread again. I reread it a few times . It’s been mentioned here and on the other forum multiple times I had no idea she posted on other forums. I know she was having dental work and originally I dismissed it and just chalked it up to that . It seems like yangya’s absence and when this thread appeared have been linked . i was upset because there was no malice to any of the posts on that thread and yangya should've known that . When I read that she was happy the forum (wen)were dissolving it was unsettling. We were always, to quote @quadmimi one happy family. Now @SurferWife was either deleted or deleted herself from the new forum. I would hate to think this had anything to do with it .

Deleted herself without any warning. So once again I apologize if I was incorrect assuming it was this thread you were mentioning. Just hoping we can all move on to one place again.