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Re: Young and Restless...2023

I hope they don't drag out this CK story line too long because it's nauseating.


I barely remember those "flashbacks" of CK and Sharon and Nick.  Overall, why bring this up again....pleeeeez, let it go quick. Cat Mad



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Re: Young and Restless...2023

You can watch on cbs website and with so much to skip easily get through episodes in 15 mins or less. I have no memory so must not have watched while the Sharon stuff was going on but I got such a belly laugh during the parachute out of the plane flashback. 

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Re: Young and Restless...2023

@leigh    I guess they got "sky diving" off their bucket lists! Cat LOLWoman LOLCat LOL

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Re: Young and Restless...2023

Are ALL writers on strike? Including Soap writers?

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Re: Young and Restless...2023

@RU4 real wrote:

Are ALL writers on strike? Including Soap writers?

Yes, but most days it is hard to tell the differnce.

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Re: Young and Restless...2023

[ Edited ]

Ashley has a totally inappropriate obsession with Jack's love life.  She doesn't have to live in that mausoleum so I can't imagine why she stays.  I sure would move before I subjected myself to sickening Jack and Diane, so dull.  Yes, the writers must be off the job because the storyline is stale.  Phyllis is a certified wacko.  Sigh.

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Re: Young and Restless...2023

They are alienating viewers like me. This is way before my time and, while I appreciate the flashbacks, can we get current? We're already redoing the Diane storyline with Phyllis and now this Cameron guy? It sounds like JT and Victoria to me.


And someone explain why Nick didn't just make a citizen's arrest at Crimson Lights and call Chance to lock Cameron up after he touched aka assaulted Sharon and her sugar? 

Before the strike, there was one, count them, one breakdown writer as they fired all the other ones which is one reason the writers went out on strike. One person can't write 30 plus characters. I'm a published author. I know. It's insane. They need to staff the writer's rooms appropriately once again. 

The soaps should be going dark once they run out of new episodes shot before the strike which will be shortly. The actors union, SAG, is about to strike now as well. Enjoy it or not while you can. 

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Re: Young and Restless...2023

@Laura14  wrote:  And someone explain why Nick didn't just make a citizen's arrest at Crimson Lights and call Chance to lock Cameron up after he touched aka assaulted Sharon and her sugar?


This cracked me up!!  Haha...."Sharon and her sugar"!  And why didn't Nick come running as soon as he heard the glass sugar container smashing onto the floor?  

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Re: Young and Restless...2023

@Lovepups So you feel me and I'm okay. Good. This is why I am glad to share this thread.

This man also approached your daughter, Nick, and you restrain yourself? You killed Ashland for raising his voice at your sister, but your daughter hugs her cat. 

Speaking of, anyone think Borgnine is not long for the soap world? I don't think he's on contract so he may be Cameron's next victim... Cat Surprised


If only Nick had taken a swing. I think this is also prep for a Nick and Sharon reunion while Adam gets his redhead back. Sally is going to be working for McCall and decorating wherever Adam lives now before she knows it. 

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Re: Young and Restless...2023

@Laura14  Undoubtedly, you are correct on all fronts.


I know it's just a show, but it'll still affect me when the cat gets killed.  Give me a break!! Cat Mad