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Is Sunday TSV another computer?

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Re: Is Sunday TSV another computer?

Thats what the schedule says.  This afternoon, Sharon went on to some length about Fashion Day continuing through tomorrow night.  However, the schedule has the usual computer TSV every other hour and ITKWD as usual.  I think Sharon missed the meeting. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Is Sunday TSV another computer?


On the home page, about half way down on the left side, there is a blue HP laptop shown as a TSV presale.  You can order it now if you'd like.

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Re: Is Sunday TSV another computer?

It seems every week we have a laptop...everyone should have one or two by now.

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Re: Is Sunday TSV another computer?

I was thinking it's been a while since there was a computer.

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Re: Is Sunday TSV another computer?

Ha - as much as I shop QVC, I have never purchased a computer from them - unti now! This is actually a really decent laptop for a great price! Home shopping networks have really been upping their game with their technology offerings. They used to seem to sell rather outdated models that I had no interest in - but if you go spec this one out on HP's own site (I did) - the same specs will run you nearly 1k. I really wish they didn't include all of the useless bloatware, but the 365 is a great add on. I got the lilac purple but that mint is pretty too! I'll have to control myself not to change it back and forth a thousand times today. And hey QVC - how about a yellow laptop sometime?? That's something you never see. All of the color offerings, while pretty, are really on the same color spectrum aside from the red that stands out. Would be nice to have some really different pops of color to choose from rather than all blues/greens/purples

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Re: Is Sunday TSV another computer?

Why anyone would buy any electronic from any shopping channel is beyond me! Older models with software that no one will need or want. BUYER BEWARE!

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Re: Is Sunday TSV another computer?

@apple1964 wrote:

Why anyone would buy any electronic from any shopping channel is beyond me! Older models with software that no one will need or want. BUYER BEWARE!

Most people don't know anything about buying tech products.

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Re: Is Sunday TSV another computer?

@apple1964 wrote:

Why anyone would buy any electronic from any shopping channel is beyond me! Older models with software that no one will need or want. BUYER BEWARE!

I'd normally agree but with this TSV that is not the case. My husband is a developer and tester and I am a graphic designer - we know our way around computers. This is not old technology and if you price the same specs at their website you'll pay almost $300 more just for the computer. Don't take my word for it though you can go there yourself and see the same thing. It's a good deal and current technology.

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Re: Is Sunday TSV another computer?

I agree with @ctinaw that it is one of the better computers that are usually offered. I kept looking at the screen but it looked off to me. Maybe if the brightness and color level was adjusted it would have shown much nicer. The specs on the description should have shown better on screen. I am looking for a newer laptop but so far this is the closest to what I am looking for. I will watch when the reviews come in. The TSV's haven't been upped much from the TSV price lately. Just my opinion.