Occasional Contributor
Posts: 17
Registered: ‎07-14-2012

Re: Please do a little research before buying the Keurig

Thank you for mentioning this very important issue! I own a larger Keurig, but my husband and I stopped using it a few years ago when we read that the milions of K-cups people use are not recycable;and they may wind up floating with other garbage in the ocean amongst other places our world's waste winds up. If we each do our part to recycle and purchase products which do not lead to unneccesary waste, togetherr we can help save our planet. 


PS: I did see special single serve pods at Bed Bath & Beyond which are indeed recycable, but they were very expensive. (Not by the Keurig's brand). I think it comes out to  $1.50  per cup to make coffee at home with the recycable pods! We decided to make coffee the old fashioned way. Please think about our beautiful planet before purchasing the keurig. : ) Happy New year!!! 

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 17
Registered: ‎07-14-2012

Re: Please do a little research before buying the Keurig

Thank you for mentioning this very important issue! I own a larger Keurig, but my husband and I stopped using it a few years ago when we read that the milions of K-cups people use are not recycable, and they wind up floating with other garbage in the ocean amongst other places our world's waste winds up. If we each do our part to recycle and purchase products which do not lead to unneccesary waste, together we can help save our planet. 


PS: I did see special single serve K-cup pods at Bed Bath & Beyond which are indeed recycable, but they were very expensive. (Not by the Keurig's brand). I think it comes out to  $1.50  per cup to make coffee at home with the recycable pods! We decided to make coffee the old fashioned way.  : )  

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 17
Registered: ‎07-14-2012

Re: Please do a little research before buying the Keurig

If you keep up with cleaining the keurig, it stays clean. Plus, I used vinegar to clean the Keurig, which is the safer method that Keurig recommends vs their cleaner. BUT, my husband and I stopped using our large convenient machine a few years ago when we realzied the K-cup pods are not recyacble. Such a wasteful process!!!! You are smart to use your drip coffee maker!! : )  Happy New Year! 

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Posts: 35,053
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Please do a little research before buying the Keurig

Do you use bath gel or soap that does not come in a wrapper?  


Do you order stuff that is shipped to you in individual boxes from certain retailers?  



Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,449
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Please do a little research before buying the Keurig

The K-Cup can be broken down into its parts and recycled. This would be a messy job.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 18,504
Registered: ‎05-23-2010

Re: Please do a little research before buying the Keurig

I have no idea what people are talking about with recyclable K-cups not made by Keurig being more expensive than Keurig-branded K-cups. I've never seen any that are MORE expensive - every one I've seen has been LESS expensive than Keurig cups.


Keurig now offers recyclable K-cups on their own brand that is the same price as their other K-cups.


For anyone to whom recycling K-cups is important, there are low cost/same cost options. If one is not into recycling everything, whether K-cups are recyclable or not is immaterial - they would most likely not recycle though they are able to.


You can't force or guilt people into recycling beyond local ordinances, not eating meat, spaying or neutering pets, not wearing fur, and a whole lot of other things. Admonishing people not to buy something that can't be recycled is pointless. 

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