That guy who plays Victoria’s ex looks like a bum. He just looks like a vagrant and unhealthy…so..I did what I always do…I looked him up on the internet.
Evidently he is very, very (did I say very) thankful to his fans and the Y&R fans for requesting his presence back on the show.
His appreciation led me to wonder what he’s been doing up until now. Answer…I still don’t know.
I don’t find him attractive at all. He’s so skinny I keep thinking,
“Someone..please give the guy a donut!” He needs some chin on those bones.
I readily admit there were a few times over the years when I skipped out on Y&R because I was busy being a mom.
That said, I don’t remember Cole much at all. I just want this storyline to move on. It’s boring..really boring.
Oh! One more thing! I was impressed at how quickly Niki went from being extremely drunk to sobering up within minutes. Well, in hindsight maybe being almost chocked to death might help the sobering up time to shorten.