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Re: Young and Restless...2023

@On It wrote:

I hope today's episode put the Aunt Jordan storyline to rest. It was not one I enjoyed. I guess now we will see how Claire finds her place in the family. I hope she has better luck than Adam.

Oh, I'm sure she'll do better than poor misbegotten Adam. She's the princess's little princess and Baby's blood grand daughter, and not the black sheep of the family. She saved Baby from Aunt Cray-Cray, after all. They took it over the top and wrapped up that ill conceived storyline quickly. These writers haven't got a clue how to craft and sustain a meaningful storyline. Wonder how long it'll take for Claire to start vying for CEO status, the only thing these writers seem to know how to write.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Young and Restless...2023

That guy who plays Victoria’s ex looks like a bum. He just looks like a vagrant and unhealthy…so..I did what I always do…I looked him up on the internet.

Evidently he is very, very (did I say very) thankful to his fans and the Y&R fans for requesting his presence back on the show.

His appreciation led me to wonder what he’s been doing up until now. Answer…I still don’t know.

I don’t find him attractive at all. He’s so skinny I keep thinking,
“Someone..please give the guy a donut!” He needs some chin on those bones.

I readily admit there were a few times over the years when I skipped out on Y&R because I was busy being a mom.

That said, I don’t remember Cole much at all. I just want this storyline to move on. It’s boring..really boring.

Oh! One more thing! I was impressed at how quickly Niki went from being extremely drunk to sobering up within minutes. Well, in hindsight maybe being almost chocked to death might help the sobering up time to shorten.

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Re: Young and Restless...2023

Not enjoying Cole either.


No flashbacks of Cole and Victoria in their younger days because the

Victoria back then was played by Heather Tom who is now on Bold and



Y&R-Hottest Stories Victoria & Cole (04-19-1994) SOU.jpg





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Re: Young and Restless...2023

@stevieb wrote:

@On It wrote:

I hope today's episode put the Aunt Jordan storyline to rest. It was not one I enjoyed. I guess now we will see how Claire finds her place in the family. I hope she has better luck than Adam.

Oh, I'm sure she'll do better than poor misbegotten Adam. She's the princess's little princess and Baby's blood grand daughter, and not the black sheep of the family. She saved Baby from Aunt Cray-Cray, after all. They took it over the top and wrapped up that ill conceived storyline quickly. These writers haven't got a clue how to craft and sustain a meaningful storyline. Wonder how long it'll take for Claire to start vying for CEO status, the only thing these writers seem to know how to write.


@stevieb  @On It   I wish for once we could see Adam on the show without that creepy/needy Sally tagging along.  Maybe Danny could have 3 different women after him, add her to the list.  I mean, she originally wanted Jack for gosh sakes. Cat Frustrated

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Re: Young and Restless...2023

I thought today's episode was a snooze fest for the most part.  Those scenes with Daniel, Heather and Lucy were silly and Daniel walking in on Christine and Danny - ugh!


The writers couldn't come up with something more interesting than Lauren and Michael's vow renewal?  Lauren needs to get rid of those awful hair extensions.


The only thing I found interesting was Ashley and Tucker's different version of what really happened in Paris.

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Re: Young and Restless...2023


@twinsister wrote:

I thought today's episode was a snooze fest for the most part.  Those scenes with Daniel, Heather and Lucy were silly and Daniel walking in on Christine and Danny - ugh!


The writers couldn't come up with something more interesting than Lauren and Michael's vow renewal?  Lauren needs to get rid of those awful hair extensions.


The only thing I found interesting was Ashley and Tucker's different version of what really happened in Paris.

Agree @twinsister this certainly was a snooze fest, but is was nice to see Gloria again.  Wish they'd give her, someone can act, much more airtime. 


I'd like to see Phyllis and Tucker hook up for two reasons:  first, like to see Ashley and clan pay for their deplorable actions; second, think of all the great situations that could comeWoman Frustrated (if the writers greatly improved)!


As far as the Christine.Danny thing let's make them one happy couple then scoot them out of GC forever!


That vow renewal was really dumb - with everyody just standing around as scenery!

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Re: Young and Restless...2023

I'm done watching for a while..Today's show was watching the same "adults" acting like 16 yr. olds...Seemed like a "repeat" of 40 yrs.ago only with wrinkles!..LOL

Guess Danny is stuck in a time warp..still calling Christine "Cricket" all the time.


Have a Happy and Healthy New Year everyone!..Hoping the new year brings some new storylines..Ok I'm dreaming!

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Re: Young and Restless...2023

@Jo1313 wrote:

I'm done watching for a while..Today's show was watching the same "adults" acting like 16 yr. olds...Seemed like a "repeat" of 40 yrs.ago only with wrinkles!..LOL

Guess Danny is stuck in a time warp..still calling Christine "Cricket" all the time.


Have a Happy and Healthy New Year everyone!..Hoping the new year brings some new storylines..Ok I'm dreaming!



@Jo1313   We'll miss you here!  Don't be gone too long.  Happy healthy 2024 to you too.Heart

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Re: Young and Restless...2023

@twinsister wrote:


The only thing I found interesting was Ashley and Tucker's different version of what really happened in Paris.


@twinsister Remember years ago when Ashley had a "break"
from reality and everyone was worried about her when she lost a baby (I think)?


Well, she lost Tucker supposedly the love of her life, SOOOO...maybe his version is correct and she's starting to lose it again. Cat Surprised

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Re: Young and Restless...2023

Just watched today's old episode and lo and behold, the ending showed exactly what I was talking about regarding Ashley!!


So maybe there really will be a connection.  If so, Tucker's not going anywhere. Cat Very Happy