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@HonnyBrown wrote:

I had both a busy and lazy weekend, so I didn't cleanse at all.  I ended up cleansing this morning.


I used two pumps of FTP to dry prime my hair, then FTP and CA respectively to cleanse.


The dry prime detangled my curls in no time!  That was pretty impressive in itself.  By the time I did my first cleanse with FTP, I was easily able to run my fingers through my hair.


I did it for 5 minutes or so.  I can only imagine what magic an hour will do.


@HonnyBrown that's so great that the dry priming worked out so well. That it detangled your curls is a huge deal!!! 


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Glad for this post. I've never tried CA but thinking of buying it because its pops up on Chaz's site as my recommendation. Lavender works for my hair rut is CA more drying than Lav? Also, the word clarifying scares me a bit because have highlights in my hair & the word clarifying can strip color.

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@segrl21 wrote:

Glad for this post. I've never tried CA but thinking of buying it because its pops up on Chaz's site as my recommendation. Lavender works for my hair rut is CA more drying than Lav? Also, the word clarifying scares me a bit because have highlights in my hair & the word clarifying can strip color.


I have highlights as well and never had problems with CA (or any of the Wen formulas) stripping the color.

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@segrl21 wrote:

Glad for this post. I've never tried CA but thinking of buying it because its pops up on Chaz's site as my recommendation. Lavender works for my hair rut is CA more drying than Lav? Also, the word clarifying scares me a bit because have highlights in my hair & the word clarifying can strip color.

My hair has been (almost) every color under the sun and I've never had a problem with Wen stripping any of my color. 


My hair is fine in texture, but thick. My hair loves any combo of TT, SAM, CA and LAV. I'm not much of a "mixer", so I often use one formula for my first cleanse and one for my second. I generally use either TT or CA for my first cleanse, then follow with another formula (I really like SAM on the ends of my hair, especially in the winter). 

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@segrl21 wrote:

Glad for this post. I've never tried CA but thinking of buying it because its pops up on Chaz's site as my recommendation. Lavender works for my hair rut is CA more drying than Lav? Also, the word clarifying scares me a bit because have highlights in my hair & the word clarifying can strip color.

segr, that's why CA wasn't on my radar: it wasn't for my hair type.


I also put off trying FTP because so many reviews likened it to CA.  FTP turned out so well, it's my staple CC.


LAV turns my hair into a poof ball, so I can't help you on that one.


Give CA a try.

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@HonnyBrown I want to understand more about what you mean when you perform a dry prime. One of my biggest obstacles, is always detangling. Currently, I spray a ton of Carols Daughter Anti Breakage Spray in my hair and I comb through, to detangle.


How much CC are you using for your dry prime. My next questions is are you combing through to detangle or using your fingers.